Game on May 1, 2021 at 09:46, 6 players
1. 256 pts Chelsea
2. 169 pts queen66
3. 143 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 76 76 


7F 64 140 


6F 53 193 


3F 84 277 


8K 42 319 


O3 111 430 


4C 31 461 


O1 57 518 


L7 36 554 


2A 37 591 


14J 54 645 


1A 35 680 


15M 31 711 


9K 25 736 


C4 63 799 


L1 46 845 


12A 38 883 


8A 35 918 


1H 51 969 


G9 70 1039 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 1 2:30 -783 256 1.7519 Chelsea 1 2:30 -783 256
queen66 2 4:12 -870 169 2.7906 queen66 2 4:12 -870 169
sicilianc5 1 3:17 -896 143 3.7947 sicilianc5 1 3:17 -896 143
moonmonkey 2 4:05 -897 142 4.7857 moonmonkey 2 4:05 -897 142
5. -
BLANK55555 1 1:59 -963 76 Group: not rated
6. -
UUUUU55555 1 1:59 -988 51 1. - BLANK55555 1 1:59 -963 76
2. - UUUUU55555 1 1:59 -988 51
On 1st draw, SYNUR(A)E H3 76 --- SYNURA any of a genus of protozoa [n]
Other tops: NURSE(R)Y H6 76, NU(R)SERY H6 76, (G)URNEYS H7 76
Other moves: NURSE(R)Y H2 70, NURSE(R)Y H3 70, NURSE(R)Y H4 70, NURSE(R)Y H8 70, NU(R)SERY H3 70
SYNUR(A)E H3 76 BLANK55555
On 2nd draw, ARRANGED 7F 64 --- ARRANGE to put in definite or proper order [v]
Other tops: GADARENE 9C 64
Other moves: ARRANGED 7G 63, GADARENE 9A 63, AGENDA G5 25, AGENDA I5 25, YARDAGE 4H 24
On 3rd draw, JEU 6F 53 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: WINDLE 8A 38, JAWED F6 36, J*W*DJEWED L4 36, JAWLINE F6 35, J*W*NGJEWING K2 34
JEU 6F 53 moonmonkey
On 4th draw, MISWROT(E) 3F 84 --- MISWRITE to write incorrectly [v]
Other moves: TIMEWOR(K) L4 82, TIMEWOR(N) L4 82, MIST(H)ROW 3F 78, WORMI(E)ST 3B 76, WORMIE(S)T L2 74
MOW(N) 8L 43 moonmonkey, queen66
MOW(S) 8L 43 sicilianc5
On 5th draw, OXER 8K 42 --- OXER an ox-fence [n]
Other tops: NIXE 8L 42, OXEN 8K 42, ROUX 8L 42
Other moves: NIXER 4K 40, EXON 4J 38, OX 8K 37, XI 8L 37, EXON 4L 36
OX 8K 37 queen66, sicilianc5
On 6th draw, EQUALS O3 111 --- EQUAL to reach the same level of quantity or value [v]
Other moves: QUEANS O3 84, QUENAS O3 84, SQUEAL O8 84, LASQUE O6 81, SUQ O8 72
EQUALS O3 111 Chelsea
On 7th draw, PARODY 4C 31 --- PARODY to imitate a serious literary work for comic effect [v]
Other moves: EXPORT L7 30, DOPA 6L 28, EXTORT L7 26, PRATY 4D 26, TOADY 4D 25
PARD 2K 21 Chelsea
On 8th draw, COEQUALS O1 57 --- COEQUAL done who is equal with another [n]
Other moves: COZ 3B 47, ZHO 3A 38, ZOEA 6L 38, BOSCHE 2A 37, B*CH*BOCHE 2B 35
COZ 3B 47 Chelsea
On 9th draw, EXAMPLE L7 36 --- EXAMPLE to illustrate, show by representation [v]
Other tops: EXEMPLA L7 36
Other moves: IMPALE 2A 31, PALMIE 2A 31, AMPLE 2B 29, MAPLE 2B 29, LAMIAE 2A 27
On 10th draw, FANKLE 2A 37 --- FANKLE to entangle [v]
Other moves: ANKLET 2B 35, FLAKE 2B 35, NAKF(A) 8D 32, FLANK G9 30, FLANK I9 30
On 11th draw, VIDEO 14J 54 --- VIDEO a recording for playing on a television set [n] --- VIDEO to make a video recording [v]
Other moves: CODEIN 14J 50, CODEN 14J 48, CONDIE 14I 42, COVED 14H 39, VOICED 14G 38
On 12th draw, EH 1A 35 --- EH to say 'Eh' [v] --- EH used to express doubt or surprise [interj]
Other tops: OH 1A 35
Other moves: HIE 3B 34, HOE K10 29, LOAVE 9J 29, OH N5 28, OLE 1A 28
OH 1A 35 sicilianc5
On 13th draw, FIB 15M 31 --- FIB a trivial lie [n] --- FIB to tell a trivial lie [v]
Other tops: FOB 15M 31
Other moves: OF N5 28, INBORN J6 27, FIN 15M 25, FIR 15M 25, FON 15M 25
OF N5 28 sicilianc5
On 14th draw, TAV 9K 25 --- TAV a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: VITAL L1 24, VITTA L1 24, VIR(A)L 8E 22, VITA L1 22, ALEF M12 20
On 15th draw, PINELAND C4 63 --- PINELAND land forested with pine [n]
Other tops: ANNELID G9 63
Other moves: LANDLINE 12H 61, DAE 3B 32, DIE 3B 32, NAE 3B 29, NIE 3B 29
On 16th draw, ZATI L1 46 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other tops: ZETA L1 46, ZITE L1 46
Other moves: MAZE 10L 43, ZILA 8A 42, BAIZE D9 41, BETH 13K 40, HAZE B7 40
ZETA L1 46 moonmonkey
On 17th draw, BESAW 12A 38 --- BESEE to look to [v]
Other moves: WASE 12A 34, ABLOW 8A 33, BELOW 8A 33, AGLOW 8A 30, BASE 12A 30
BESAW 12A 38 queen66
On 18th draw, TOLING 8A 35 --- TOLE to allure [v] --- TOLING the use of toll-bait [n]
Other tops: SOLING 8A 35
Other moves: GIBSON A10 27, GOBIES A10 27, NONGS 5H 26, GEST 5J 24, GIST 5J 24
BING A12 21 Chelsea
On 19th draw, SOYUZ 1H 51 --- SOYUZ a Soviet manned spacecraft [n]
Other moves: COSY 5J 32, CYST 5J 32, NOYES 5H 30, OBEYS A11 30, YATES 9B 29
SOYUZ 1H 51 queen66, UUUUU55555
BUYS A12 27 Chelsea
On 20th draw, ROTCHIE G9 70 --- ROTCHIE the little auk [n]
Other moves: THEORIC G9 67, DHOTI 11C 33, ETHE 13L 32, ETH 13L 30, OCHER 11E 30
HER 13K 29 Chelsea
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