Game on April 23, 2021 at 20:44, 6 players
1. 215 pts moonmonkey
2. 149 pts queen66
3. 146 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 72 72 


I5 30 102 


15H 131 233 


O10 105 338 


13B 74 412 


K8 74 486 


L9 34 520 


H1 40 560 


5D 24 584 


E9 28 612 


D3 36 648 


F8 65 713 


J2 33 746 


8A 27 773 


B8 34 807 


14H 68 875 


N4 68 943 


O1 42 985 


M2 25 1010 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 2 6:23 -795 215 1.7419 moonmonkey 2 6:23 -795 215
queen66 2 3:59 -861 149 2.7724 queen66 2 3:59 -861 149
HollyIvy 1 5:10 -864 146 3.7700 HollyIvy 1 5:10 -864 146
4. -
AAAAA55555 0 1:48 -911 99 Group: not rated
5. -
ZZZZZ55555 1 1:55 -942 68 1. - AAAAA55555 0 1:48 -911 99
6. -
OOOOO55555 1 1:57 -977 33 2. - ZZZZZ55555 1 1:55 -942 68
3. - OOOOO55555 1 1:57 -977 33
On 1st draw, SOLIPE(D) H8 72 --- SOLIPED an animal with uncloven hoofs [n]
Other tops: EPILO(G)S H3 72, EPSILO(N) H3 72, LOP(P)IES H2 72, PELOI(D)S H4 72, PILEO(U)S H4 72, PIOLE(T)S H4 72, PIS(T)OLE H4 72, PI(N)OLES H4 72, PLOSI(V)E H4 72, POLI(C)ES H4 72, POL(L)IES H4 72, PO(L)LIES H4 72, SPOILE(D) H3 72, SPOILE(R) H3 72, (D)IPLOES H2 72, (D)IPOLES H2 72
Other moves: EPILO(G)S H2 68, EPILO(G)S H4 68, EPILO(G)S H6 68, EPILO(G)S H8 68, EPSILO(N) H2 68
On 2nd draw, LEFTY I5 30 --- LEFTY a left-handed person [n]
Other tops: LOFTY I5 30
Other moves: FEY G7 28, FOY G7 28, FOY I7 28, TOYER G11 28, FELLY 10F 27
On 3rd draw, SPARKER 15H 131 --- SPARKER something that sparks [n]
Other moves: REPARKS 15B 125, PARKERS 15B 119, SPARKLER 5D 106, SPARKE 15H 78, SPARKIER 11C 78
On 4th draw, MEJLI(S) O10 105 --- MEJLIS a council of countries [n]
Other tops: MAJLI(S) O10 105
Other moves: JAM(S) O12 99, JAME(S) O11 81, JAIL(S) O11 75, JAMLI(K)E G2 69, AMIE(S) O11 66
JAM(S) O12 99 AAAAA55555
On 5th draw, NOCTULES 13B 74 --- NOCTULE a large bat [n]
Other moves: NOCTULES 6C 64, UNCOLTS 5E 36, ULTIONS 11E 28, UNSTOCK L9 26, CONTUSE M9 24
UNSTOCK L9 26 moonmonkey
On 6th draw, DITHERER K8 74 --- DITHERER one that dithers [n]
Other moves: DIETHER N5 73, DITHER H1 46, THIRLED 5E 44, EITHER H1 43, HEIRED H1 38
HE J6 31 HollyIvy
HE 14J 28 moonmonkey
EH 14E 28 queen66
On 7th draw, FOID L9 34 --- FOID one of a group of minerals related to feldspar [n]
Other moves: FAINT B10 32, FITNA B10 32, FA J6 31, DIF J4 30, DOF J4 30
FA J6 31 HollyIvy, queen66, moonmonkey
On 8th draw, HOIDEN H1 40 --- HOIDEN to act like a tomboy [v]
Other moves: HONIED H1 38, EIDOLON 5E 32, HE J6 31, OHO N9 31, DOH J4 30
HO(D) 14F 28 moonmonkey, queen66
HI(D) 14F 28 HollyIvy
On 9th draw, VARVEL 5D 24 --- VARVEL a ring for a hawk's jess [n]
Other moves: VAN 14A 18, VAR 14A 18, VIVA 3G 18, VIVO 3G 18, VOR 14A 18
On 10th draw, QANAT E9 28 --- QANAT a system of underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East [n]
Other tops: QADI 11E 28
Other moves: VANED G5 27, DAE J6 26, QAT E11 24, DAVEN G3 23, DEVON G3 23
QADI 11E 28 queen66, HollyIvy
On 11th draw, COVARY D3 36 --- COVARY to exhibit variation of two or more variables [v]
Other moves: YOUNG B10 34, CARNY B10 32, CORNY B10 32, CRONY B10 32, CURNY B10 32
YA F10 28 HollyIvy
On 12th draw, NIXE F8 65 --- NIX a water sprite [n]
Other moves: NIX F8 62, NIXY 8A 42, OX G2 36, GOX 14A 35, NOX 14A 33
On 13th draw, BOUSE J2 33 --- BOUSE to haul by means of a tackle [v]
Other moves: BEE J6 32, OBESE J2 29, SEE J5 28, BUOY 8A 27, BUSY 8A 27
BOUSE J2 33 OOOOO55555
On 14th draw, EDGY 8A 27 --- EDGY tense, nervous, or irritable [adj]
Other tops: DOGY 8A 27
Other moves: DOTY 8A 24, DUTY 8A 24, GOEY 8A 24, TEDY 8A 24, TODY 8A 24
On 15th draw, DAMNING B8 34 --- DAMN to curse [v]
Other moves: MAGNON B10 30, MIGNON B10 30, MO(D)I 14F 28, NGOMA N7 28, NOMA N8 26
DAMNING B8 34 queen66, moonmonkey
On 16th draw, (D)AZE 14H 68 --- DAZE to stun [v]
Other moves: ZANTE N6 42, BEZANT 2J 34, WANZE N6 33, ZA D10 33, ZEA 6B 32
(D)AZE 14H 68 moonmonkey, ZZZZZ55555
On 17th draw, OUTRAGE N4 68 --- OUTRAGE to arouse anger or resentment in [v]
Other moves: REACT D10 31, TOGAE C6 20, TUGRA C6 20, ORGEAT N6 19, RAGOUT N6 19
On 18th draw, ANEW O1 42 --- ANEW once more [adv]
Other moves: BAWN O1 33, WAIN O1 27, WANE O1 27, WEAN O1 27, WINE O1 27
On 19th draw, BOW M2 25 --- BOW to bend forward [v]
Other moves: BITOU M2 24, WAB 8M 24, TWO M3 23, TOW M2 21, WO D10 21
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