Game on April 1, 2021 at 22:42, 5 players
1. 322 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 162 pts sunshine12
3. 152 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 64 64
2. 11E 36 100
3. 14F 74 174
4. 8A 83 257
5. I1 71 328
6. 1E 101 429
7. 4B 74 503
8. 15L 43 546
9. L5 72 618
10. K4 43 661
11. 8K 39 700
12. 12J 47 747
13. G7 54 801
14. 5C 21 822
15. 13M 36 858
16. 1E 51 909
17. 12B 40 949
18. 3A 28 977
19. B6 42 1019
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7290 GLOBEMAN 3 8:55 -697 322 1.7290 GLOBEMAN 3 8:55 -697 322
2.7311 sunshine12 1 4:54 -857 162 2.7311 sunshine12 1 4:54 -857 162
3.7962 roocatcher 0 4:56 -867 152 3.7962 roocatcher 0 4:56 -867 152
4. - AMYtheROO 1 2:02 -966 53 Group: not rated
5. - chunk88 0 0:45 -1007 12 1. - AMYtheROO 1 2:02 -966 53
2. - chunk88 0 0:45 -1007 12
On 1st draw, ENA(T)ION H7 64 --- ENATION an outgrowth from the surface of an organ [n]
Other tops: AEONI(A)N H2 64, AEONI(A)N H3 64, AEONI(A)N H4 64, AEONI(A)N H6 64, AEONI(A)N H8 64, ENA(T)ION H2 64, ENA(T)ION H3 64, ENA(T)ION H4 64, ENA(T)ION H6 64, ENA(T)ION H8 64, (A)EONIAN H2 64, (A)EONIAN H3 64, (A)EONIAN H6 64, (A)EONIAN H7 64, (A)EONIAN H8 64, (G)ANOINE H2 64, (G)ANOINE H3 64, (G)ANOINE H6 64, (G)ANOINE H7 64, (G)ANOINE H8 64
Other moves: AEONI(A)N H5 62, AEONI(A)N H7 62, ENA(T)ION H5 62, (A)EONIAN H4 62, (A)EONIAN H5 62
On 2nd draw, PERINEA 11E 36 --- PERINEUM a region of the body at the lower end of the trunk [n]
Other moves: WAP G7 33, REWAN I7 30, ENWRAP G4 27, RENEW I5 27, REWAN G5 27
On 3rd draw, COSTATE 14F 74 --- COSTATE having a rib or ribs [adj]
Other tops: CONSTATE 13F 74
Other moves: COSTATE G2 66, COSTATE I2 66, COSTATE G1 64, COSTATE I1 64, ECOSTATE 7H 64
On 4th draw, COUNTIAN 8A 83 --- COUNTIAN a resident of a county [n]
Other moves: AUCTION G1 66, AUCTION I1 66, CAUTION G1 64, CAUTION I1 64, CONTINUA 8C 61
On 5th draw, STADIUM I1 71 --- STADIUM a structure in which athletic events are held [n]
Other moves: TAEDIUMS 7F 70, DUMAIST I1 67, AMIDS 15K 42, DATUMS 15J 38, DA(T)UM 10F 38
On 6th draw, OVE(R)STAY 1E 101 --- OVERSTAY to stay beyond the limits or duration of [v]
Other moves: OVATE(L)Y L6 85, AVOYE(R)S 1C 48, OVA(L)ITY 5E 48, VAST(L)Y 1G 45, VEST(R)Y 1G 45
On 7th draw, SAGGERED 4B 74 --- SAGGER to bake in a protective clay casing [v]
Other moves: REGAUGES C4 63, OVE(R)STAYERS 1E 48, RAGGIES 5E 36, SAGGIER 5E 36, GEARES 15J 32
OVE(R)STAYERS 1E 48 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
On 8th draw, MOVE 15L 43 --- MOVE to change from one position to another [v]
Other moves: OMENS 15K 39, VENOM 10B 38, MONIES 15J 36, EONISM 15J 34, MEIN 15L 34
MOVE 15L 43 sunshine12
On 9th draw, FEDERAL L5 72 --- FEDERAL a supporter of a type of central government [n]
Other moves: FA(T)ED 10F 44, FE(T)ED 10F 44, FARED 10J 36, ALFREDO M9 35, FARDEL 10J 35
FLARED 10J 35 sunshine12, roocatcher
On 10th draw, BOWED K4 43 --- BOW to bend forward [v]
Other moves: WIPED K4 42, BIPED K4 40, BIPOD K4 40, BOWIE K4 40, BE(T)ID 10F 38
BOW 10D 33 roocatcher
On 11th draw, DEXIE 8K 39 --- DEXIE a tablet of dex [n]
Other tops: HEX 12D 39, IBEX 12C 39
Other moves: BEATH 10J 36, XI 7C 36, IBEX 2B 35, HEX 13L 34, HEART 10J 33
XI 7C 36 roocatcher, sunshine12
On 12th draw, DISK 12J 47 --- DISK to break up land with a type of farm implement [v]
Other moves: SKID 12L 46, RISK 12J 44, SKIT 12L 42, TSK 12K 40, SIK 12L 38
On 13th draw, HAJ G7 54 --- HAJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: RAJ G7 42, FAH G7 38, HAJI 9G 35, HAJ 9G 34, FRAU 10J 33
On 14th draw, RUIN 5C 21 --- RUIN to destroy [v]
Other tops: NOIR 5C 21, NOUT 5C 21, RIOT 5C 21, ROIN 5C 21, ROUT 5C 21, TOUN 5C 21, TOUR 5C 21, TRIO 5B 21
Other moves: TURION 12A 20, RIOT 9L 19, RUNT 9L 19, ION 13M 18, ORT 13M 18
(T)OR 10H 12 chunk88
On 15th draw, YOW 13M 36 --- YOW to yowl [v]
Other moves: PIOY 10C 34, YIP 13M 34, YOB 13M 34, YOW 10D 34, BOW 10D 33
On 16th draw, OVE(R)STAYING 1E 51 --- OVERSTAY to stay beyond the limits or duration of [v]
Other moves: QUOIN B6 36, QUIN N6 33, QUIN 12C 32, QUIN 2B 28, QI 12D 26
On 17th draw, FAQIR 12B 40 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: FAQIR 2A 36, FRAIL 10J 36, FRAP 10J 35, FRA 10J 32, PILAF 12B 29
On 18th draw, HUB 3A 28 --- HUB the center of a wheel [n]
Other tops: HOB 3A 28, HOP 3A 28, HUP 3A 28
Other moves: HOP 9A 27, HUP 9A 27, PHO 9B 27, BOP 3A 26, PUB 3A 26
On 19th draw, PLOTZ B6 42 --- PLOTZ to be overwhelmed by an emotion [v]
Other moves: ZED J10 33, ZOOT B6 33, LIP 13C 32, TIP 13C 32, ZOO B6 32
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