Game on April 20, 2021 at 13:04, 4 players
1. 439 pts Xuincunx
2. 83 pts Octopus8
3. 62 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 28 28 


9G 75 103 


10E 30 133 


8K 80 213 


E5 94 307 


D11 44 351 


L4 28 379 


14B 32 411 


15F 35 446 


8A 36 482 


A4 69 551 


K7 47 598 


I7 31 629 


D1 39 668 


1D 27 695 


13C 44 739 


14I 33 772 


O5 62 834 


A1 54 888 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Xuincunx 2 10:11 -449 439 1.8757 Xuincunx 2 10:11 -449 439
Octopus8 0 3:23 -805 83 2.8432 Octopus8 0 3:23 -805 83
Mycophot 0 2:41 -826 62 3.8381 Mycophot 0 2:41 -826 62
4. -
Guincunx 1 1:36 -844 44 Group: not rated
1. - Guincunx 1 1:36 -844 44
On 1st draw, COZ H6 28 --- COZ a cousin [n]
Other tops: CAZ H6 28, CAZ H7 28, CAZ H8 28, COZ H7 28, COZ H8 28
Other moves: AZAN H5 26, AZAN H6 26, AZAN H7 26, AZAN H8 26, AZON H5 26
On 2nd draw, DEO(R)(B)IT 9G 75 --- DEORBIT to come out of an orbit [v]
Other tops: DOI(L)TE(R) I7 75, DOTIE(S)(T) I7 75, DOT(T)IE(R) I7 75, DO(M)IE(S)T I7 75, DO(P)IE(S)T I7 75, DO(T)IE(S)T I7 75, DO(V)IE(S)T I7 75, DO(W)IE(S)T I7 75, DO(Z)IE(S)T I7 75, IO(D)(A)TED 9C 75, I(N)(G)OTED 9C 75, O(M)I(T)TED 9C 75, O(P)I(A)TED 9C 75, O(R)(B)ITED 9C 75, O(U)T(L)IED 9C 75, O(U)T(V)IED 9C 75, TI(P)(T)OED 9C 75, TO(A)(D)IED 9C 75, TO(M)(M)IED 9C 75
Other moves: DEO(N)TI(C) 9G 74, DE(P)O(S)IT 9G 74, DIO(P)TE(R) 9C 74, DIT(T)OE(D) 9C 74, DI(T)TOE(D) 9C 74
On 3rd draw, ROADS 10E 30 --- ROAD an open way for public passage [n]
Other moves: RADS 10F 29, RODS 10F 29, SADO 10F 29, ADOS 10E 28, ODAS 10E 28
On 4th draw, AXITE 8K 80 --- AXITE a fiber of an axon [n]
Other moves: AXINITE L7 44, TAXI 8L 41, AXE 8K 38, XI 8L 36, XU 8L 36
AXITE 8K 80 Xuincunx
On 5th draw, SISTERLY E5 94 --- SISTERLY of or resembling a sister [adj]
Other moves: STYLISE D9 79, STYLIEST N1 76, STYLISER E3 72, STYLERS E5 40, EXILITY L7 34
On 6th draw, EKING D11 44 --- EKE to supplement with great effort [v]
Other tops: MINK D12 44
Other moves: KING D12 40, KENT D12 36, KINE D12 36, KITE D12 36, KNIT D12 36
EKING D11 44 Guincunx
KING D12 40 Xuincunx
On 7th draw, EUTAXIA L4 28 --- EUTAXIA the property of being easily melted [n]
Other moves: ABATTU 8A 27, TUBAE D4 27, TUBATE 8A 27, BEAUT 8A 24, BAA C13 23
BUNG 15A 21 Xuincunx
BANG 15A 21 Octopus8
On 8th draw, SINEW 14B 32 --- SINEW to strengthen [v]
Other moves: CLAWER 7J 31, WISER 11J 31, CAWS 7K 29, WISE 11J 29, CLAWS 7J 28
WISER 11J 31 Octopus8, Xuincunx, Mycophot
On 9th draw, EMBOG 15F 35 --- EMBOG to bog [v]
Other moves: EPROM 15F 32, OMBER 15F 32, OMBRE 15F 32, GROPE 15D 31, BROME K2 30
GROPE 15D 31 Xuincunx, Octopus8, Mycophot
On 10th draw, OPHITE 8A 36 --- OPHITE an igneous rock [n]
Other moves: ADEPT 8A 33, ADOPT 8A 33, APHID 14J 31, PODITE 8A 30, PODIA D4 28
POOS I7 27 Xuincunx
On 11th draw, HARMONIC A4 69 --- HARMONIC an overtone [n]
Other moves: CHAIRMEN 4F 66, CHAIRMEN O2 66, CHOIRMAN A6 66, HARMIN 14I 36, CHARM K1 34
CHARM M1 30 Xuincunx
On 12th draw, JA(B)BERED K7 47 --- JABBER to talk rapidly [v]
Other moves: JA(B)BLED K7 45, JA(B)BED K7 43, JA(B)BER K7 41, JA(B)BLE K7 41, DJEBEL D1 40
JEBEL B1 35 Xuincunx
On 13th draw, WOOS I7 31 --- WOO to seek the affection of [v]
Other moves: GROWTH C3 28, JAW 7K 27, WIT M7 27, GROW B2 26, WORRIT 12H 26
GROW B2 26 Xuincunx
On 14th draw, FLAYED D1 39 --- FLAY to strip off skin or hide [v]
Other moves: DEFY K2 37, LEAFY K1 37, FADY K2 35, FLEYED 13I 34, FLUEY K1 34
LEAFY K1 37 Xuincunx
On 15th draw, FLUTER 1D 27 --- FLUTER one who plays the flute [n]
Other moves: VARVEL 3C 26, FLUTE 1D 24, VALVE 3C 24, VARVE 3C 24, VAULTER 3C 24
On 16th draw, QI 13C 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI C13 44
Other moves: QI 15A 35, QAT N6 32, QUAG 5K 28, QUAIR 5K 28, QUINA 5K 28
QI C13 44 Xuincunx
On 17th draw, PADRONI 14I 33 --- PADRONE a master [n]
Other moves: JAPAN 7K 29, LAPIN 2D 29, PITA M7 29, LIPA 2D 26, LIPO 2D 26
On 18th draw, INTERVAL O5 62 --- INTERVAL a space of time between periods or events [n]
Other moves: RIVLIN O10 39, VAIL O12 33, VAIN O12 33, VAIR O12 33, VRIL O12 33
On 19th draw, NONHARMONIC A1 54 --- NONHARMONIC [adj]
Other moves: OAF 15M 37, OFLAG 2B 35, OF 15N 32, FAN 15M 31, FOE F6 31
OAF 15M 37 Xuincunx
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