Game on April 21, 2021 at 06:37, 4 players
1. 270 pts Kuincunx
2. 60 pts Mycophot
3. 60 pts Octopus8
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


I9 69 91 


H12 44 135 


4H 80 215 


N2 38 253 


O6 31 284 


N10 61 345 


O12 31 376 


10B 73 449 


E8 74 523 


C7 80 603 


D1 84 687 


14A 40 727 


A11 60 787 


1A 27 814 


9G 37 851 


O1 36 887 


B1 36 923 


A4 28 951 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Kuincunx 3 4:42 -681 270 1.8496 Kuincunx 3 4:42 -681 270
Mycophot 1 0:45 -891 60 2.8337 Mycophot 1 0:45 -891 60
Octopus8 1 1:10 -891 60 3.8372 Octopus8 1 1:10 -891 60
4. -
Guincunx 0 1:55 -898 53 Group: not rated
1. - Guincunx 0 1:55 -898 53
On 1st draw, BONITA H4 22 --- BONITA a marine food fish [n]
Other tops: BIOTIN H4 22, OBTAIN H3 22
Other moves: BATON H4 20, BINIT H4 20, BIONT H4 20, BIOTA H4 20, BIOTIN H3 18
On 2nd draw, DEVIATE I9 69 --- DEVIATE to turn aside from a course or norm [v]
Other tops: DEVIATE G9 69
Other moves: IDEATIVE 7C 68, EVITATED 8C 66, IDEATIVE 7H 65, EVITATED 8E 64, DATIVE G7 23
On 3rd draw, PAIR H12 44 --- PAIR (Scots) poor [adj] --- PAIR to arrange in sets of two [v]
Other moves: EPACRIS 15I 42, SCRAPIE 15C 42, RECAPS 15H 39, APERCUS 15G 36, AUSPICE 15C 36
On 4th draw, B(R)USHUPS 4H 80 --- BRUSHUP a quick review [n]
Other moves: PUSHU(P)S J3 73, (P)USHUPS J3 73, SP(R)USH J5 41, UP(G)USH J5 41, UP(R)USH J5 41
On 5th draw, DEPTH N2 38 --- DEPTH deepness [n]
Other moves: HETE 5K 35, HOTE 5K 35, EHED G6 34, OHED G6 34, EDH J8 33
On 6th draw, MADRE O6 31 --- MADRE mother [n]
Other tops: DAMAR G5 31, MAAED O6 31, MODER O6 31
Other moves: ARMED O6 29, DAMAR G7 29, MAAED G5 29, MADRE G7 29, MODER G5 29
On 7th draw, F(R)IZE N10 61 --- FRIZE a frieze [n]
Other moves: FIKE(D) N10 51, FIKE(S) N10 51, ZEK(S) G5 46, FEIG(N) N10 45, FI(D)GE N10 45
On 8th draw, TOEA O12 31 --- TOEA a monetary unit of Papua New Guinea [n]
Other tops: TAEL O12 31, TALE O12 31, TALI O12 31, TOLA O12 31, TOLE O12 31
Other moves: LEAZE 13K 28, TEAZE 13K 28, TOAZE 13K 28, LAZE 13L 26, LAZO 13L 26
On 9th draw, RAMULOSE 10B 73 --- RAMULOSE having many small branches [adj]
Other moves: RAMULOUS J1 64, SOLARIUM 7C 63, LAMS M12 44, RAMS M12 44, LAM M12 42
On 10th draw, FAULTING E8 74 --- FAULT to criticize [v]
Other moves: FLATLING F6 70, FANG M12 49, FAG M12 48, FAN M12 45, FAT M12 45
On 11th draw, BALADINE C7 80 --- BALADINE a female theatrical dancer [n]
Other moves: BILANDER B3 63, BADE M12 47, BALD M12 46, BAND M12 46, BAD M12 45
On 12th draw, LOCKAGE D1 84 --- LOCKAGE the toll on a ship passing through a lock [n]
Other moves: LOCKAGE F2 73, KAGO M12 53, CALK M12 52, LACK M12 52, KALE M12 50
KAGO M12 53 Kuincunx, Guincunx
On 13th draw, TWEENY 14A 40 --- TWEENY a housemaid [n]
Other moves: WEENY 14B 38, LOWERY 1D 36, OWELTY 1A 36, YOWLER 1A 36, TOWY B12 34
ROOTY 2B 32 Kuincunx
On 14th draw, EXITS A11 60 --- EXIT to go out [v]
Other moves: NIXE G5 42, NEXTS A11 39, NIX G5 39, SEX G5 39, SIX G5 39
EXITS A11 60 Kuincunx, Mycophot, Octopus8
On 15th draw, COWL 1A 27 --- COWL to cover with a hood [v]
Other moves: ORZO 13L 26, OUZO 13L 26, OW E4 26, WINS O1 26, WONS O1 26
WONS O1 26 Kuincunx
On 16th draw, JADE 9G 37 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other moves: JURA 15L 36, JEU J2 26, JUN 6F 26, JUNKER 4A 25, JERK 4A 23
JADE 9G 37 Kuincunx
On 17th draw, QI O1 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: OYE 3L 27, ORZO 13L 26, OY E4 26, YINS O1 26, YO E5 23
QI O1 36 Kuincunx
On 18th draw, OOGENY B1 36 --- OOGENY the development of ova [n]
Other moves: YGO E4 32, GONZO 13K 30, RENVOY B3 30, ENVOY B4 29, RENVOY F3 28
OY E4 26 Kuincunx
On 19th draw, RONIN A4 28 --- RONIN (Japanese) a lordless samurai [n]
Other moves: ORZO 13L 26, OUZO 13L 26, NOINT 5J 23, INRUN A5 22, INURN A5 22
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