Game on April 28, 2021 at 13:33, 6 players
1. 341 pts Chelsea
2. 255 pts moonmonkey
3. 176 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 82 82 


11E 86 168 


12K 33 201 


O6 74 275 


N2 80 355 


F8 69 424 


E2 80 504 


15D 48 552 


O1 27 579 


3C 32 611 


4H 39 650 


14J 37 687 


2B 53 740 


M1 21 761 


D12 34 795 


10H 30 825 


1G 51 876 


M5 34 910 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 5 9:19 -569 341 1.7496 Chelsea 5 9:19 -569 341
moonmonkey 4 5:45 -655 255 2.7430 moonmonkey 4 5:45 -655 255
queen66 3 6:16 -734 176 3.7962 queen66 3 6:16 -734 176
sicilianc5 2 5:33 -736 174 4.7908 sicilianc5 2 5:33 -736 174
5. -
BLANK55555 2 2:34 -744 166 Group: not rated
6. -
AAAAA55555 1 1:56 -857 53 1. - BLANK55555 2 2:34 -744 166
2. - AAAAA55555 1 1:56 -857 53
On 1st draw, TARBOYS H7 82 --- TARBOY a person who attends cuts on sheep [n]
Other moves: TARBOYS H2 76, TARBOYS H3 76, TARBOYS H4 76, TARBOYS H6 76, TARBOYS H8 76
On 2nd draw, COLON(I)AL 11E 86 --- COLONIAL a citizen of a colony [n]
Other tops: NO(N)LOCAL 11D 86, (N)ONLOCAL 11D 86
Other moves: CLONAL(L)Y 12A 80, CLONA(L)LY 12A 80, C(L)ONALLY 12A 80, CY(C)LONAL 12G 74, SCALL(I)ON 13H 74
NO(N)LOCAL 11D 86 BLANK55555
On 3rd draw, WOVEN 12K 33 --- WOVEN a woven fabric [n]
Other moves: SWEVEN 13H 32, WEB 10F 31, WOVE 12K 29, V(I)NEW J10 26, WOVENS 13C 26
WOVEN 12K 33 queen66
WEB 10F 31 moonmonkey, sicilianc5
On 4th draw, SONATINA O6 74 --- SONATINA a short sonata [n]
Other moves: ATONIAS I2 64, ATONIAS G1 62, NABIS 10F 22, SABOT 10F 22, TABIS 10F 22
On 5th draw, P(A)RDINE N2 80 --- PARDINE pertaining to a leopard [adj]
Other tops: PINDER(S) 14I 80
Other moves: PRIN(C)ED N1 79, PRIN(K)ED N1 79, PRIN(T)ED N1 79, PR(O)INED N1 79, RIP(E)NED N1 79
PINDER(S) 14I 80 BLANK55555
On 6th draw, ESCOTING F8 69 --- ESCOT to maintain financially [v]
Other moves: CINE O1 29, CITE O1 29, TIGE O1 27, TINGES 14J 27, GITE O1 26
CINE O1 29 moonmonkey
CITE O1 29 sicilianc5, queen66
On 7th draw, TWEAKER E2 80 --- TWEAKER a small screwdriver used for fine adjustments [n]
Other moves: TWEAKER G2 75, TWEAKER I2 74, GAWKER 15F 42, REWAKE 8A 42, WAGER 15D 39
WAGER 15D 39 moonmonkey, queen66, sicilianc5
On 8th draw, FUGGED 15D 48 --- FUG to make hot, stuffy and close [v]
Other moves: MUGGED 15D 42, FUGGED 15C 39, BUMF 10H 37, MUGGED 15C 36, DEGUM 15D 33
FUGGED 15D 48 sicilianc5, moonmonkey, queen66
FEM O1 31 Chelsea
On 9th draw, RODE O1 27 --- RIDE to sit on, control, and be conveyed by an animal or machine [v] --- RODE a cable attached to the anchor of a small boat [n] --- RODE to perform an evening flight [v]
Other tops: RIDE O1 27
Other moves: DIRE O1 26, DORE O1 26, ROWDIER 3C 26, CEBID 10F 24, RORE O1 23
RODE O1 27 Chelsea, moonmonkey
RIDE O1 27 queen66, sicilianc5
On 10th draw, REWOVE 3C 32 --- REWEAVE to weave again [v]
Other moves: REVERE 8A 30, OVERWET 3A 28, VETOER 4A 26, VIEWER 3B 26, EVOE M5 24
REWOVE 3C 32 Chelsea
On 11th draw, HUMID 4H 39 --- HUMID having much humidity [adj]
Other moves: BUHL 10H 37, HILUM 4H 37, HM 10J 35, MUID M3 34, HIED D1 32
HUMID 4H 39 Chelsea
On 12th draw, PITIES 14J 37 --- PITY to feel pity (sorrow aroused by another's misfortune) [v]
Other moves: SPITE 5H 35, PITIED 5I 33, BOPS 10H 31, SPET 5H 30, SPIT 5H 30
POETS 14K 23 Chelsea
On 13th draw, BEATY 2B 53 --- BEATY of music, having a marked beat [adj]
Other tops: MEATY 2B 53
Other moves: BEEFY D1 49, *F*YOFAY F3 42, BABY 10H 37, BEEF D1 36, BY F5 36
MEATY 2B 53 AAAAA55555
BEEFY D1 49 Chelsea
On 14th draw, LUG M1 21 --- LUG to carry or pull with effort [v]
Other tops: RUG M1 21, TUG M1 21
Other moves: OUTGRINS 13A 20, OUTRIGS 13B 20, BOLT 10H 19, GNU I2 19, GON 5I 19
TUG M1 21 Chelsea
On 15th draw, JEFF D12 34 --- JEFF to ruthlessly downsize an organisation [v]
Other moves: TUFA 5I 33, FEIJOA K2 32, JA 1A 31, JAUK 6B 31, JO 1A 31
JA 1A 31 Chelsea
On 16th draw, BAH 10H 30 --- BAH an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other tops: BOH 10H 30, RHINAL 1H 30
Other moves: LAH 1A 28, NAH 1A 28, NOH 1A 28, RAH 1A 28, HAEN D1 26
BAH 10H 30 moonmonkey, Chelsea
On 17th draw, QUINTAL 1G 51 --- QUINTAL one hundred kilograms [n]
Other moves: QUATRE 8A 48, MAQUI J4 36, QUINTAR K2 32, QINTAR K3 30, QUAINT K1 30
QUINTAL 1G 51 moonmonkey
QUINTA K2 30 Chelsea
On 18th draw, IXORA M5 34 --- IXORA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: MAXIM J4 32, MAXI J4 29, MOXA J4 29, LIMAX K3 28, MAX J4 28
MIX J4 28 Chelsea
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