Game on April 30, 2021 at 19:28, 7 players
1. 105 pts moonmonkey
2. 105 pts sicilianc5
3. 105 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 26 26 


14B 98 124 


13G 25 149 


C7 72 221 


B1 78 299 


8H 83 382 


L4 74 456 


5A 72 528 


1B 77 605 


A7 33 638 


B10 63 701 


D7 39 740 


4D 61 801 


J10 35 836 


15A 29 865 


6E 39 904 


2I 20 924 


1M 35 959 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 0 2:37 -854 105 1.7917 moonmonkey 0 2:37 -854 105
sicilianc5 0 2:58 -854 105 2.7914 sicilianc5 0 2:58 -854 105
queen66 0 3:13 -854 105 3.7940 queen66 0 3:13 -854 105
4. -
ZZZZZ55555 1 1:48 -896 63 Group: not rated
5. -
BBBBB55555 1 0:59 -933 26 1. - ZZZZZ55555 1 1:48 -896 63
6. -
UUUUU55555 1 1:24 -933 26 2. - BBBBB55555 1 0:59 -933 26
7. -
EEEEE55555 1 1:50 -933 26 3. - UUUUU55555 1 1:24 -933 26
4. - EEEEE55555 1 1:50 -933 26
On 1st draw, ABRUPT H8 26 --- ABRUPT an abyss [n] --- ABRUPT short and rude in manner [adj]
Other tops: ABRUPT H3 26, UPBEAR H3 26, UPBEAT H3 26
Other moves: BEPAT H4 24, ABRUPT H4 22, ABRUPT H7 22, UPBEAR H4 22, UPBEAR H7 22
UPBEAT H3 26 BBBBB55555, UUUUU55555, EEEEE55555
On 2nd draw, INCAVE(S) 14B 98 --- INCAVE to secrete [v]
Other moves: VA(L)ENCIA 8A 89, INV(O)CATE 13B 78, VE(S)ICANT 13A 76, NAVICE(R)T 13A 74, UNAC(T)IVE 11H 74
On 3rd draw, ETAMINE 13G 25 --- ETAMINE a loosely woven fabric [n]
Other moves: ANAEMIC D8 24, MENACE D10 22, AMICE D11 20, ANEMIC D9 20, APEMAN 12G 20
On 4th draw, NEG(A)TRON C7 72 --- NEGATRON an electron [n]
Other tops: GERONT(I)C D7 72
Other moves: NEG(A)TRON L6 70, N(I)TROGEN C7 70, ROENTG(E)N C7 70, TONGER(S) N7 70, N(I)TROGEN L6 68
On 5th draw, REGRADE B1 78 --- GRADE to arrange in steps or degrees [v] --- REGRADE to grade again [v]
Other moves: GARDENER L8 76, REGRADE D1 72, REGRADE I3 70, REGARDER 10H 66, REGRADE G2 64
On 6th draw, ABSTAINS 8H 83 --- ABSTAIN to refrain voluntarily [v]
BASTS A5 31 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66
On 7th draw, GUNWALES L4 74 --- GUNWALE the upper edge of a ship's side [n]
Other moves: GREWS 1A 39, GREW 1A 36, GLUTENS K5 32, GUNSEL N10 32, NEWS A5 32
GREWS 1A 39 queen66, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 8th draw, WATERLOO 5A 72 --- WATERLOO a decisive defeat [n]
Other moves: TROWEL 1A 39, WOOLER A7 36, WORTLE A7 36, LOWER A5 35, TOWEL A5 35
TOWEL A5 35 moonmonkey
TOWER A5 35 sicilianc5
LOWER A5 35 queen66
On 9th draw, ROESTONE 1B 77 --- ROESTONE a variety of limestone [n]
Other moves: ROESTONE E5 66, OSTEOGEN 4G 65, OESTRONE E1 58, EWEST A4 36, WEENS A5 30
On 10th draw, FAH A7 33 --- FAH a musical note [n]
Other tops: FOH A7 33, FRAP A7 33, HARP A7 33, HOARD A7 33, WARP A5 33
Other moves: PROF A7 32, FADO A7 30, FAP A7 30, FARD A7 30, FOP A7 30
On 11th draw, ZA B10 63 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: ZARF 12A 52, ZA 4H 42, FIZ 6H 40, FRIZ 10G 36, FUZILS 11G 36
ZA B10 63 ZZZZZ55555
On 12th draw, DRIPT D7 39 --- DRIP to fall in drops [v]
Other moves: DRIP D7 35, TREPID D3 34, DIPT D8 33, TRIP D7 33, TEPID D4 32
On 13th draw, FOAMY 4D 61 --- FOAMY covered with foam [adj]
Other moves: MODIFY K10 38, QORMA 10F 38, FOAM 4D 36, MOYA 14J 36, QUAYD 5K 36
On 14th draw, QUIM J10 35 --- QUIM female genitalia [n]
Other moves: ROQUE 10H 34, QIS J6 32, SUQ J8 32, QUID 5K 28, QUOD 5K 28
On 15th draw, JO 15A 29 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: DJIN 6I 28, DJIN N5 28, JUICE 5K 28, JEDI M1 27, JIN 6J 26
On 16th draw, DACK 6E 39 --- DACK to pull someone's trousers off as a joke [v]
Other moves: CAID 6E 31, HUCK 5K 26, VAUCH 5J 26, DAK 6H 25, CAD 6E 24
On 17th draw, LILIED 2I 20 --- LILIED covered with lilies [adj]
Other moves: DACKED 6E 18, IDOL 2F 18, LIED 2D 18, LOID 2D 18, DELI 14K 17
On 18th draw, HEY 1M 35 --- HEY to dance a country dance [v] --- HEY used to attract attention [interj]
Other tops: HOY 1M 35, YEH 1M 35
Other moves: EVOHE M2 32, HEY 3M 31, HOY 3M 31, HYE 1L 30, EH 7F 28
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