Game on April 24, 2021 at 15:03, 5 players
1. 113 pts moonmonkey
2. 113 pts sicilianc5
3. 113 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 46 46 


12C 30 76 


13B 34 110 


8H 98 208 


14A 47 255 


N4 70 325 


O1 39 364 


G1 67 431 


15C 42 473 


L3 76 549 


1A 140 689 


A1 92 781 


A14 27 808 


F4 35 843 


D1 78 921 


11D 42 963 


O11 41 1004 


K5 40 1044 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 1 2:42 -931 113 1.7462 moonmonkey 1 2:42 -931 113
sicilianc5 1 3:14 -931 113 2.7825 sicilianc5 1 3:14 -931 113
Mycophot 1 3:15 -931 113 3.7951 Mycophot 1 3:15 -931 113
4. -
ZZZZZ55555 1 1:59 -1002 42 Group: not rated
5. -
GGGGG55555 1 1:44 -1003 41 1. - ZZZZZ55555 1 1:59 -1002 42
2. - GGGGG55555 1 1:44 -1003 41
On 1st draw, (E)ARWAX H7 46 --- EARWAX a waxy secretion of the ear [n]
Other moves: R(E)WAX H8 44, (L)ARNAX H7 40, X(O)ANA H4 38, (P)ANAX H8 38, WAX(E)N H4 36
On 2nd draw, POLLEX 12C 30 --- POLLEX the innermost digit of the forelimb [n]
Other moves: PLEON G7 29, OPEN G10 25, OPE G10 23, LOOP G8 21, NOOP G8 21
On 3rd draw, QIS 13B 34 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 13B 30, DENI 13B 22, DESI 13B 22, STIPEND C9 22, NIED 13A 21
On 4th draw, ADVISORY 8H 98 --- ADVISORY a report giving information [n]
Other moves: ADVISORY 11H 80, VIS 14A 39, DIS 14A 35, SIR 14A 33, IS 14B 31
On 5th draw, JIN 14A 47 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: FINE 14A 44, FINE(D) 14A 44, FINE(R) 14A 44, FINE(S) 14A 44, JI(G) 14A 44
On 6th draw, BODHRANS N4 70 --- BODHRAN a shallow drum used in Celtic folk music [n]
Other moves: AS 15A 45, OS 15A 45, ROBANDS N8 32, HOB 7M 30, BANDHS 11G 28
On 7th draw, UNROPE O1 39 --- UNROPE to loose from a rope [v]
Other moves: OPERA O11 32, APRON O1 31, ARPEN O1 31, PAEON O1 31, PAREO O1 31
On 8th draw, UNRIMED G1 67 --- RIME to compose verse with corresponding terminal sounds [adj] --- UNRIMED not rimed [adj]
Other moves: UNRIMED K5 40, MUREIN 2J 28, INERM O11 26, MAUNDERS 11G 26, MAUNDIES 11G 26
On 9th draw, AMATED 15C 42 --- AMATE to daunt [v]
Other moves: MATURED 1D 39, TAED H1 36, MATURE 1D 33, RADIATE K5 32, MAE H1 31
On 10th draw, CHITOSAN L3 76 --- CHITOSAN a compound derived from chitin [n]
Other moves: ANORTHIC 3D 67, CHAUNT 1D 42, CHOUT 1D 39, COHO M7 37, AHINT F5 36
CHAUNT 1D 42 moonmonkey, Mycophot, sicilianc5
On 11th draw, CLOSE(O)UT 1A 140 --- CLOSEOUT a clearance sale [n]
Other tops: CL(O)SEOUT 1A 140, L(A)CTEOUS 1A 140
Other moves: CLOUTE(R)S 1D 86, CLOTU(R)ES 1C 80, COULTE(R)S 1E 80, COUL(D)EST 1E 80, COU(P)LETS 1E 80
CLOUTE(R)S 1D 36 sicilianc5, moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 12th draw, CURATIVE A1 92 --- CURATIVE something that cures [n]
Other moves: TAVER O11 29, TRAVE O11 29, JA A14 27, VITAMER 5C 24, VITREUM 5A 24
On 13th draw, JO A14 27 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: ETOILE O10 25, ETOILE F5 21, TOEIER F4 21, OILER O11 20, ORIEL O11 20
On 14th draw, GEY F4 35 --- GEY great [adj] --- GEY very [adv]
Other tops: GAY F4 35
Other moves: AWNER 2E 32, GAWCY 3I 32, EYNE 2E 31, AW F5 30, AY F5 30
GEY F4 35 Mycophot, moonmonkey, sicilianc5
On 15th draw, SWEARING D1 78 --- SWEAR to utter a solemn oath [v] --- SWEARING the act of swearing [n]
Other moves: WAVERING J6 75, WEARING 14G 71, WARING E5 42, WAGER E5 40, WANIER E5 40
On 16th draw, ZEE 11D 42 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: TOZE B8 35, ZEL F10 32, ZOL F10 32, ZEE 14E 31, ROZET 3A 28
ZEE 11D 42 ZZZZZ55555
On 17th draw, OFLAG O11 41 --- OFLAG a prisoner of war camp for officers [n]
Other moves: FLOTA C3 37, FLOTE C3 37, FLAG C3 33, FLEG C3 33, FLOG C3 33
OFLAG O11 41 GGGGG55555
On 18th draw, BIKIE K5 40 --- BIKIE a motorcycle rider [n]
Other moves: BIKIE K7 34, KIBEI K7 34, EKE K4 33, UKE K4 33, KUTI K5 32
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