Game on April 19, 2021 at 14:49, 7 players
1. 31 pts bt69
2. 20 pts moonmonkey
3. 20 pts Xuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 46 46
2. 9G 78 124
3. K5 90 214
4. 11G 64 278
5. O7 51 329
6. H11 33 362
7. 12H 28 390
8. L1 30 420
9. 15H 95 515
10. 14G 39 554
11. 1H 33 587
12. 6J 23 610
13. N10 22 632
14. I3 29 661
15. 10A 68 729
16. A9 39 768
17. B14 23 791
18. 2K 39 830
19. O1 30 860
20. A7 42 902
21. 13A 24 926
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1. - bt69 0 1:53 -895 31 1.8811 Xuincunx 0 0:54 -906 20
2.7882 moonmonkey 0 0:25 -906 20 2.8381 Mycophot 0 1:23 -906 20
3.8811 Xuincunx 0 0:54 -906 20 3.8675 Zuincunx 0 1:25 -906 20
4.8381 Mycophot 0 1:23 -906 20 4.8432 Octopus8 0 1:42 -906 20
5.8675 Zuincunx 0 1:25 -906 20 Group: advanced
6.8432 Octopus8 0 1:42 -906 20 1.7882 moonmonkey 0 0:25 -906 20
7.7656 queen66 0 1:58 -906 20 2.7656 queen66 0 1:58 -906 20
Group: not rated
1. - bt69 0 1:53 -895 31
On 1st draw, Q(U)OTE H4 46 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other moves: Q(U)OTE H8 28, TOQ(U)E H4 28, TOQ(U)E H8 28, Q(U)OTE H5 26, Q(U)OTE H6 26
On 2nd draw, GROUPIE 9G 78 --- GROUPIE a female follower of rock groups [n]
Other moves: PIROGUE 9F 76, PIROGUE G6 71, PIROGUE I6 71, PIROGUE G8 66, PORTIGUE 7E 63
On 3rd draw, TITUP(I)NG K5 90 --- TITUP to prance [v]
Other tops: T(I)TUPING K5 90
Other moves: QUITT(I)NG 4H 88, QU(I)TTING 4H 88, TITU(L)ING L8 72, TITU(P)ING L8 72, TUT(S)ING N6 71
On 4th draw, TOKENISM 11G 64 --- TOKENISM the policy of making only a superficial effort [n]
Other moves: MISQ(U)OTER H1 57, SOM(I)TE 10H 44, MIKE J4 40, MOKIS 10D 39, EIKS J4 38
On 5th draw, JIAOS O7 51 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: JOES O8 48, JOES N6 38, SJOE O11 34, ASIAGO 12G 33, JIAOS 12D 31
On 6th draw, OPTED H11 33 --- OPT to choose [v]
Other tops: WIPED 12D 33
Other moves: WIPED J2 32, WITED J2 30, PIOTED 12C 29, PIOTED L1 29, TOWED 12D 29
On 7th draw, PARGO 12H 28 --- PARGO a food fish [n]
Other tops: FREESIA M7 28, INFO I4 28, PINGO 12H 28
Other moves: AFIRE I2 26, FAINE L1 26, FERIA L1 26, FRENA L1 26, FINE I3 25
On 8th draw, YERBA L1 30 --- YERBA a South American beverage resembling tea [n]
Other moves: BEATY 13E 29, BARYE L1 28, RARITY 13D 28, TYE 13H 27, ARTY 13F 26
On 9th draw, DREADFUL 15H 95 --- DREADFUL a publication containing sensational material [n]
Other moves: DREADFUL 15D 65, FEUDARY 1F 42, DEAFLY 1G 39, DEFRAY 1G 39, FLEURY 1G 36
On 10th draw, REEFY 14G 39 --- REEFY abounding in ridges of rock [adj]
Other tops: FEYS M2 39
Other moves: FIERY 2J 38, YFERE 2J 38, FEY M2 34, FIERES 2J 34, FY 14J 34
On 11th draw, SAVOY 1H 33 --- SAVOY a variety of cabbage [n]
Other tops: HYSON 1K 33
Other moves: YAHS 1L 30, VISON 6J 29, HA J6 28, HAVENS 2I 28, HM N10 28
On 12th draw, CIST 6J 23 --- CIST a prehistoric stone coffin [n]
Other tops: ACTINS I1 23, CITS I3 23
Other moves: CIS 6J 22, CITRUS 3I 22, COULIS 6G 21, ACTIN I1 20, ASCI I1 20
On 13th draw, MM N10 22 --- MM used to express assent or satisfaction [interj]
Other tops: MO 10N 22
Other moves: OM 14M 21, MIR I3 20, NIM I3 20, RIM I3 20, ALOIN I1 18
MI I3 18 bt69
On 14th draw, CINE I3 29 --- CINE a motion picture [n]
Other moves: DINE I3 27, LINE I3 25, CLERID 3I 24, DEI M2 19, DEICE 2K 19
IN 14M 13 bt69
On 15th draw, VALONEA 10A 68 --- VALONEA a tanning material [n]
Other moves: LEANT M2 23, LAEVO 10C 20, LOAVE 10C 20, LAVA 10D 19, LAVE 10D 19
On 16th draw, AVENGED A9 39 --- AVENGE to exact retribution for [v]
Other tops: VAGUED A10 39
Other moves: VENGED A10 36, ADVENE A8 33, EAVED A8 33, VENDUE A10 33, DAVEN A8 30
On 17th draw, HI B14 23 --- HI used as a greeting [interj]
Other tops: HA B14 23, HO B14 23, OH B13 23
Other moves: CHARRO 3I 22, CHORIA 3I 22, HERON 2K 21, CHARR 3I 20, CHIRO 3I 20
On 18th draw, WEIZE 2K 39 --- WEIZE to guide in a certain direction [v]
Other moves: ZILLAH C8 38, GAZE 13A 34, WANZE E8 34, WINZE E8 34, ZOWIE D9 34
On 19th draw, HEID O1 30 --- HEID a head [n]
Other tops: HEAD O1 30, HEALD O1 30, HELD O1 30, HEND O1 30
Other moves: HOLLAND D9 26, HEAL O1 24, HEIL O1 24, HELL O1 24, DHOLL D8 22
On 20th draw, UNAVENGED A7 42 --- AVENGE to exact retribution for [adj]
Other moves: AZLON N1 24, GARBO 13A 22, BRULOT 13C 21, *B*ABO 11C 20, BROOL D8 20
OBA 11C 20 Mycophot, Octopus8, queen66
On 21th draw, GABION 13A 24 --- GABION a basket of earth or stones used for fortification [n]
Other tops: AZLON N1 24
Other moves: BAILOR B2 22, GARBO 13A 22, *B*ABO 11C 20, BLAIN C9 20, BORONIA D7 20
OBA 11C 20 moonmonkey, Xuincunx, Zuincunx
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