Game on April 10, 2021 at 20:42, 5 players
1. 370 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 269 pts sunshine12
3. 191 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 40 40
2. G6 31 71
3. 10D 28 99
4. 11E 40 139
5. 12A 108 247
6. A12 33 280
7. 11I 72 352
8. B7 84 436
9. 8A 45 481
10. O10 30 511
11. E1 70 581
12. 2B 28 609
13. L9 32 641
14. 4H 26 667
15. 1E 28 695
16. 2I 58 753
17. 4A 22 775
18. N13 28 803
19. 1L 47 850
20. 3B 42 892
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.7287 GLOBEMAN 2 12:20 -522 370 1.8096 roocatcher 2 4:55 -701 191
2.7235 sunshine12 3 7:49 -623 269 Group: advanced
3.8096 roocatcher 2 4:55 -701 191 1.7287 GLOBEMAN 2 12:20 -522 370
4.7630 enzotiger 2 6:11 -723 169 2.7235 sunshine12 3 7:49 -623 269
5. - Suincunx 0 1:53 -870 22 3.7630 enzotiger 2 6:11 -723 169
Group: not rated
1. - Suincunx 0 1:53 -870 22
On 1st draw, JETON H4 40 --- JETON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other moves: JETON H8 26, JETON H5 24, JETON H6 24, JETON H7 24, JEON H5 22
On 2nd draw, SHIV G6 31 --- SHIV a knife [n] --- SHIV to knife [v]
Other moves: SHIM G6 29, HOLISM 9D 28, HIMS G7 27, HOLISM G7 27, HOLISM I7 27
On 3rd draw, (T)OWAGE 10D 28 --- TOWAGE the price paid for towing [n]
Other tops: JAWE(D) 4H 28, JOWA(R) 4H 28, JOWE(D) 4H 28, WA(H)OO 10F 28, WA(Z)OO 10F 28, (C)OWAGE 10D 28
Other moves: GOWA(N) 10D 27, WAGE 10F 27, WAGE(D) 10F 27, WAGE(R) 10F 27, WAGE(S) 10F 27
On 4th draw, DOH 11E 40 --- DOH a musical note [n]
Other moves: HOARD 11G 38, HOD 11G 28, HOAR 11G 27, HORA 11G 27, ODAH 11B 27
On 5th draw, KID(L)ETS 12A 108 --- KIDLET a little child [n]
Other moves: KI(N)DEST 12B 101, SKI(R)TED 12G 98, STI(C)KED 12G 90, KID(L)ETS F2 87, KID(L)ETS J4 79
D(A)KS 12D 45 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 6th draw, KIEF A12 33 --- KIEF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other tops: KAIF A12 33
Other moves: FAINE B10 32, FAINT B10 32, FEINT B10 32, INTAKE A8 30, AKITA A11 27
KIEF A12 33 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 7th draw, SUBRING 11I 72 --- SUBRING a subset of a mathematical ring that is itself a ring [n]
Other moves: BRINS B10 32, BINGS J6 28, BRIGS J6 28, BUNGS J6 28, BURGS J6 28
BRIGS J6 28 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 8th draw, TAMARIND B7 84 --- TAMARIND a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: TAMARIND M6 76, MANDARIN 8A 39, AMRITA B9 34, TANGRAM O8 33, TRANGAM O7 33
GRAMA O11 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 9th draw, WAIVE 8A 45 --- WAIVE to give up intentionally [v]
Other moves: VITAE A4 44, VAWNTIE N8 42, VITAE A6 38, AWETO A5 36, OVATE A5 36
WAVE 8A 33 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 10th draw, IGAPOS O10 30 --- IGAPO a flooded forest [n]
Other tops: PARGOS O8 30
Other moves: APO F5 28, JARPS 4H 28, GAPOS O11 27, GOOPS O11 27, GORPS O11 27
On 11th draw, PELERINE E1 70 --- PELERINE a woman's cape [n]
Other moves: PERNIO 14J 28, PEEN 12J 26, LEEP F3 23, LERP F3 23, NEEP F3 23
On 12th draw, ARDEB 2B 28 --- ARDEB an Egyptian unit of capacity [n]
Other moves: BARNED 2A 26, BURNED 2A 26, UNBRED 2A 26, BAD D4 25, BUD D4 25
On 13th draw, QORMA L9 32 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: PALM 1E 28, PONGA 1E 28, MAG D4 25, MOG D4 25, PANG 1E 25
PONGA 1E 28 roocatcher
On 14th draw, JILTER 4H 26 --- JILTER one that jilts [n]
Other tops: JITTER 4H 26
Other moves: JUREL 4H 24, LIRI M8 19, TETRI M5 19, UTERI M5 19, ETUI M6 18
RIEL M10 18 roocatcher
On 15th draw, PATINE 1E 28 --- PATINE to cover with a patina [v]
Other tops: PANTIE 1E 28
Other moves: PAINT 1E 25, PATEN 1E 25, PATIN 1E 25, INIA M9 23, DENET D2 22
PATINE 1E 28 roocatcher, sunshine12, enzotiger
On 16th draw, OXEYE 2I 58 --- OXEYE a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: OXY 2I 56, EXUL 2I 54, EXO 2I 53, EX 2I 52, OX 2I 52
OXY 2I 56 enzotiger, roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 17th draw, COGUE 4A 22 --- COGUE a type of wooden vessel [n]
Other tops: COULEE 4A 22
Other moves: CLEAT 13I 20, CLOTE 4A 20, TEACUP 13J 20, COTEAU 13H 18, ECO 1M 17
GEO 1A 16 enzotiger
On 18th draw, OYE N13 28 --- OYE a grandchild [n]
Other moves: AYE 1A 25, AYU 1A 25, LYE 1A 25, OYE 1A 25, TYE 1A 25
YEA M13 22 enzotiger, Suincunx
On 19th draw, FAUN 1L 47 --- FAUN a woodland deity of Roman mythology [n]
Other tops: FAUT 1L 47
Other moves: FAUNULES 15H 36, FIAT M10 35, FAN 1L 24, FAT 1L 24, FA 1L 23
FAUN 1L 47 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, enzotiger
On 20th draw, ZA 3B 42 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: ZA 1A 35, LUZ J4 32, TZAR K4 26, ZA 1B 24, ZEST I9 23
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