Game on April 24, 2021 at 14:19, 8 players
1. 382 pts Chelsea
2. 138 pts moonmonkey
3. 138 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


10F 34 58 


9H 69 127 


O4 36 163 


L8 28 191 


11A 81 272 


D10 40 312 


15A 158 470 


A6 36 506 


6A 67 573 


14A 42 615 


K3 29 644 


13H 72 716 


L1 40 756 


B1 26 782 


C1 35 817 


1L 42 859 


F2 34 893 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 2 11:39 -511 382 1.7427 Chelsea 2 11:39 -511 382
moonmonkey 0 2:42 -755 138 2.7462 moonmonkey 0 2:42 -755 138
queen66 0 3:49 -755 138 3.7794 queen66 0 3:49 -755 138
Mycophot 0 0:57 -785 108 4.7951 Mycophot 0 0:57 -785 108
5. -
AAAAA55555 1 1:14 -851 42 5.7825 sicilianc5 0 1:35 -863 30
6. -
LLLLL55555 1 1:08 -853 40 Group: not rated
7. -
DDDDD55555 1 1:22 -858 35 1. - AAAAA55555 1 1:14 -851 42
sicilianc5 0 1:35 -863 30 2. - LLLLL55555 1 1:08 -853 40
3. - DDDDD55555 1 1:22 -858 35
On 1st draw, WO(R)RIT H4 24 --- WORRIT to worry [v]
Other tops: WOR(R)IT H4 24
Other moves: T(H)ROW H8 22, WORT(H) H4 22, WORT(S) H4 22, WOR(S)T H4 22, WRIT(E) H4 22
On 2nd draw, HA(S)TY 10F 34 --- HASTY speedy [adj]
Other tops: VA(S)TY 10F 34
Other moves: WEA(L)THY 4H 30, WHEATY 4H 30, W(R)EATHY 4H 30, WAVEY 4H 28, WAVEY(S) 4H 28
On 3rd draw, TENDRONS 9H 69 --- TENDRON a shoot [n]
Other moves: ENDIRONS 8E 60, DOWNERS 4F 22, RODENTS 9C 22, SNORED 11B 22, SORNED 11B 22
On 4th draw, BILGES O4 36 --- BILGE to spring a leak [v]
Other moves: BESPIT O7 33, BLITES O4 33, GIBELS O4 33, GIBLETS O3 33, PIGLETS O3 33
On 5th draw, FRUGAL L8 28 --- FRUGAL thrifty [adj]
Other moves: OFLAG 11C 26, FUGAL 11C 25, OFLAG N1 25, FLAG 11D 24, FLOG 11D 24
On 6th draw, THORPES 11A 81 --- THORPE a small village [n]
Other moves: HOOPSTER 5F 76, PHORATES 12H 67, POTSHARE 12G 64, STROPHE 5E 48, SHOOTER 5E 40
On 7th draw, CRAZED D10 40 --- CRAZE to make insane [v]
Other moves: CLOZE C9 38, ADZED K5 37, C(R)AZED 6G 37, DAZED K5 37, HAZED B11 36
HAZED B11 36 Chelsea
AZURE D8 30 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66
On 8th draw, AMIDOGEN 15A 158 --- AMIDOGEN a univalent chemical radical [n]
Other moves: EGOMANIA 12H 63, MAZING 13B 40, MOZING 13B 40, GIZMO 13B 34, DEMOING 15D 33
AMIDOGEN 15A 108 Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66
MAZING 13B 40 Chelsea
On 9th draw, CUPRITE A6 36 --- CUPRITE the ore of copper [n]
Other moves: CRUZIE 13A 34, VEZIR 13B 34, CURVET A6 33, PRIVET A6 33, PRIZE 13A 32
PRIZE 13A 32 Chelsea
On 10th draw, CAVEATO(R)S 6A 67 --- CAVEATOR one that files a caveat [n]
Other moves: AZOTES 13C 32, SAVATE N1 32, AZOTE 13C 30, OVATE N2 30, TOZES 13B 28
AZO 13C 24 Chelsea
On 11th draw, NEBEK 14A 42 --- NEBEK a prickly shrub, the Christ's-thorn [n]
Other moves: BOKE 14A 38, BUKE 14A 38, OZEKI 13C 38, BIZONE 13B 36, BOINKED K3 33
BOKE 14A 38 Chelsea
On 12th draw, ENDOWED K3 29 --- ENDOW to provide with something [v]
Other tops: INDEWED K3 29, INDOWED K3 29, WIDENED K3 29
Other moves: DOWNED K4 27, DWINED K4 27, OWRIE 7F 27, WENDED K4 27, WINDED K4 27
WIND M12 25 Chelsea
On 13th draw, MURALIST 13H 72 --- MURALIST a painter of murals [n]
Other moves: TIMARAUS E1 70, STRIATUM F1 62, RAMTILS 13G 26, MAIR L3 25, MUIR L3 25
AMUS I12 22 Chelsea
On 14th draw, FLAY L1 40 --- FLAY to strip off skin or hide [v]
Other tops: FLEY L1 40
Other moves: FATLY O11 36, FYLE L1 34, ALEYE L1 33, FY 5D 31, FY L3 31
FLEY L1 40 LLLLL55555
FATLY O11 36 Chelsea
On 15th draw, INJERA B1 26 --- INJERA a type of Ethiopian bread [n]
Other tops: INJERA E1 26
Other moves: INERT M2 24, TREIF 1H 24, JOE G5 23, JANE E5 22, JEAN 3J 22
FIRE 1L 21 Chelsea
On 16th draw, DOOL C1 35 --- DOOL a goal [n]
Other moves: JILTED 3B 32, JOLTED 3B 32, TOOL C1 32, DOO C1 31, LIFTED 1J 30
DOOL C1 35 DDDDD55555
JOLTED 3B 32 Chelsea
On 17th draw, FAIX 1L 42 --- FAIX faith [interj]
Other tops: FAUX 1L 42, FIXT 1L 42
Other moves: TAX O13 30, TIX O13 30, TUX O13 30, VITTA O11 27, IXIA N1 26
FAUX 1L 42 AAAAA55555, Chelsea
On 18th draw, QUIET F2 34 --- QUIET making little or no noise [adj] --- QUIET to cause to be quiet [v]
Other moves: QUATE E4 28, VIDE 1A 27, QUAI E4 26, QUAT E4 26, QAT E5 24
QUIET F2 34 Chelsea
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