Game on May 2, 2021 at 14:51, 9 players
1. 224 pts Chelsea
2. 170 pts sicilianc5
3. 152 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 54 54 


10H 82 136 


L5 76 212 


I8 73 285 


N6 35 320 


5A 70 390 


A5 83 473 


O4 58 531 


15D 45 576 


13G 35 611 


A1 54 665 


K8 26 691 


B5 69 760 


12D 30 790 


C1 35 825 


1C 27 852 


I1 29 881 


J4 42 923 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 1 3:23 -699 224 1.7557 Chelsea 1 3:23 -699 224
sicilianc5 0 7:41 -753 170 2.7772 sicilianc5 0 7:41 -753 170
HollyIvy 1 2:27 -771 152 3.7476 HollyIvy 1 2:27 -771 152
queen66 1 5:33 -777 146 4.7743 queen66 1 5:33 -777 146
moonmonkey 1 3:50 -829 94 5.7748 moonmonkey 1 3:50 -829 94
6. -
TTTTT55555 1 1:34 -865 58 Group: not rated
7. -
JJJJJ55555 1 0:45 -869 54 1. - TTTTT55555 1 1:34 -865 58
8. -
YYYYY55555 1 1:11 -869 54 2. - JJJJJ55555 1 0:45 -869 54
9. -
VVVVV55555 1 1:35 -869 54 3. - YYYYY55555 1 1:11 -869 54
4. - VVVVV55555 1 1:35 -869 54
On 1st draw, JARVEY H4 54 --- JARVEY the driver of a carriage for hire [n]
Other moves: JARVEY H7 46, JARVEY H3 40, JARVEY H8 40, JARVEY H5 38, JARVEY H6 38
JARVEY H4 54 JJJJJ55555, YYYYY55555, VVVVV55555
On 2nd draw, SUNDAES 10H 82 --- SUNDAE a dish of ice cream served with a topping [n]
Other tops: SUNDAES 10B 82
Other moves: DANSEUSE 8A 80, SUNDAES I8 68, DANSEURS 6B 65, DANSEUSE 8D 61, SEDANS 10H 31
SUNDAES 10B 32 moonmonkey
SUNDAES 10H 32 sicilianc5, queen66
JADES 4H 26 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, CONEPATL L5 76 --- CONEPATL conepate [n]
Other moves: CONEPATL 5C 74, PLECTRON 6C 70, POTENCE M7 30, CLAPNET L8 28, NOPLACE L6 28
PEON 11I 26 queen66, sicilianc5
CONE I3 22 Chelsea
On 4th draw, FEUTRIN(G) I8 73 --- FEUTRE to set in a rest [v]
Other tops: FIRET(H)ORN 6F 73
Other moves: FENITAR(S) 5C 70, REN(O)TIFY 9A 68, TREN(D)IFY 9A 68, (G)ENTRIFY 9A 68, (S)NIFTERS N3 68
FEINT 8K 24 Chelsea
On 5th draw, QADIS N6 35 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other tops: QAIDS N6 35
Other moves: BA(G)GED 15G 33, BI(G)GED 15G 33, BAG(G)ED 15F 27, BA(G)GIE 15G 27, BEGAD 8K 27
BA(G)GED 15G 33 moonmonkey
BA(G) 15G 12 Chelsea
On 6th draw, LONICERA 5A 70 --- LONICERA the honeysuckle [n]
Other tops: COLINEAR 5B 70, CREOLIAN 5B 70
Other moves: CLINE O4 52, CRINE O4 52, ORCINE O3 49, CINE O5 40, CIRE O5 40
CRINE O4 52 HollyIvy
CINE O5 40 Chelsea
On 7th draw, LOADINGS A5 83 --- LOADING a burden [n]
Other moves: GANOIDS J2 71, IGAD O6 44, AIDOS O5 43, DINOS O5 42, SIDA O5 38
DINOS O5 42 Chelsea, HollyIvy
On 8th draw, WAITE O4 58 --- WAITE to be on guard [v]
Other moves: MIAOW B2 49, WITE O5 43, TIME O5 42, MITE O5 40, FERMI 6F 35
WAITE O4 58 HollyIvy, Chelsea, TTTTT55555
On 9th draw, HIKI(N)(G) 15D 45 --- HIKE to walk a long distance [v]
Other moves: MIKI(N)(G) 15D 39, KHI(L)IM D1 38, RIKI(S)HI 13H 38, KIM(C)HI D4 36, I(D)IOM B2 34
On 10th draw, ADIPOSE 13G 35 --- ADIPOSE animal fat [n]
Other moves: PEBAS I1 32, BASE I3 31, DOPAS I1 31, PASE I3 31, POSE I3 31
EPOS I2 29 sicilianc5
Other moves: FERMI 6F 35, ROOFIE B3 35, FERER 6F 33, FERM 6F 32, FIRMER 12D 32
FERER 6F 33 sicilianc5
On 12th draw, MODI K8 26 --- MODUS a mode [n]
Other moves: GLOOM 14A 25, GLOM 14B 23, T*MTOM B4 23, EMIT 4A 22, MINO 14G 22
On 13th draw, OXGATE B5 69 --- OXGATE as much land as one ox could plough [n]
Other moves: OX 6A 50, OX B5 50, VITEX D4 46, AX 4C 38, EX 4C 38
OX B5 50 sicilianc5
On 14th draw, NUMBER 12D 30 --- NUMBER to count [v]
Other moves: BREAM 14A 27, BARMIE D1 26, SUNBEAM 12A 26, URBANER 12C 26, ABUNE C9 25
BREAM 14A 27 queen66
On 15th draw, BARONY C1 35 --- BARONY the territory of a baron [n]
Other tops: BOTANY C1 35
Other moves: ROTARY 2A 34, BARNY C2 33, BONY C3 31, BRIARY D3 30, ATONY C2 29
ROTARY 2A 34 queen66
On 16th draw, BOTTLE 1C 27 --- BOTTLE to put into a bottle (a rigid container) [v]
Other tops: BATLET 1C 27, BATTEL 1C 27, BATTLE 1C 27, BOATEL 1C 27
Other moves: OWLET 3K 25, LOWT 3L 23, OWLET 14A 23, TAWT 3L 23, TOWEL 14A 23
BOTTLE 1C 27 queen66
On 17th draw, RIVO I1 29 --- RIVO a drinking cry [interj]
Other tops: RIVA I1 29
Other moves: ORVAL 14A 23, RIVAL 14A 23, VIRAL 14A 23, VROUW E9 22, AWOL 14B 21
RIVO I1 29 moonmonkey
On 18th draw, LUZ J4 42 --- LUZ a bone [n]
Other moves: ZHO 6J 35, L*ZLEZ F4 32, ZULU 14A 31, HAW C8 27, LUZ 14M 26
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