Game on May 1, 2021 at 19:01, 5 players
1. 60 pts dannyboy
2. 57 pts queen66
3. 56 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 80 80
2. 8A 80 160
3. A1 83 243
4. 5C 68 311
5. 4D 36 347
6. 9G 68 415
7. O4 49 464
8. 6D 24 488
9. L4 70 558
10. 12G 56 614
11. 10F 43 657
12. N1 37 694
13. 1K 45 739
14. 10L 53 792
15. 13I 26 818
16. C7 62 880
17. 2E 69 949
18. H1 33 982
19. 11K 26 1008
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7293 dannyboy 0 2:12 -948 60 1.7293 dannyboy 0 2:12 -948 60
2.7811 queen66 1 2:07 -951 57 2.7811 queen66 1 2:07 -951 57
3.7770 moonmonkey 1 1:11 -952 56 3.7770 moonmonkey 1 1:11 -952 56
4. - VVVVV55555 1 1:36 -952 56 4.7819 sicilianc5 0 0:39 -978 30
5.7819 sicilianc5 0 0:39 -978 30 Group: not rated
1. - VVVVV55555 1 1:36 -952 56
On 1st draw, MISHEAR H4 80 --- MISHEAR to hear incorrectly [v]
Other tops: MASHIER H4 80
Other moves: MASHIER H2 76, MASHIER H3 76, MASHIER H6 76, MASHIER H7 76, MASHIER H8 76
On 2nd draw, GAUNTREE 8A 80 --- GAUNTREE a stand for barrels [n]
Other moves: GAUNTER G5 78, GAUNTER I2 76, ARGENTUM 4A 74, ARGUMENT 4D 72, STRAUNGE 6H 65
On 3rd draw, TI(D)DLING A1 83 --- TIDDLE to potter [v]
Other moves: INTITL(E)D E4 82, T(O)LIDIN 11D 78, DIL(A)TING A1 77, DIL(U)TING A1 77, TID(D)LING A1 77
On 4th draw, LEGATION 5C 68 --- LEGATION the sending of an official envoy [n]
Other tops: GELATION 5C 68
Other moves: ELONGATE G8 66, ANTILOG 5E 32, GANTLET E5 32, GENITAL 5E 32, GENOA I3 23
On 5th draw, RAJ 4D 36 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other tops: TAJ 4D 36
Other moves: AJAR F5 27, JEAN J2 27, JAR 10F 26, RAJ 10H 26, RAJ F4 26
On 6th draw, DATOLITE 9G 68 --- DATOLITE a rock formed from boron and calcium silicates [n]
Other moves: DOTTEL 11H 28, DOTTLE 11H 28, LOTTED 11C 28, TILTED 11C 28, TITLED 11C 28
DOLT 11H 24 dannyboy
On 7th draw, FOLIES O4 49 --- FOLIE folly [n]
Other moves: FILOSE K1 38, FILOSE O5 37, FEELS K1 36, FILES K1 36, FILOS K1 36
FOILS K1 36 dannyboy
On 8th draw, TAI 6D 24 --- TAI sea bream [n]
Other moves: EATEN 10J 23, AI 6E 20, TINEA N3 20, EATHE 7E 19, ETHANE 7F 18
On 9th draw, EUP(H)UISE L4 70 --- EUPHUISE to write in an affected literary style [v]
Other moves: EPU(I)SE K1 34, E(M)PUSE K1 34, PE(R)SUE K2 34, PE(R)USE K1 34, PU(R)SUE K2 34
On 10th draw, AVOWED 12G 56 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other moves: ADVEW 12K 54, VOWED 12H 54, WAVED 12H 54, DOWF 12L 52, AVOWED N2 47
AVOWED 12G 56 moonmonkey, VVVVV55555, queen66
On 11th draw, SHROW 10F 43 --- SHROW to curse [v]
Other moves: HOWES 11I 42, HOWE 11I 40, HOMES 11I 38, HOME 11I 36, MISOS 10J 33
VOWS H12 30 sicilianc5
(D)I 3A 1 queen66
On 12th draw, RACEME N1 37 --- RACEME an indefinite arrangement of flowers on a main stalk [n]
Other tops: CAREME N1 37
Other moves: CREME N2 35, CREAM 13C 31, CAREME M1 30, RACEME M1 30, CRAME M2 28
On 13th draw, OVARY 1K 45 --- OVARY a female reproduction gland [n]
Other tops: IVORY 1K 45
Other moves: VIBEY 13C 43, VARY 1L 42, VERY 1L 42, VERB 1L 39, YBORE 1K 39
On 14th draw, SIX 10L 53 --- SIX a number [n]
Other tops: SAX 10L 53, SEX 10L 53
Other moves: FAKEY 13C 47, YEX 13I 40, FAIX 13D 39, KEX 13E 39, FAX 13E 38
On 15th draw, FON 13I 26 --- FON foehn [n] --- FON to fool [v]
Other moves: FEN 11K 25, BUNKO 11B 24, BUNKO 2G 23, BON 13I 22, FEN K11 22
On 16th draw, QUAKIER C7 62 --- QUAKY tending to quake [adj]
Other moves: KEIR 14J 41, KERN 14J 41, KEA 14J 40, KEN 14J 40, NERKA 14J 33
On 17th draw, CRYOGEN 2E 69 --- CRYOGEN a substance for producing low temperatures [n]
Other moves: RECON 11K 35, GENRO 14J 34, ONERY D11 32, YORE D10 31, REGO 11K 30
On 18th draw, ZO H1 33 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZEBU 12B 30, BEZ 12B 28, ZEP 12B 28, BED 11K 26, PED 11K 26
On 19th draw, BED 11K 26 --- BED to provide with a bed (a piece of furniture used for sleeping) [v]
Other tops: PED 11K 26
Other moves: PENDU K11 24, BEN 11K 23, PEN 11K 23, BEND K11 22, BENNI K11 22
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