Game on April 26, 2021 at 10:07, 6 players
1. 93 pts moonmonkey
2. 93 pts sicilianc5
3. 93 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 22 22 


G5 48 70 


10D 45 115 


4C 83 198 


3H 80 278 


F1 29 307 


O3 41 348 


I7 35 383 


1D 39 422 


11E 38 460 


12G 46 506 


N8 88 594 


K7 72 666 


L1 89 755 


O11 39 794 


12A 32 826 


A10 30 856 


B6 40 896 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 0 2:42 -803 93 1.7300 moonmonkey 0 2:42 -803 93
sicilianc5 0 2:59 -803 93 2.7832 sicilianc5 0 2:59 -803 93
queen66 0 3:13 -803 93 3.7731 queen66 0 3:13 -803 93
4. -
BLANK55555 1 1:58 -816 80 Group: not rated
5. -
QQQQQ55555 1 1:59 -856 40 1. - BLANK55555 1 1:58 -816 80
6. -
NNNNN55555 1 1:59 -857 39 2. - QQQQQ55555 1 1:59 -856 40
3. - NNNNN55555 1 1:59 -857 39
On 1st draw, FAKE H6 22 --- FAKE to contrive and present as genuine [v]
Other tops: FAKE H5 22, FAKE H7 22, FAKE H8 22, KEEF H5 22, KEEF H6 22, KEEF H7 22, KEEF H8 22
Other moves: KAF H6 20, KAF H7 20, KAF H8 20, KEF H6 20, KEF H7 20
On 2nd draw, REZ G5 48 --- REZ a North American Indian reservation [n]
Other moves: GAZER 10D 47, GRAZE 10G 47, RAZOO 10H 46, RAZE 10H 45, ZERO 10F 45
On 3rd draw, ENJ(O)Y 10D 45 --- ENJOY to receive pleasure from [v]
Other moves: J(A)Y 10F 43, J(O)Y 10F 43, HEYE(D) 10F 33, ENJ(O)YER 5A 32, HEY 10F 32
On 4th draw, SOMITAL 4C 83 --- SOMITAL pertaining to a somite [adj] --- SOMITE a longitudinal segment of the body of some animals [adj]
Other moves: LOAMIEST D5 76, OMS I8 36, SAM I7 35, SIM I7 35, SOM I7 35
On 5th draw, HAND(L)ER 3H 80 --- HANDLER one that handles [n]
Other tops: HANDER(S) 3H 80, HAND(I)ER 3H 80, HARDEN(S) 3H 80, HARD(M)EN 3H 80, HERD(M)AN 3H 80, (T)HREADEN D7 80
Other moves: (U)NSHARED C2 78, ADHEREN(D) D7 76, ADHEREN(T) D7 76, (F)REEHAND D8 76, ENDAR(C)H 3I 75
HANDER(S) 3H 80 BLANK55555
On 6th draw, UGLIED F1 29 --- UGLY to make offensive to the sight [v]
Other moves: LUGED 3B 28, ELUTED 3A 27, GLEDE 3A 25, LUTED 3B 25, GURLED N1 24
ELUTED 3A 27 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66
On 7th draw, SAFARI O3 41 --- SAFARI a hunting expedition [n] --- SAFARI to go on a hunting expedition [v]
Other moves: IFS I8 40, SIF I7 39, FOURS 1D 36, FAAS 11D 33, ISO I6 31
FOURS 1D 36 queen66, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 8th draw, PIN I7 35 --- PIN to fasten with a pin (a slender, pointed piece of metal) [v]
Other tops: ORPINE N2 35, PAN I7 35, PIA I7 35, PIE I7 35, POA I7 35
Other moves: ARPEN N2 31, ORPIN N2 31, NEAP 11D 30, PA I7 30, PAEON 11C 30
NEAP 11D 30 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66
On 9th draw, BRUITED 1D 39 --- BRUIT to spread by rumour [v]
Other moves: BREID N2 38, BRUTED 1D 36, BURPED 1E 33, PRUDE 1D 33, BETID N6 32
On 10th draw, YOB 11E 38 --- YOB a hooligan [n]
Other moves: BYRNIE N1 37, YEBO N6 36, YOB N6 35, OYE N5 34, BONEY 11A 32
On 11th draw, OXTAIL 12G 46 --- OXTAIL the tail of an ox [n]
Other moves: TAXOL 12F 34, TAXI 12F 33, LAX 12F 32, LOX 12F 32, TAX 12F 32
On 12th draw, MUCOSAL N8 88 --- MUCOSA a mucous membrane [adj] --- MUCOSAL resembling a mucosa [adj]
Other tops: MUCOSAL M8 88
Other moves: MO(L)LUSCA L1 80, MUCOSAL 13A 80, LEUCOMAS M2 66, MUCOSA M8 36, MUSCA M10 32
On 13th draw, OUTCRIED K7 72 --- OUTCRY to cry louder than [v]
Other tops: C(L)OTURED L2 72
Other moves: RORTED N1 36, COUDE 12A 28, CRUDE 12A 28, ENJ(O)YED 10D 27, COURE 12A 26
On 14th draw, HE(L)IPORT L1 89 --- HELIPORT an airport for helicopters [n]
Other moves: TROPHIED 14D 68, HEIR O12 46, THIO O12 34, THIR O12 34, PROTEI 13C 33
On 15th draw, WINOS O11 39 --- WINO a drunken down and out who drinks cheap wine [n]
Other moves: SNOWIER 5A 35, HEWN 1L 30, HEWS 1L 30, HOWE 1L 30, HOWS 1L 30
WINOS O11 39 NNNNN55555
On 16th draw, WINGE 12A 32 --- WINGE to whine [v]
Other moves: HEWN 1L 30, HWAN 1L 30, GWINE 12A 28, GRAIN N2 27, GREIN N2 27
On 17th draw, TOWAGE A10 30 --- TOWAGE the price paid for towing [n]
Other moves: GREET N2 27, AGE 2H 24, AGO 2H 24, AWETO A11 24, TOEIER 5B 24
On 18th draw, QUENA B6 40 --- QUENA a bamboo flute [n]
Other moves: HAVE 1L 30, QUA 2B 28, QUA 3A 28, VENAL 3B 26, GENEVA 14A 24
QUENA B6 40 QQQQQ55555
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