Game on April 23, 2021 at 19:16, 1 player
1. 61 pts XXXXX55555
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 74 74 


8A 92 166 


5G 70 236 


A8 98 334 


E5 86 420 


D1 43 463 


1D 66 529 


M2 40 569 


8J 33 602 


2J 42 644 


N8 36 680 


O12 49 729 


12C 76 805 


4K 39 844 


C3 32 876 


9M 33 909 


B4 61 970 


9E 32 1002 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
1. -
XXXXX55555 1 0:46 -941 61 1. - XXXXX55555 1 0:46 -941 61
On 1st draw, COARSEN H4 74 --- COARSEN to make coarse [v]
Other tops: CANOERS H4 74, CARNOSE H4 74, CORNEAS H4 74
Other moves: CANOERS H2 70, CANOERS H3 70, CANOERS H6 70, CANOERS H7 70, CANOERS H8 70
On 2nd draw, (N)AIVETES 8A 92 --- NAIVETE the quality of being naive [n]
Other moves: AVIET(T)ES 8A 83, AVIE(T)TES 8A 83, EVITA(T)ES 8A 83, E(L)ATIVES 8A 83, SE(D)ATIVE 8H 83
On 3rd draw, NOUMENAL 5G 70 --- NOUMENAL pertaining to noumenon [adj] --- NOUMENON an object of intellectual intuition [adj]
Other moves: UNMANTLE F3 64, AEMULE G7 24, ALUMNAE B8 22, LINEMAN C7 22, MELANIN C3 22
On 4th draw, (N)OTCHIER A8 98 --- NOTCHY having notches [adj]
Other moves: NOTCHIER L5 82, CHROMITE J1 75, ROTCHIE I9 72, RHETORIC 7H 68, CHLORITE N3 67
On 5th draw, DETE(R)GER E5 86 --- DETERGER one that deterges [n]
Other tops: DETERGE(D) E5 86, DETERGE(R) E5 86, DETERGE(S) E5 86, GET(T)ERED E4 86, GE(T)TERED E4 86, (D)ETERGED E5 86
Other moves: REGR(A)TED 15A 80, DIGE(S)TER C7 76, RETA(G)GED M2 76, RETAG(G)ED M2 72, (F)IDGETER C7 72
On 6th draw, JUNTA D1 43 --- JUNTA a political or governmental council [n]
Other moves: TAJ 4K 35, HEJIRA 12A 32, JAUNTIE C3 32, JAUNTIE L2 30, NARTJIE 12C 30
On 7th draw, JAZIES 1D 66 --- JAZY a wig [n]
Other moves: FAZES 4K 58, PIZES 4K 55, FAZE 4K 54, PIZE 4K 51, FEZ 4K 50
On 8th draw, ALFAQUI M2 40 --- ALFAQUI a teacher of Muslim law [n]
Other moves: QUAD B6 37, QUAI B6 35, QUIM J2 35, EQUALI 14A 34, ALFAQUI M5 33
On 9th draw, ORBITA 8J 33 --- ORBITA the hollow in which the eyeball rests [n]
Other moves: DOURA 2B 31, OUTADD 2C 31, BIRD 8L 30, BARDO L8 29, BOARD L8 29
On 10th draw, KABAR 2J 42 --- KABAR a heavy pole thrown as a feat of strength [n]
Other moves: BORAK D11 40, KORAI 2J 38, KOURA 2B 37, BORAK 2J 34, KAIN L2 34
On 11th draw, TOWIEST N8 36 --- TOWY resembling coarse hemp or flax fiber [adj]
Other moves: SEW 9M 35, SOW 9M 35, WIFES 4K 35, SWIVET 11H 34, SWIVE 11H 32
On 12th draw, HOOD O12 49 --- HOOD to furnish with a hood (a covering for the head) [v]
Other tops: HOED O12 49
Other moves: HOOFED 4J 45, AHOY O12 43, HEADY D11 41, HOODY D11 41, HOOEY D11 39
On 13th draw, SPRANGLE 12C 76 --- SPRANGLE to sprawl [v]
Other moves: GRAPNELS 12D 74, SPANGLE 13E 73, GRAPNELS K7 72, PEASON 9J 42, ENOL 9L 32
On 14th draw, WIFED 4K 39 --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: ENOW 9L 38, DIURON 2B 35, ERENOW 14A 34, ENDURO 2A 33, NOW 9M 33
On 15th draw, EURIPI C3 32 --- EURIPUS a sea channel with strong currents [n]
Other moves: LINEUP 3B 22, OUP C3 22, PELORIA B2 22, PI M12 22, PROLE 7G 22
On 16th draw, NOY 9M 33 --- NOY to vex [v]
Other moves: ANY 6H 31, INDIGO K10 29, NOD 9M 29, NOG 9M 29, ONO 9L 29
On 17th draw, GOX B4 61 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other moves: OX B5 55, EDGILY 14A 38, OX B13 38, DEXY 9G 35, GODLY K10 33
GOX B4 61 XXXXX55555
On 18th draw, (R)IFELY 9E 32 --- RIFE abundant [adv] --- RIFELY in a rife manner [adv]
Other moves: FOLLY I9 30, FIDO K10 29, FIT F6 29, IDLY K11 29, IDYL K11 29
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