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Game on April 10, 2021 at 17:42, 5 players
1. 532 pts Puincunx
2. 29 pts bt69
3. 28 pts Octopus8

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeillnr   H3    66    66   ralline
 2. aefhmqt   G7    49   115   qat
 3. adehioo   3H    28   143   rhodie
 4. ?beilpx   M3    69   212   expiable
 5. afinnrs  N10    45   257   fains
 6. ?abjmou   8A    63   320   jambolan
 7. aaloort   I8    29   349   altar
 8. agnstuy  11E    44   393   guanays
 9. acgkotu   L1    44   437   kuia
10. ceinost   O4    86   523   notices
11. ehiosuz   K3    55   578   dzhos
12. egmrtuy   1L    33   611   kyte
13. deeeirt  14H    61   672   reediest
14. deiouvv  15D    39   711   dovie
15. aemorru   9A    36   747   ormer
16. aeoprtw  12F    36   783   prorate
17. dginouu  13C    29   812   ungod
18. cefinuw  10A    37   849   ef
19. cginuvw   4B    26   875   vicugna

Remaining tiles: iww

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.  -  FilePuincunx    3 13:42  -343  532     1.8673 Octopus8    0  0:47  -847   28 
  2.  -  Filebt69        0  1:57  -846   29     2.8014 Mycophot    0  1:21  -847   28 
  3.8673 FileOctopus8    0  0:47  -847   28            Group: advanced
  4.7485 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:02  -847   28     1.7485 moonmonkey  0  1:02  -847   28 
  5.8014 FileMycophot    0  1:21  -847   28            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Puincunx    3 13:42  -343  532 
                                             2.  -  bt69        0  1:57  -846   29 

On 1st draw, RALLINE H3 66 --- RALLINE pertaining to a family of marsh birds [adj]
Other tops: RALLINE H2 66, RALLINE H4 66, RALLINE H6 66, RALLINE H7 66, RALLINE H8 66
Other moves: RALLINE H5 64, ALINER H3 14, ALINER H4 14, ALINER H7 14, ALINER H8 14

On 2nd draw, QAT G7 49 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: FEHM I7 40, HAFT G7 38, HEFT G7 38, FAH I7 37, FEH I7 37

On 3rd draw, RHODIE 3H 28 --- RHODIE a rhododendron [n]
Other moves: HOODIER 3B 24, DAH F8 22, HADE F8 21, HAD F8 20, HAILED 5E 20

On 4th draw, EXPI(A)BLE M3 69 --- EXPIABLE capable of being expiated [adj]
Other moves: PILLB(O)X 5E 68, PIXEL 2J 64, PIXEL(S) 2J 64, PIXE(L) 2J 62, PIXE(S) 2J 62
PIXEL 2J 64 Puincunx

On 5th draw, FAINS N10 45 --- FAIN to delight in [v]
Other tops: FAIRS N10 45, FIARS N10 45, FIRNS N10 45
Other moves: SIF I7 37, NAIFS N7 36, NAIF N7 35, FRA N6 32, IFS N5 32
FIRNS N10 45 Puincunx

On 6th draw, JAMBO(L)AN 8A 63 --- JAMBOLAN the rose-apple tree [n]
Other moves: JAB 2J 60, JAM 2J 60, JOB 2J 60, J(A)B 2J 58, J(A)M 2J 58
JAM 2J 60 Puincunx
JUM(P)S 14J 29 bt69

On 7th draw, ALTAR I8 29 --- ALTAR a raised structure used in worship [n]
Other moves: ALAR I8 28, ALTO I8 28, ARIA L1 28, OLIO L1 28, RAIA L1 28
ARIA L1 28 Puincunx

On 8th draw, GUANAYS 11E 44 --- GUANAY a Peruvian cormorant [n]
Other moves: STAY J8 42, ANGSTY O6 41, GUSTY O7 38, GUTSY O7 38, STAG J8 38
GUSTY O7 38 Puincunx

On 9th draw, KUIA L1 44 --- KUIA an elderly Maori woman [n]
Other moves: OKA 2I 41, KAT 2J 38, KOA 2J 38, KA 2J 35, KO 2J 35
OKA 2I 41 Puincunx

On 10th draw, NOTICES O4 86 --- NOTICE to become aware of [v]
Other moves: COONTIES J1 84, NOTICES 13C 83, CENTIMOS C3 78, ACONITES B8 74, CANOEIST B7 74
NOTICES O4 36 Puincunx

On 11th draw, DZHOS K3 55 --- DZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: DZHO K3 53, ZOS J6 52, ZHOS 7B 48, DZOS K3 47, DZO K3 45
ZOS J6 52 Puincunx

On 12th draw, KYTE 1L 33 --- KYTE the stomach [n]
Other moves: GUY 10D 31, TERGUM 10A 30, TYER 9B 30, GYRE 12G 29, EMU J5 28
KYTE 1L 33 Puincunx

On 13th draw, REEDIEST 14H 61 --- REEDY abounding in reeds [adj]
Other moves: EMERIED C7 24, MERITED C8 22, METERED C8 22, MITERED C8 22, REEDIT 12A 21

On 14th draw, DOVIE 15D 39 --- DOVIE stupid [adj]
Other moves: VIVE 15E 36, VIED 15F 33, DIVE 15E 30, DOVE 15E 30, VIDE 15E 30
VIVE 15E 36 Puincunx
DOTE O12 28 Octopus8, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 15th draw, ORMER 9A 36 --- ORMER an abalone [n]
Other tops: ARMER 9A 36, ARMOR 9A 36
Other moves: AMU J5 28, ARM 9A 28, EMO J5 28, EMU J5 28, RAMEN 13J 27
EMO J5 28 Puincunx

On 16th draw, PRORATE 12F 36 --- PRORATE to divide proportionately [v]
Other moves: AWE J5 34, OWE J5 34, AW 2I 31, AW J5 31, OW 2I 31
AWE J5 34 Puincunx

On 17th draw, UNGOD 13C 29 --- UNGOD to make godless [v]
Other moves: UDO J5 22, UNGOD 14A 20, DINGO 13B 19, OD 2I 19, OD J5 19

On 18th draw, EF 10A 37 --- EF the letter F [n]
Other moves: FENI 12A 28, FINE 12A 28, WE J6 28, WINE 12A 28, NIFE 15J 27
EF 10A 37 Puincunx

On 19th draw, VICUGNA 4B 26 --- VICUGNA a ruminant mammal [n]
Other moves: VICUNA 4C 22, VINCA 4D 20, UG 2I 19, UG J5 19, VIGOR E5 18

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