Game on April 7, 2021 at 21:05, 8 players
1. 503 pts Xuincunx
2. 261 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 193 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H6 76 76
2. 6H 62 138
3. O1 45 183
4. 13D 71 254
5. 11E 82 336
6. 14I 52 388
7. 15E 36 424
8. 12L 40 464
9. L1 78 542
10. N10 58 600
11. 1F 36 636
12. O12 41 677
13. 8A 86 763
14. 8J 39 802
15. A1 95 897
16. 7C 43 940
17. 10B 37 977
18. E5 28 1005
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.8781 Xuincunx 6 13:08 -502 503 1.8781 Xuincunx 6 13:08 -502 503
2.7244 GLOBEMAN 1 9:07 -744 261 2.8104 roocatcher 0 3:09 -889 116
3.7238 sunshine12 1 7:37 -812 193 Group: advanced
4.8104 roocatcher 0 3:09 -889 116 1.7244 GLOBEMAN 1 9:07 -744 261
5.7576 FangTooth 0 1:52 -950 55 2.7238 sunshine12 1 7:37 -812 193
6.7742 TWEEKS 0 1:40 -968 37 3.7576 FangTooth 0 1:52 -950 55
7.7898 WEASEL 0 1:26 -974 31 4.7742 TWEEKS 0 1:40 -968 37
8.7238 mousecat 0 1:57 -981 24 5.7898 WEASEL 0 1:26 -974 31
6.7238 mousecat 0 1:57 -981 24
On 1st draw, (F)ORESAY H6 76 --- FORESAY to predict [v]
Other tops: ROSE(B)AY H6 76
Other moves: A(V)OYERS H2 70, A(V)OYERS H4 70, A(V)OYERS H6 70, A(V)OYERS H7 70, A(V)OYERS H8 70
On 2nd draw, (F)INIALED 6H 62 --- FINIAL a decorating on the top of a gable [adj] --- FINIALED having a finial [adj]
Other moves: LADEN G7 23, AILED I9 21, ALINED G4 21, DEAN G9 21, DINE I9 21
On 3rd draw, WARPED O1 45 --- WARP to turn or twist out of shape [v]
Other moves: POWDER O3 39, POWRED O1 39, UPDRAW O4 39, UPDREW O4 39, UPWARD O1 39
On 4th draw, BATISTE 13D 71 --- BATISTE a sheer fabric [n]
Other tops: BISTATE 13F 71
Other moves: BEATIEST N5 66, BEATIEST 9C 65, BEATIEST 9G 65, BATISTES 10A 64, BATISTES 10D 64
On 5th draw, DETAIN(E)E 11E 82 --- DETAINEE one who is detained [n]
Other tops: DETAINE(D) 11E 82, DETAINE(E) 11E 82, DETAINE(R) 11E 82, DIETINE(S) K5 82, D(E)TAINEE 11E 82, ENTAI(L)ED 11E 82, (D)ETAINED 11E 82, (L)INEATED 11D 82, (R)ETAINED 11E 82
Other moves: EN(D)ITED 14A 81, (L)ENITED 14A 81, (S)TEINED 14A 81, RE(S)IDENT 8H 80, ENDITE(D) 14A 79
On 6th draw, OX 14I 52 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: XI 14J 50, BOX 5I 48, TIX 5I 42, OX 5J 38, XI 12L 36
OX 14I 52 Xuincunx
On 7th draw, VOLVE 15E 36 --- VOLVE to turn over [v]
Other tops: WOLVE 15E 36, WOVEN 15E 36
Other moves: ENOW 15H 34, LOWES 10D 34, OWES 10E 33, VOW 10D 33, VOW 15G 33
ENOW 15H 34 Xuincunx
On 8th draw, HAWM 12L 40 --- HAWM to lounge about [v]
Other moves: MUSHA 10F 39, WASH 10F 38, HAW G7 37, WASM 10F 36, HUMA 5I 35
HAWM 12L 40 Xuincunx
WASH 10F 38 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 9th draw, DOORCASE L1 78 --- DOORCASE the frame of a door [n]
SCOWDER N9 38 Xuincunx
SCORED 10A 29 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 10th draw, HOWZIT N10 58 --- HOWZIT (South Africa) how are you? [interj]
Other moves: DZHO 12A 46, ZO N2 46, FIZ 10L 44, FOWTH N10 44, ZO G7 44
HOWZIT N10 58 Xuincunx
On 11th draw, TRUNKED 1F 36 --- TRUNK the main stem of a tree [adj] --- TRUNKED having a trunk [adj]
Other moves: TUSKER 10F 31, NUKED 1H 30, UNKED 1H 30, KEN G7 29, KET G7 29
KUE G7 29 Xuincunx
On 12th draw, MODI O12 41 --- MODUS a mode [n]
Other tops: MODE O12 41
Other moves: DOGEY 10B 38, GEY 2H 37, G*YGOY 2H 37, DZO 13M 36, OYES 10E 33
MODE O12 41 GLOBEMAN, Xuincunx, sunshine12
On 13th draw, CLANGOUR 8A 86 --- CLANGOUR to clang loudly [v]
Other moves: CLANGOUR 4E 62, AAL M12 34, AA M12 28, AZO 13M 28, CALO 12A 26
AAL M12 34 Xuincunx
OCA O8 20 sunshine12
On 14th draw, PREFAB 8J 39 --- PREFAB to construct beforehand [v]
Other tops: BISMAR 10F 39
Other moves: FRAIM 10B 37, APISM 10E 34, PRIMAS 10C 31, ABRIM 10B 30, BIMA 12A 30
AA M12 28 Xuincunx, sunshine12
On 15th draw, SYNERGIC A1 95 --- SYNERGIC pertaining to synergy [adj] --- SYNERGY combined action [adj]
Other moves: GREYINGS E2 76, SYNERGIA C1 76, RESAYING C5 67, REINVOLVE 15A 48, GEY 2H 37
SYNERGIC A1 45 Xuincunx
GEY 2H 37 sunshine12, roocatcher, TWEEKS
On 16th draw, JEAT 7C 43 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other moves: JUT G7 39, JA N2 38, JA 7C 36, AA M12 28, AZO 13M 28
JUT G7 39 Xuincunx
JAI 14B 24 roocatcher, FangTooth
On 17th draw, FLEAM 10B 37 --- FLEAM a lancet for bleeding horses [n]
Other moves: AAL M12 34, LIFES 10D 34, FLAMES 10C 32, ALEF 10C 31, ALIF 10C 31
FLEAM 10B 37 Xuincunx
GIF 10D 31 FangTooth, roocatcher, WEASEL
On 18th draw, QUAG E5 28 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QI 5I 24, FUNGI B10 18, QI 2E 17, QUIN I4 17, INGENUE D4 16
QUAG E5 28 Xuincunx
QI 5I 24 roocatcher, mousecat
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