Game on April 25, 2021 at 21:25, 4 players
1. 250 pts queen66
2. 250 pts sicilianc5
3. 250 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 30 30 


5E 90 120 


4A 46 166 


A3 66 232 


E1 64 296 


K3 61 357 


B6 43 400 


8K 72 472 


11F 44 516 


C1 36 552 


L1 41 593 


C9 37 630 


F1 55 685 


1H 51 736 


1H 60 796 


14B 40 836 


M8 70 906 


13H 65 971 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
queen66 1 6:36 -721 250 1.7829 queen66 1 6:36 -721 250
sicilianc5 1 6:46 -721 250 2.7817 sicilianc5 1 6:46 -721 250
moonmonkey 1 6:51 -721 250 3.7241 moonmonkey 1 6:51 -721 250
4. -
BLANK55555 1 1:58 -881 90 Group: not rated
1. - BLANK55555 1 1:58 -881 90
On 1st draw, HELIAC H4 30 --- HELIAC pertaining to the sun [adj]
Other moves: HELIAC H7 28, LAICH H8 28, LEACH H8 28, LOACH H8 28, CHELA H4 26
On 2nd draw, TOLEWA(R)E 5E 90 --- TOLEWARE article made with japanned tinware [n]
Other moves: TALLOWE(D) 6E 70, TOLEWA(R)E 5A 70, TALLOWE(D) 6F 64, TOWELE(D) 5E 36, WA(V)ELET 5E 36
On 3rd draw, JOULES 4A 46 --- JOULE a unit of energy [n] --- JOULE to bump [v]
Other moves: JOLES 4A 42, JONES 4A 42, JOULE 4A 42, JOULES L1 42, JEUNE L1 40
JONES 4A 42 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66
On 4th draw, DJIBBAH A3 66 --- DJIBBAH a loose outer garment [n]
Other moves: JIBBAH A4 60, JABBED A4 54, JIBBED A4 54, BHAJI A1 51, JEHADI A4 51
On 5th draw, FORETIMES E1 64 --- FORETIME the past [n]
Other moves: ROOFIES B2 44, ROOFIE B2 40, MILER 6F 37, MILES 6F 37, MILOR 6F 37
FORMS M1 31 queen66, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 6th draw, FO(R)EDATE K3 61 --- FOREDATE to antedate [v]
Other moves: *FF*DEFFED 1D 39, FEATED D8 39, OFFED 1D 39, TOFFEE 1C 39, FATED D8 37
EF F1 31 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66
On 7th draw, YOGI B6 43 --- YOGI a person who practices yoga [n]
Other moves: FORGERY 1E 42, GREYER L1 41, YORE B6 41, AYGRE 8K 39, AYRIE 8K 36
YORE B6 41 queen66, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 8th draw, AZANS 8K 72 --- AZAN the Muslim call to prayer [n]
Other tops: (H)AZANS 8J 72
Other moves: AZAN(S) 8K 69, AZA(N)S 8K 69, AZU(R)N 8K 69, AZ(A)NS 8K 69, AZ(O)NS 8K 69
AZANS 8K 72 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66
On 9th draw, CANNED 11F 44 --- CAN to put in a can (a cylindrical container) [v] --- CANN to direct steering [v]
Other tops: CADGE 11I 44, CAGED 11G 44
Other moves: ACNED 11G 42, CANED 11G 42, DANCE 11K 42, GANNED 11F 42, ACED 11H 40
On 10th draw, RIVULET C1 36 --- RIVULET a small stream [n]
Other moves: FEVER 1E 33, FIVER 1E 33, VELATE J2 33, FELTIER 1E 30, FERTILE 1E 30
FEVER 1E 33 queen66
FIVER 1E 33 sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 11th draw, KEENER L1 41 --- KEENER one that keens [n]
Other moves: LEKE G5 28, TONKER 4J 28, TEREK 6J 27, TEREK C9 27, KORE 4J 26
On 12th draw, PURPIE C9 37 --- PURPIE a herb used in salads [n]
Other moves: KIPP 1L 36, PIPER C9 35, PURPIE D8 35, FIVER 1E 33, PIPER D8 33
On 13th draw, AX F1 55 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: FAXING 1E 51, TAX 9K 46, FAIX 1E 42, FAUX 1E 42, XU M2 39
On 14th draw, QUA(C)K 1H 51 --- QUACK to utter the characteristic cry of a duck [v]
Other tops: QUA(R)K 1H 51
Other moves: sQ**W(S)QUAW E11 50, WA(S)M 15A 43, (S)UQ E11 40, QA(T) B13 37, (H)AME J8 37
On 15th draw, QUA(C)KERS 1H 60 --- QUACKER one that quacks [n]
Other moves: SEN M1 38, SER M1 38, NOSE M3 37, ROSE M3 37, EROS M2 36
On 16th draw, DEAWY 14B 40 --- DEAWY covered with dew [adj]
Other moves: WIFEY 3I 36, DEITY 14B 34, WIFED 3I 32, AWED 10I 31, AWED J9 31
On 17th draw, AUTOGIRO M8 70 --- AUTOGIRO a type of aircraft [n]
Other moves: OUTRIG 15E 31, ERGO M1 29, OUTGO 15E 28, OUTRIG 15F 26, OUTRO 15E 25
On 18th draw, MOTIVING 13H 65 --- MOTIVE to inspire to action [v]
Other tops: VOMITING 13H 65
Other moves: VOMITO 15H 36, VOWING I3 31, MEVING J10 30, MONG 15L 30, MOWING I3 29
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