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Game on May 2, 2021 at 17:05, 6 players
1. 277 pts Chelsea
2. 252 pts Octopus8
3. 250 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeeflr   H4    80    80   federal
 2. ?bcemos  11B    86   166   recombs
 3. ?beinty   5F    74   240   ayenbite
 4. eghimop  12D    44   284   home
 5. eeorstt   N3    72   356   rosette
 6. acfiort   O7    43   399   aortic
 7. aeeilry   6B    38   437   relayed
 8. einostw  13G    86   523   townies
 9. aiinnpu  B10    26   549   pruina
10. aiirtuz   L7    52   601   azurite
11. aegjnrv  15A    66   667   garjan
12. adiilwx  K10    38   705   ax
13. deloosu  14I    36   741   ouds
14. agilnov   4A    34   775   voling
15. addeiku   O1    40   815   aked
16. aegilnw   J5    36   851   begnaw
17. dfhilop   M2    37   888   hoped
18. fiilquv   D8    29   917   quich

Remaining tiles: fiilv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7541 FileChelsea     1  9:35  -640  277     1.7541 Chelsea     1  9:35  -640  277 
  2.7978 FileOctopus8    2  6:07  -665  252     2.7978 Octopus8    2  6:07  -665  252 
  3.7699 Filesicilianc5  2  8:15  -667  250     3.7699 sicilianc5  2  8:15  -667  250 
  4.  -  FileGGGGG55555  0  1:43  -854   63     4.7725 queen66     0  1:56  -881   36 
  5.7725 Filequeen66     0  1:56  -881   36     5.7476 HollyIvy    0  0:29  -887   30 
  6.7476 FileHollyIvy    0  0:29  -887   30            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  GGGGG55555  0  1:43  -854   63 

On 1st draw, FEDERAL H4 80 --- FEDERAL a supporter of a type of central government [n]
Other moves: FEDERAL H2 76, FEDERAL H3 74, FEDERAL H6 74, FEDERAL H7 74, FEDERAL H8 74
FLARED H4 28 Chelsea

On 2nd draw, (R)ECOMBS 11B 86 --- RECOMB to comb again [v]
Other tops: BECOM(E)S 11B 86, BEMOC(K)S 11B 86, B(E)COMES 11B 86, COMBE(R)S 11B 86, COMB(I)ES 11B 86, COMB(L)ES 11B 86, CO(O)MBES 11B 86, C(O)OMBES 11B 86
Other moves: BECOM(E)S G9 77, BEMOC(K)S G9 77, B(E)COMES G9 76, CEMB(A)LOS 10C 71, COMBLES(S) 10D 71
COMB(I)ES 11B 36 Octopus8, sicilianc5, queen66
COMBS 11D 34 Chelsea

On 3rd draw, (A)YENBITE 5F 74 --- AYENBITE remorse [n]
Other tops: (A)YENBITE 5A 74
Other moves: (A)YENBITE 7F 68, AYENBIT(E) 9H 67, AY(E)NBITE 9H 67, BINATE(L)Y 9E 64, (A)YENBITE 7A 64
B(R)INY B10 30 HollyIvy, Chelsea

On 4th draw, HOME 12D 44 --- HOME to return to one's home (place of residence) [v]
Other moves: HEM 12D 38, HIM 12D 38, HOM 12D 38, EPHOD 6D 36, HOLM 10F 36
HOME 12D 44 Octopus8, Chelsea, sicilianc5

On 5th draw, ROSETTE N3 72 --- ROSETTE an ornament resembling a rose [n]
Other moves: ROSETTED 6A 71, LORETTES 10H 62, REDOES 6F 29, RETEST N1 29, EROSE N2 27
RETEST N1 29 sicilianc5, Chelsea, Octopus8

On 6th draw, AORTIC O7 43 --- AORTA the main blood vessel from the heart [adj] --- AORTIC pertaining to the aorta [adj]
Other moves: FAITOR O6 42, FACTOR M9 39, FICTOR M9 39, FORCAT M9 39, FRACTI M9 39
FAITOR O6 42 Octopus8, sicilianc5
FAIR O6 36 Chelsea

On 7th draw, RELAYED 6B 38 --- RELAY to put down new flooring [v]
Other moves: ALEYED 6C 35, YEDE 6F 35, LAYED 6D 34, RAYED 6D 34, ALEYE M3 33
RELAYED 6B 38 sicilianc5, Octopus8
DAY 6H 32 Chelsea

On 8th draw, TOWNIES 13G 86 --- TOWNIE a nonstudent who lives in a college town [n] --- TOWNY townie [n]
Other moves: TWONIES 13G 80, NOWTIEST L2 74, TOWNIEST L5 74, STEW O1 44, NEWEST 7E 34
STEW O1 44 Chelsea

On 9th draw, P(R)UINA B10 26 --- PRUINA a powdery bloom upon the surface of plants [n]
Other tops: PINON 4K 26
Other moves: UNPIN 13A 25, PINNULA D1 24, NAP 13C 23, NIP 13C 23, PAIN 13B 23

On 10th draw, AZURITE L7 52 --- AZURITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: ZATI 15A 42, IZAR 14E 41, RAZE M2 41, TZAR 14E 41, RIZA 14D 39

On 11th draw, GARJAN 15A 66 --- GARJAN an East Indian tree [n]
Other moves: GANJA 15A 63, JAVA 15A 45, JAGER 15A 42, JAGRA 15A 42, JIVER 13A 41
GANJA 15A 63 Octopus8, GGGGG55555

On 12th draw, AX K10 38 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: WEX 7G 38
Other moves: WAXED C3 36, XI 7C 36, XI I9 36, DIXI 13A 32, XI 4K 31

On 13th draw, OUDS 14I 36 --- OUD a stringed instrument of northern Africa [n]
Other moves: ODSO 14J 33, FEODS 4H 31, FOODS 4H 31, EDS 14J 30, ODS 14J 30

On 14th draw, VOLING 4A 34 --- VOLE to win all the tricks in a card game [v]
Other moves: GANOF 4D 29, GOV J8 29, LAV J8 28, LAVING 4A 28, LOVING 4A 28
LAV J8 28 sicilianc5

On 15th draw, AKED O1 40 --- AKE to endure a dull lasting pain [v]
Other tops: KAED O1 40
Other moves: DEKED M2 35, DUKED M2 35, KIDDER 3I 34, EUKED M2 33, KADE 3B 33
KADI 3B 33 sicilianc5

On 16th draw, BEGNAW J5 36 --- BEGNAW to gnaw [v]
Other moves: WAIVE A1 33, AWN 15H 30, GNAW J7 30, WAGE 3B 30, YEWEN G5 30

On 17th draw, HOPED M2 37 --- HOPE to have a desire or expectation [v]
Other moves: FOILED M1 33, OHED M3 32, FILED M2 31, HOLED M2 31, LOPED M2 31

On 18th draw, QUICH D8 29 --- QUICH to stir [v]
Other moves: FUR C13 24, IF 15H 24, QI 3D 24, FIL 7C 23, FLU A8 22

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