Game on April 25, 2021 at 15:27, 5 players
1. 172 pts queen66
2. 172 pts moonmonkey
3. 172 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 80 80 


14B 30 110 


E8 74 184 


8H 83 267 


K5 56 323 


O1 86 409 


N4 75 484 


8A 36 520 


D2 77 597 


12A 54 651 


L1 59 710 


F9 35 745 


5A 66 811 


N8 72 883 


A12 43 926 


M6 23 949 


2B 62 1011 


1E 36 1047 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
queen66 0 3:59 -875 172 1.7776 queen66 0 3:59 -875 172
moonmonkey 0 4:09 -875 172 2.7458 moonmonkey 0 4:09 -875 172
HollyIvy 0 4:10 -875 172 3.7577 HollyIvy 0 4:10 -875 172
4. -
BLANK55555 1 1:49 -964 83 Group: not rated
5. -
NNNNN55555 1 1:56 -985 62 1. - BLANK55555 1 1:49 -964 83
2. - NNNNN55555 1 1:56 -985 62
On 1st draw, BODICES H8 80 --- BODICE a corset [n]
Other tops: BODICES H4 80, CEBOIDS H2 80, CEBOIDS H4 80
Other moves: BODICES H2 78, CEBOIDS H7 78, BODICES H3 76, BODICES H6 76, BODICES H7 76
On 2nd draw, ROUNCES 14B 30 --- ROUNCE part of a hand printing press [n]
Other moves: RECOURE 13G 26, CONURES 14B 22, CORNERS 14B 22, CRUORES 14B 22, REOCCUR 12D 22
On 3rd draw, RESAYING E8 74 --- RESAY to say again [v]
Other moves: AYES G8 29, AYES I8 29, EYAS I8 29, SAGY 13A 29, YAGIS G7 29
On 4th draw, BAR(O)NAGE 8H 83 --- BARONAGE the rank of a baron [n]
Other tops: BAN(D)AGER 8H 83, BARGE(M)AN 8H 83
Other moves: BERG(H)AAN 8H 80, CANA(I)GRE 12H 72, CARAGE(E)N 12H 72, CARAG(E)EN 12H 72, (C)ARNAGE G4 72
On 5th draw, WHO(O)PLA K5 56 --- WHOOPLA a noisy commotion [n]
Other moves: PATH A12 46, HAPU D11 37, LOATH A11 37, HAO F10 34, HAPLY 12A 34
THAW I6 27 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, queen66
On 6th draw, B(I)RAMOSE O1 86 --- BIRAMOSE divided into branches [adj]
Other tops: EMBRASO(R) O8 86, EMB(R)ASOR O8 86
Other moves: (E)MBRASOR J1 83, MARABO(U)S M7 80, AMBROS(I)A M8 78, EMBRASO(R) 13H 78, EMB(R)ASOR 13H 78
SAMBO 12K 35 queen66, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 7th draw, FEZ N4 75 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: ZIGS N6 67, ZIG N6 66, DEFUZES 13G 57, FEZ 13A 54, AZIDES M8 52
ZIGS N6 67 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, queen66
On 8th draw, VOWER 8A 36 --- VOWER one that vows [n]
Other moves: AVOWED M8 34, DAWED I7 31, DOVER 8A 30, DOWDY 12A 30, DOWER 8A 30
On 9th draw, FOLIATED D2 77 --- FOLIATE to hammer into thin plates [v]
Other moves: DAFT A12 43, ALOFT A11 40, FLOTA A11 37, LIFT A12 37, LOFT A12 37
DAFT A12 43 queen66, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 10th draw, JOKEY 12A 54 --- JOKEY amusing [adj]
Other tops: JERKY 12A 54
Other moves: JOKE C1 49, KETO A12 49, JEON C3 46, JONTY 12A 46, JET C3 42
On 11th draw, QUYTE L1 59 --- QUYTE to depart from [v]
Other moves: QUOTE L1 53, JUTE A12 43, QUAYD 6B 42, TOYED C1 38, EQUITY 5A 36
On 12th draw, GHI F9 35 --- GHI a kind of liquid butter [n]
Other moves: GOLIATH 3C 32, GATH C3 31, HALT C3 30, HAG C3 29, ITA M1 29
On 13th draw, RATIONAL 5A 66 --- RATIONAL a number that can be expressed as a quotient of integers [n]
Other moves: JATO A12 43, JOTA A12 43, TALAQ 1H 42, TRANQ 1H 42, NOTAL C1 23
On 14th draw, GAIETIES N8 72 --- GAIETY festive activity [n]
Other moves: EEJITS A10 49, JETE A12 43, JETS A12 43, ICIEST 12G 31, CAESE 12H 29
On 15th draw, JUTE A12 43 --- JUTE a strong, coarse fiber [n]
Other moves: DIVEST 15J 42, DIVERT A1 33, REVUIST 15I 33, VEST 15L 33, VISE 15L 33
On 16th draw, DIAL M6 23 --- DIAL to manipulate a calibrated disk [v]
Other moves: DRILL H1 21, ILIAD B2 20, LID C1 19, NID C1 19, RID C1 19
On 17th draw, UNFIX 2B 62 --- UNFIX to unfasten [v]
Other moves: MIX M11 48, MUX M11 48, PIX M11 48, MAXI I7 44, MIXUP L11 42
UNFIX 2B 62 NNNNN55555
On 18th draw, DENIM 1E 36 --- DENIM a durable fabric [n]
Other tops: DERV 1E 36, VERISM 15J 36
Other moves: MEND 1E 34, DERM 1E 33, VISE 15L 33, MEIN 1E 31, MERI 1E 31
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