Game on May 1, 2021 at 13:41, 6 players
1. 200 pts queen66
2. 179 pts moonmonkey
3. 151 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 20 20 


11D 82 102 


12A 28 130 


8A 101 231 


K8 66 297 


B2 50 347 


3A 74 421 


H1 69 490 


13I 46 536 


I4 32 568 


15H 39 607 


L3 75 682 


B10 40 722 


5E 38 760 


N10 34 794 


8K 45 839 


A11 35 874 


4A 31 905 


J2 38 943 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
queen66 0 5:21 -743 200 1.7906 queen66 0 5:21 -743 200
moonmonkey 0 6:03 -764 179 2.7893 moonmonkey 0 6:03 -764 179
sicilianc5 1 4:43 -792 151 3.7947 sicilianc5 1 4:43 -792 151
4. -
BLANK55555 0 1:42 -857 86 Group: not rated
5. -
FFFFF55555 1 1:56 -903 40 1. - BLANK55555 0 1:42 -857 86
6. -
GGGGG55555 1 1:53 -923 20 2. - FFFFF55555 1 1:56 -903 40
3. - GGGGG55555 1 1:53 -923 20
On 1st draw, OGLING H7 20 --- OGLE to stare at lecherously [v] --- OGLING the act of ogling [n]
Other tops: GINGLE H4 20, LEGONG H7 20, OGLING H3 20
Other moves: ELOIGN H8 18, GINGE H4 18, GINGLE H3 18, GINGLE H7 18, GINGLE H8 18
On 2nd draw, ORGANI(S)T 11D 82 --- ORGANIST one who plays the organ (a keyboard musical instrument) [n]
Other tops: ORGANIT(Y) 11D 82
Other moves: GAROTI(N)G 8A 80, GAROTI(N)G 8H 80, ORGIA(S)T 13C 76, GAROTI(N)G 12A 72, GAROTI(N)G 12H 72
On 3rd draw, OVUM 12A 28 --- OVUM the female reproductive cell of animals [n]
Other tops: BO(O)M 12A 28, BO(R)M 12A 28, B(O)OM 12A 28
Other moves: MOU(S)T L8 26, OV(U)M 12A 26, TOMB 12A 26, VUM(S) 12A 26, V(R)OOM D8 26
On 4th draw, BRAW(L)ING 8A 101 --- BRAWL to fight rowdily [v] --- BRAWLING fighting [n]
Other moves: WARB(L)ING 8A 98, B(E)WARING 8A 92, RAINBOW(S) A7 86, RAINBOW(Y) A7 86, RAINB(O)W G1 75
On 5th draw, DENTEXES K8 66 --- DENTEX a voracious Mediterranean fish [n]
Other moves: EXODES A10 42, DESEX I3 40, SEXED L11 39, DEX I5 36, EX 9B 36
On 6th draw, SPICKER B2 50 --- SPICK tidy [adj]
Other moves: SKEPS 15K 48, SKIPS 15K 48, SPECK 15K 48, SP*CKSPICK 15K 48, KEEPS 14J 42
On 7th draw, OPTIONED 3A 74 --- OPTION to grant an option (a right to buy or sell something at a specified price within a specified time) on [v]
Other moves: DIET L12 32, DINO L12 32, DINT L12 32, DOXIE 13I 30, TOXOID 13I 30
DOXIE 13I 30 moonmonkey
On 8th draw, HADJ H1 69 --- HADJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: ADJURE 8J 66, HEJRAS 15F 48, HEJRA 14J 46, HAJES 15G 45, JEHUS 15G 45
JEHUS 15G 45 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66
On 9th draw, FOXILY 13I 46 --- FOXILY in a foxy manner [adv]
Other moves: FELONY 14J 40, FILO L12 40, FINELY 5G 40, FINO L12 40, LENIFY 5E 40
FILO L12 40 queen66, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 10th draw, ANTES I4 32 --- ANTE to put a fixed stake into the pot before the cards are dealt in poker [v]
Other tops: AEONS I4 32, SETAE 14J 32
Other moves: SAINT L11 30, OSTIA L10 27, JANTEE 4H 26, JETONS 4H 26, JETSON 4H 26
JANTEE 4H 26 moonmonkey, queen66, sicilianc5
On 11th draw, DRUSY 15H 39 --- DRUSY rough with minute crystals [adj]
Other tops: DITSY 15H 39
Other moves: TINDERY 5G 38, EYED 14I 37, RESTUDY 15I 36, RETIED 14J 36, JADERY 4H 34
On 12th draw, OUTLAID L3 75 --- OUTLAY to pay out [v]
Other moves: DOLINA 5E 30, DUALIN 5D 30, INDULT 5H 30, LADINO 5E 30, TINDAL 5G 30
On 13th draw, FEVERS B10 40 --- FEVER to affect with fever (abnormal elevation of the body temperature) [v]
Other moves: FEVER B10 38, PIETS 4A 35, PREYS N10 32, PIES 4A 31, PIET 4A 31
FEVERS B10 40 sicilianc5, FFFFF55555
On 14th draw, HUMINT 5E 38 --- HUMINT human intelligence [n]
Other moves: HEMIN 5E 36, MINETTE 5G 34, THEINE 5E 34, EMETIN 5D 32, MINUET 5G 32
On 15th draw, CRAYER N10 34 --- CRAYER a trading vessel [n]
Other moves: CARTE J2 29, CORREA M1 26, KORARI 6B 25, CERIA M2 24, CORIA M2 24
On 16th draw, DIAZO 8K 45 --- DIAZO a type of photocopy [n] --- DIAZO containing a certain chemical group [adj]
Other moves: ZOEA 14F 42, ZOO A1 38, GLAZE F11 35, GLOZE F11 35, ZEA 14F 35
ZOO A1 38 moonmonkey
On 17th draw, POTAE A11 35 --- POTAE (Maori) a hat [n]
Other moves: LIPA 6D 31, LIPE 6D 31, PIET 4A 31, TAPE 6D 31, TEPA 6D 31
PIET 4A 31 queen66
On 18th draw, BIEN 4A 31 --- BIEN comfortable [adj]
Other moves: BAWN M1 30, WEAN 9C 28, BWANA 2D 27, LAWN M1 26, AWN M2 24
BAWN M1 30 queen66
On 19th draw, VAWTE J2 38 --- VAWTE to attain great success [v]
Other moves: WAITE J2 32, VAW M1 28, QI M2 26, WAIT J2 25, AWAVE 2F 24
VAW M1 28 queen66
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