Game on April 28, 2021 at 14:17, 5 players
1. 68 pts queen66
2. 68 pts sicilianc5
3. 67 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 20 20 


8D 60 80 


3G 92 172 


E7 76 248 


K8 72 320 


15F 57 377 


F10 35 412 


N3 77 489 


4H 43 532 


O7 88 620 


J10 52 672 


2B 42 714 


1E 32 746 


12H 35 781 


1A 25 806 


14A 22 828 


3C 25 853 


6F 34 887 


A11 33 920 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
queen66 1 3:06 -852 68 1.7952 queen66 1 3:06 -852 68
sicilianc5 1 3:51 -852 68 2.7896 sicilianc5 1 3:51 -852 68
moonmonkey 2 2:11 -853 67 3.7494 moonmonkey 2 2:11 -853 67
4. -
OOOOO55555 1 1:35 -868 52 Group: not rated
5. -
TTTTT55555 1 1:41 -878 42 1. - OOOOO55555 1 1:35 -868 52
2. - TTTTT55555 1 1:41 -878 42
On 1st draw, MENTA H4 20 --- MENTUM the chin [n]
Other tops: MANET H4 20, MATTE H4 20, MEANT H4 20
Other moves: MAWN H5 18, MAWN H6 18, MAWN H7 18, MAWN H8 18, WAME H5 18
On 2nd draw, ENSNARED 8D 60 --- ENSNARE to trap [v]
Other moves: SERENED 5E 32, SNEERED 5E 32, DENES G3 20, DERES G3 20, MENDERS 4H 20
On 3rd draw, LAYTIME 3G 92 --- LAYTIME the total time allowed [n]
Other moves: MEATILY 3F 72, LAYTIMES F1 71, TALEYSIM F3 71, STEAMILY F8 67, AMENITY E5 48
On 4th draw, UNHO(O)PED E7 76 --- UNHOOP to remove hoops from [v]
Other tops: UNH(O)OPED E7 76
Other moves: UNHO(O)PED G7 72, UNH(O)OPED G7 72, UNHO(O)PED 6G 69, UNH(O)OPED 6G 67, PHON(I)ED E5 48
On 5th draw, DIASPORA K8 72 --- DIASPORA migration [n]
Other moves: DIASPORA 14E 65, PSOAI F10 37, PSORA F10 37, PARAS 2F 35, APORIA 2J 34
On 6th draw, VOETSAK 15F 57 --- VOETSAK (South Africa) offensive, expressing rejection [interj]
Other moves: OCTAVES 15H 48, OCTAVE 15H 45, STEAK 15H 42, VOETSEK 13C 40, CASKET 15J 39
On 7th draw, FIAT F10 35 --- FIAT an authoritative order [n] --- FIAT to sanction [v]
Other moves: FA(U)T J10 34, FIA(R) F10 33, FIA(T) F10 33, FI(A)T F10 33, F(E)AT F10 33
On 8th draw, SU(N)GLOW N3 77 --- SUNGLOW a glow in the sky caused by the sun [n]
Other moves: SUNGLOW(S) 6F 65, (S)UNGLOWS 6F 63, SLOW D12 38, SW(A)G D12 36, SW(I)G D12 36
On 9th draw, MEANY 4H 43 --- MEANY a nasty person [n]
Other tops: MEINY 4H 43
Other moves: YEAN O8 41, YONI O8 41, AYE O7 40, OYE O7 40, YEA O8 38
On 10th draw, AXONIC O7 88 --- AXON the central process of a neuron [adj] --- AXONIC relating to an axon [adj]
Other moves: ANOXIC O7 67, AXON O7 67, AX O7 56, OX O7 56, NOXAL O8 50
On 11th draw, JO J10 52 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: OVERT 2E 33, VERT 2F 32, JONG 6F 28, OVERGET 5C 28, JAG 10J 27
JO J10 52 OOOOO55555
On 12th draw, WRITHE 2B 42 --- WRITHE to squirm or twist in pain [v]
Other tops: THROWE 2B 42
Other moves: WEIR L10 40, WHERETO 5D 35, THROWE M9 33, HERO 2F 32, THROWE 13H 32
WRITHE 2B 42 moonmonkey, TTTTT55555
On 13th draw, AEDINE 1E 32 --- AEDINE pertaining to an aedes [adj]
Other moves: AEDINE 1F 29, DAINE 1G 22, DIENE 1G 22, NEED 3A 22, AID 2I 21
DAE 1A 19 queen66
DEAN 1G 19 sicilianc5
On 14th draw, QUEP 12H 35 --- QUEP expressing derision [interj]
Other moves: GULPER 12H 32, ROQUE 13J 28, BURGEE D4 26, JOULES J10 25, BROGUE 13I 24
BROGUE 13I 24 sicilianc5, queen66
On 15th draw, FOU 1A 25 --- FOU a bushel [n] --- FOU drunk [adj]
Other tops: FOE 1A 25
Other moves: ENUF G7 21, FOE 3A 21, GONEF 6F 21, ECLOGUE 5B 20, OLE 9G 20
FOE 1A 25 queen66, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 16th draw, VICED 14A 22 --- VICE to grip with a special tool [v]
Other moves: CIVET 13B 20, CLEVE 5D 20, VINIC K2 20, CIVE 5E 18, LIVED 14A 18
On 17th draw, BOT 3C 25 --- BOT the larva of a botfly [n] --- BOT to cadge [v]
Other tops: BOLETI 5E 25
Other moves: GIBLET 5D 24, GOBLET 5D 24, RIVO A12 24, RIBLET 5D 22, TRIGO M9 21
On 18th draw, ZING 6F 34 --- ZING to move with a high-pitched humming sound [v]
Other tops: BLAIZE 5C 34, BRAIZE 5C 34, NAZIR 6H 34
Other moves: BRAVI A11 33, NAZI 6H 33, AGRIZE 5C 32, BAIZE 5D 32, BLAZE 5D 32
On 19th draw, BRAVI A11 33 --- BRAVI to shout" well done" to a number of persons [interj] --- BRAVO a hired killer [n]
Other moves: DIVA A12 30, BARDIC C9 28, RIVA A12 24, AB M7 21, BRIAR 14G 21
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