Game on May 1, 2021 at 11:20, 8 players
1. 100 pts moonmonkey
2. 100 pts queen66
3. 100 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 30 30 


9F 66 96 


10H 34 130 


N8 94 224 


15I 90 314 


4H 76 390 


14C 65 455 


15A 58 513 


O2 33 546 


2J 32 578 


E11 37 615 


1G 39 654 


D8 46 700 


2A 124 824 


A1 33 857 


8A 30 887 


3E 21 908 


13A 32 940 


N4 35 975 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 0 2:19 -875 100 1.7857 moonmonkey 0 2:19 -875 100
queen66 0 2:38 -875 100 2.7906 queen66 0 2:38 -875 100
sicilianc5 0 2:56 -875 100 3.7947 sicilianc5 0 2:56 -875 100
4. -
OOOOO55555 1 1:23 -917 58 Group: not rated
5. -
DDDDD55555 1 1:52 -917 58 1. - OOOOO55555 1 1:23 -917 58
6. -
BBBBB55555 1 1:10 -945 30 2. - DDDDD55555 1 1:52 -917 58
7. -
MMMMM55555 1 1:32 -945 30 3. - BBBBB55555 1 1:10 -945 30
8. -
PPPPP55555 1 1:56 -945 30 4. - MMMMM55555 1 1:32 -945 30
5. - PPPPP55555 1 1:56 -945 30
On 1st draw, BUMPER H4 30 --- BUMPER to fill to the brim [v]
Other tops: QUEP H5 30, QUEP H6 30, QUEP H7 30, QUEP H8 30
Other moves: BUMPER H3 26, BUMPER H7 26, BUMPER H8 26, BRUME H4 24, BUMPER H5 24
BUMPER H4 30 BBBBB55555, MMMMM55555, PPPPP55555
On 2nd draw, VARIANCE 9F 66 --- VARIANCE a license to perform an act contrary to the usual rule [n]
Other moves: CAVEMAN 6D 24, AVINE I2 22, VAUNCE 5F 22, VICUNA 5E 22, VANE G3 21
On 3rd draw, (S)OM 10H 34 --- SOM a monetary unit of Kyrgyzstan [n]
Other moves: FI(S)K N7 33, KIF(S) N6 33, sK*M*(S)KIMO N9 33, MO(S)K N7 32, (S)KIM N9 32
KIF(S) N6 33 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66
On 4th draw, ESPARTO N8 94 --- ESPARTO a strong Spanish grass [n]
Other moves: SEAPORT N9 86, POSTRACE L3 76, PRONATES K6 75, PROTEANS K3 75, PROTEAS N3 75
On 5th draw, ISODOSE 15I 90 --- ISODOSE one of several zones with equal radiation [n] --- ISODOSE pertaining to zones that receive equal doses of radiation [adj]
Other moves: ISODOSE O2 83, SODOMIES 6D 67, SODOMISE 6D 67, DESI 15L 31, DISS 15L 31
DISS 15L 31 queen66
DOSE 15L 31 sicilianc5
DOSS 15L 31 moonmonkey
On 6th draw, BANDAGER 4H 76 --- BANDAGER one that bandages [n]
Other moves: GADARENE M2 74, GRANDAME 6B 70, AGENDA O3 36, ARGAND O3 36, ENGUARD 5E 36
GRAND O4 36 moonmonkey, queen66, sicilianc5
On 7th draw, WAFTIN(G) 14C 65 --- WAFT to carry lightly over air or water [v] --- WAFTING the act of wafting [n]
Other moves: W(O)F O6 39, FAW 3L 34, FAWNI(E)R 12H 32, FEW 8M 32, A(F)F O6 30
On 8th draw, QUOD 15A 58 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other moves: QUOD 13A 41, QUOAD D11 34, QUAD D12 32, QUERN N2 32, TROD 15A 31
QUOD 15A 58 OOOOO55555, DDDDD55555
On 9th draw, DERAIGN O2 33 --- DERAIGN to dispute a claim [v]
Other moves: GRADIN O3 30, GRANDE O3 30, GRANGE O3 30, GRINGA O3 30, RAGED O4 30
On 10th draw, BEGLAD 2J 32 --- BEGLAD to gladden [v]
Other tops: BANGED 2J 32
Other moves: BALLED 2J 30, GABLED 2J 28, BANGLED 2I 26, BEANO M11 26, LABEL N1 26
On 11th draw, NIFFS E11 37 --- NIFF to smell bad [v]
Other tops: FIEFS E11 37, NUFFS E11 37
Other moves: FINO 3I 33, FUSION 1F 33, FOAMINESS J7 31, NEIFS E11 31, NIEFS E11 31
On 12th draw, EVHOE 1G 39 --- EVHOE expressing Bacchic frenzy [interj]
Other moves: HEVEA 1F 37, HOKA 1G 37, HOVEA 1F 37, KOHA 1G 37, HEVEA D8 36
On 13th draw, RELAX D8 46 --- RELAX to make less tense or rigid [v]
Other moves: FAX 13E 40, LAX D10 40, LEX D10 40, RAX D10 40, REX D10 40
On 14th draw, RIOTIZE 2A 124 --- RIOTIZE riot [n]
Other moves: RIOTIZE C2 104, RIOTIZE E2 84, ZIRAM J6 36, ZIT 13A 36, MOZE 6H 35
On 15th draw, TREY A1 33 --- TREY the three in cards, dice, or dominoes [n]
Other moves: CENTURY 12I 32, COUNTRY C1 32, CENTURY 5D 31, CENTRY 12J 30, CURRY 8A 30
On 16th draw, CHURL 8A 30 --- CHURL a rude person [n]
Other tops: CHURR 8A 30
Other moves: ETH N4 29, HOT 3C 26, OCCULT L7 26, CHURRO 12J 24, COUCH L9 24
On 17th draw, TON 3E 21 --- TON a unit of weight [n]
Other moves: LICTOR L7 18, LIT 13A 18, LOT 13A 18, NIT 13A 18, NOT 13A 18
On 18th draw, JUT 13A 32 --- JUT to protrude [v]
Other moves: JOWL C1 28, JOW 14M 27, JOW C1 26, JUT 1C 26, JIRD L12 24
On 19th draw, ELK N4 35 --- ELK a large deer [n]
Other moves: ICKILY L8 32, RICKLY L7 32, YIRK 12L 32, WIRY 12L 28, IWI 5K 26
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