Game on May 1, 2021 at 20:33, 8 players
1. 358 pts dannyboy
2. 163 pts queen66
3. 106 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 78 78 


11D 45 123 


12A 44 167 


13D 73 240 


14J 53 293 


7B 66 359 


9A 65 424 


15D 95 519 


L10 34 553 


O10 39 592 


N6 67 659 


8L 57 716 


5F 80 796 


10A 55 851 


O1 44 895 


A12 30 925 


D1 28 953 


1D 30 983 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
dannyboy 2 10:48 -625 358 1.7293 dannyboy 2 10:48 -625 358
queen66 3 4:15 -820 163 2.7811 queen66 3 4:15 -820 163
sicilianc5 2 2:09 -877 106 3.7819 sicilianc5 2 2:09 -877 106
4. -
QQQQQ55555 1 0:54 -916 67 4.7770 moonmonkey 1 1:19 -944 39
5. -
AAAAA55555 1 1:21 -916 67 5.7476 HollyIvy 1 1:38 -944 39
6. -
NNNNN55555 1 1:44 -916 67 Group: not rated
moonmonkey 1 1:19 -944 39 1. - QQQQQ55555 1 0:54 -916 67
HollyIvy 1 1:38 -944 39 2. - AAAAA55555 1 1:21 -916 67
3. - NNNNN55555 1 1:44 -916 67
On 1st draw, BOUCLEE H4 78 --- BOUCLEE a loop made with forefinger and thumb to guide a billiard stick [n]
Other moves: BOUCLEE H2 74, BOUCLEE H3 74, BOUCLEE H6 74, BOUCLEE H7 74, BOUCLEE H8 74
On 2nd draw, ZERK(S) 11D 45 --- ZERK a grease fitting [n]
Other moves: ZEK(S) 11E 43, A(B)ROOKE 5E 40, KA(M)EEZ 10E 40, (H)OROEKA 5E 40, RAZE(S) 11D 37
On 3rd draw, WETA 12A 44 --- WETA a grasshopper [n]
Other tops: WENA 12A 44
Other moves: TALEA 12C 42, WANZE D8 42, LANATE 12A 40, WALE 12C 40, WANE 12C 40
On 4th draw, GARNERS 13D 73 --- GARNER to gather and store [v]
Other moves: GROANERS 5F 68, RAGERS 13B 35, REGARS 13B 35, GNAWERS A9 33, AGERS 13C 31
On 5th draw, HAVIOR 14J 53 --- HAVIOR behavior [n]
Other moves: HAIRDO 14J 49, HOARD 14J 47, WHID A12 33, HARD I7 32, HAD I7 31
HOARD 14J 47 dannyboy
On 6th draw, AUTOVACS 7B 66 --- AUTOVAC a vacuum assisted fuel transmission [n]
Other moves: VARA O12 33, VARS O12 33, VORS O12 33, AVAST 14A 32, TAVAS 15G 32
VORS O12 33 dannyboy
On 7th draw, HALIMOTE 9A 65 --- HALIMOTE the court of a guild [n]
Other moves: THARM O11 42, OMLAH 15G 41, MIHA 8A 40, HARM O12 39, HOLMIA 15E 39
THARM O11 42 dannyboy
On 8th draw, PENUC(H)E 15D 95 --- PENUCHE a fudge-like candy [n]
Other moves: EUPNOE(I)C 5D 94, PENUC(H)E 15E 87, EUPN(O)EIC M8 74, EUP(H)ENIC M8 74, OPU(L)ENCE 5H 72
PE(R)CEN 15F 35 dannyboy
On 9th draw, GROOVY L10 34 --- GROOVY marvellous [adj]
Other moves: YIRR O12 33, OB 8A 32, OY 10A 31, GOORY O11 30, GORY O12 30
GORY O12 30 dannyboy
On 10th draw, INFARE O10 39 --- INFARE a reception for newlyweds [n]
Other moves: AFIRE O11 36, FAINTER O8 33, FARE O12 33, F*RTFART O12 33, FENITAR O8 33
INFARE O10 39 queen66, moonmonkey, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
FARE O12 33 dannyboy
On 11th draw, TRANQ N6 67 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: WAQF A12 57, QANAT B6 36, THRAWN A8 36, AFREET B9 34, THRAW A8 33
TRANQ N6 67 sicilianc5, queen66, QQQQQ55555, AAAAA55555, NNNNN55555
On 12th draw, JEAT 8L 57 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other tops: JIAO 8L 57
Other moves: JOE 6B 55, JO 6B 52, JEEL O5 43, THEOW A8 33, JAI 8M 30
On 13th draw, BOODYING 5F 80 --- BOODY to sulk [v]
Other moves: ABYEING B9 38, WYND A12 33, OB 8A 32, OY 10A 31, WINY A12 30
OY 6A 26 dannyboy
On 14th draw, OX 10A 55 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: AX 10A 55
Other moves: XI 10B 52, IXIA M12 47, OX 13L 36, PANAX B6 36, XI M13 36
AX 10A 55 dannyboy
On 15th draw, SWIPLE O1 44 --- SWIPLE a part of a threshing device [n]
Other tops: WASPIE O1 44
Other moves: LAIPSE O1 35, WALISE O1 32, WAWE A12 30, WAWL A12 30, WAWS A12 30
WASP A12 27 dannyboy
On 16th draw, WIFE A12 30 --- WIFE a woman married to a man [n] --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other tops: WAIF A12 30
Other moves: FIE M13 27, WADD A12 27, DEFIANT D1 26, EF 6A 26, FAE 4J 26
WIFE A12 30 dannyboy
WAIF A12 30 queen66
On 17th draw, MIDDEST D1 28 --- MIDDEST middle [adj]
Other moves: MHO A8 24, SIST I7 24, DEMIT 6A 22, EM B14 22, SIS I7 21
On 18th draw, MAUDLIN 1D 30 --- MAUDLIN excessively emotional [adj]
Other moves: BANTU 4H 28, MANTID 1D 27, TALMUD 1A 27, ALUMIN 1A 24, ALUMNI 1A 24
MANTID 1D 27 queen66
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