Game on April 24, 2021 at 11:11, 6 players
1. 381 pts sicilianc5
2. 73 pts moonmonkey
3. 73 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


5E 82 108 


4A 38 146 


A2 77 223 


J4 65 288 


8J 42 330 


L1 46 376 


B9 36 412 


C2 78 490 


A12 46 536 


O8 77 613 


D9 76 689 


1L 45 734 


2I 78 812 


M8 68 880 


1G 32 912 


2E 37 949 


B1 30 979 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1. -
sicilianc5 3 8:33 -598 381 1.7420 moonmonkey 1 2:20 -906 73
moonmonkey 1 2:20 -906 73 2.7788 queen66 1 3:16 -906 73
queen66 1 3:16 -906 73 Group: not rated
4. -
MMMMM55555 1 1:48 -933 46 1. - sicilianc5 3 8:33 -598 381
5. -
HHHHH55555 1 1:57 -933 46 2. - MMMMM55555 1 1:48 -933 46
6. -
FFFFF55555 1 1:55 -953 26 3. - HHHHH55555 1 1:57 -933 46
4. - FFFFF55555 1 1:55 -953 26
On 1st draw, FESTER H4 26 --- FESTER to generate pus [v]
Other tops: FEREST H4 26, FREEST H4 26, FREETS H4 26
Other moves: FEERS H4 24, FERES H4 24, FETES H4 24, FREES H4 24, FREET H4 24
On 2nd draw, ALIENERS 5E 82 --- ALIENER one that transfers property [n]
Other moves: ALINERS 10B 71, NAILERS 10B 71, RENAILS 10B 71, ALIENERS 5C 66, NAILERS G8 64
On 3rd draw, BLACK 4A 38 --- BLACK being of the darkest colour [adj] --- BLACK to make black [v]
Other tops: BUCKLE 4A 38
Other moves: BAULK 4A 34, BLEAK 4A 34, CAULK 4A 34, BACKS L1 32, BAULK 4J 32
BLACK 4A 38 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66
On 4th draw, T(A)BOURIN A2 77 --- TABOURIN a small drum [n]
Other moves: ERU(P)TION 8H 74, RU(C)TIONS 6A 74, TUR(D)IONS 6A 74, (J)OINTURE 8A 74, NITROU(S) 10B 69
On 5th draw, MERIDIAN J4 65 --- MERIDIAN a circle around the earth passing through both poles [n]
Other moves: MERIDIAN 8G 62, AMIDIN B9 32, MARLIN B1 31, ADMINS 6C 26, AMIDS 6D 26
On 6th draw, DAWTIE 8J 42 --- DAWTIE a small pet [n]
Other tops: DEWANI 8J 42
Other moves: TOWLINE B1 40, OWLET B2 34, TWONIE K9 29, TWAIN K9 27, ANEW 4L 26
TWAIN K9 27 sicilianc5
On 7th draw, JEHUS L1 46 --- JEHU a fast driver [n]
Other moves: JAPES L1 44, JAUPS L1 44, JUPES L1 44, HYPE K10 39, HAJES L1 38
JEHUS L1 46 sicilianc5, HHHHH55555
On 8th draw, OPHITE B9 36 --- OPHITE an igneous rock [n]
Other moves: HEP M2 35, HIP M2 35, HOP M2 35, PIGLET B1 34, HOG M2 32
HOP M2 35 moonmonkey, queen66, sicilianc5
On 9th draw, DRAGONET C2 78 --- DRAGONET a marine fish [n]
Other moves: THRONGED 11A 76, JONG 1L 36, JEON 1L 33, ONER M1 31, DENT A12 30
On 10th draw, MABE A12 46 --- MABE a cultured pearl [n]
Other tops: BEMA A12 46
Other moves: JAMB 1L 45, BEAM A12 44, JOBE 1L 39, JOMO 1L 39, BEMA D6 28
MABE A12 46 MMMMM55555
JAMB 1L 45 sicilianc5
On 11th draw, E(P)IDURAL O8 77 --- EPIDURAL an anaesthetic injected into the lower spinal canal [n] --- EPIDURAL situated on the membrane that encloses the brain [adj]
Other tops: RADI(C)ULE O1 77
Other moves: UR(E)DIAL D7 74, DIURNAL(S) 11F 66, UR(E)DIAL G7 65, RADI(C)ULE 2E 62, UR(E)DIAL G9 62
On 12th draw, EPIGEAL D9 76 --- EPIGEAL growing close to the ground [adj]
Other moves: EPIGEAL I9 72, EPIGEAL G9 65, LEAPING 11E 40, LEEPING 11E 40, PEALING 11E 40
JAPE 1L 39 sicilianc5
On 13th draw, JUDY 1L 45 --- JUDY a girl [n]
Other moves: YUTZ K11 42, DOZY K10 41, YUTZ K10 41, TOUZY K10 40, DONUT N10 38
YUTZ K11 42 sicilianc5
On 14th draw, OZAENA 2I 78 --- OZAENA a fetid discharge from the nostrils [n]
Other moves: NAZE N12 54, ZA N14 46, LOZEN 15D 42, OZAENA 14J 34, POZ 10D 34
ZA B1 30 sicilianc5
On 15th draw, TESTOONS M8 68 --- TESTOON a former French coin [n]
Other tops: SOONEST G7 68
Other moves: SETONS E9 32, SETON E9 28, NOOSES 12G 26, NOSTOS 12H 26, ONSETS 12H 26
On 16th draw, FEW 1G 32 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other moves: WOFS 6E 31, FE B6 30, COW 1G 29, GOWF K10 29, WOOF K10 29
FEW 1G 32 sicilianc5
On 17th draw, OXY 2E 37 --- OXY containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: PIXY 10D 32, POXY 10D 32, DIVVY 2C 31, PYX 10D 31, OXY E12 30
XI B1 26 sicilianc5
On 18th draw, QI B1 30 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: COVING 11F 24, LOGIC 15D 24, GHI 3K 23, QI 1D 23, COIL B1 22
GOV K10 21 sicilianc5
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