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Game on May 3, 2021 at 08:59, 6 players
1. 305 pts Chelsea
2. 139 pts queen66
3. 122 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aerttt   H7    64    64   attrite
 2. abnoruw  G11    27    91   bawr
 3. adgmoru  F10    25   116   mora
 4. aaeeinp  14B    29   145   paneer
 5. ?cdiuvy  15A    53   198   viny
 6. aailpst   E5   100   298   spatial
 7. eiknnor   I1    66   364   einkorn
 8. deinssw   1H   167   531   dewiness
 9. cdefino   3G    84   615   confined
10. eehhilo   8A    30   645   eolith
11. aceijru   D1    46   691   juice
12. aehlruv   6B    32   723   harp
13. ddegioq   2B    38   761   equid
14. abdefgv   4K    31   792   fade
15. elnooty   F6    40   832   yeh
16. aborstu   O4    90   922   rubatos
17. gimnotv   N9    36   958   moving
18. eglootu  D11    25   983   goony
19. egltuxz   B8    34  1017   ouzel

Remaining tiles: gltux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7546 FileChelsea     4  6:53  -712  305     1.7546 Chelsea     4  6:53  -712  305 
  2.7667 Filequeen66     3  3:41  -878  139     2.7667 queen66     3  3:41  -878  139 
  3.7608 Filesicilianc5  2  3:57  -895  122     3.7608 sicilianc5  2  3:57  -895  122 
  4.7690 Filemoonmonkey  2  2:12  -918   99     4.7690 moonmonkey  2  2:12  -918   99 
  5.  -  FileBLANK55555  1  0:37  -953   64            Group: not rated
  6.  -  FileEEEEE55555  1  1:54  -977   40     1.  -  BLANK55555  1  0:37  -953   64 
                                             2.  -  EEEEE55555  1  1:54  -977   40 

On 1st draw, ATTR(I)TE H7 64 --- ATTRITE attrited [adj] --- ATTRITE to wear down [v]
Other tops: ATTR(I)TE H2 64, ATTR(I)TE H3 64, ATTR(I)TE H4 64, ATTR(I)TE H6 64, TARTE(S)T H2 64, TARTE(S)T H3 64, TARTE(S)T H4 64, TARTE(S)T H6 64, TARTE(S)T H8 64, TART(L)ET H2 64, TART(L)ET H3 64, TART(L)ET H4 64, TART(L)ET H6 64, TART(L)ET H7 64, TATTER(S) H2 64, TATTER(S) H3 64, TATTER(S) H4 64, TATTER(S) H7 64, TATTER(S) H8 64, TATTER(Y) H2 64, TATTER(Y) H3 64, TATTER(Y) H4 64, TATTER(Y) H7 64, TATTER(Y) H8 64, TATT(I)ER H2 64, TATT(I)ER H3 64, TATT(I)ER H4 64, TATT(I)ER H6 64, TATT(I)ER H7 64, TATT(L)ER H2 64, TATT(L)ER H3 64, TATT(L)ER H4 64, TATT(L)ER H6 64, TATT(L)ER H7 64, TETRA(C)T H2 64, TETRA(C)T H3 64, TETRA(C)T H4 64, TETRA(C)T H6 64, TETRA(C)T H8 64, T(I)TRATE H2 64, T(I)TRATE H4 64, T(I)TRATE H6 64, T(I)TRATE H7 64, T(I)TRATE H8 64, (S)TRETTA H2 64, (S)TRETTA H3 64, (S)TRETTA H6 64, (S)TRETTA H7 64, (S)TRETTA H8 64
Other moves: ATTR(I)TE H5 62, ATTR(I)TE H8 62, TARTE(S)T H5 62, TARTE(S)T H7 62, TART(L)ET H5 62
TATT(I)ER H6 64 BLANK55555

On 2nd draw, BAWR G11 27 --- BAWR a Scots word for a joke [n]
Other tops: BAWN G11 27
Other moves: RAWBONE 13B 26, BRAW I4 22, BROW I4 22, RA(I)NBOW 11F 22, TOWBAR 12H 22

On 3rd draw, MORA F10 25 --- MORA a unit of metrical time in prosody [n]
Other tops: GROMA F9 25
Other moves: MAUD F12 24, GAUM F12 23, ROMA F10 23, DOGMATA 12C 22, GAUD F12 22
MORA F10 25 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66

On 4th draw, PANEER 14B 29 --- PANEER a soft white cheese used in Indian cookery [n]
Other tops: PANIER 14B 29
Other moves: PEA G7 21, PEE G7 21, PIA G7 21, PIE G7 21, NAPA G5 18
PIE G7 21 queen66
PEA G7 21 sicilianc5
PEE G7 21 moonmonkey

On 5th draw, VI(N)Y 15A 53 --- VINY covered with vines [adj]
Other moves: CI(T)Y 15A 50, (D)IDY 15A 49, (T)IDY 15A 49, DI(D)Y 15A 47, DI(X)Y 15A 47
VI(N)Y 15A 53 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66

On 6th draw, SPATIAL E5 100 --- SPATIAL of or pertaining to space [adj]
Other moves: SPATIAL 15G 90, TALIPATS 8H 89, SPATIAL G1 64, SPATIAL I1 64, TALIPATS 9H 62

On 7th draw, EINKORN I1 66 --- EINKORN a variety of wheat [n]
Other tops: EINKORN G1 66
Other moves: NONSKIER 5B 62, KIORE D1 30, KOINE D1 30, KRONE D1 30, ENOKI G4 27

On 8th draw, DEWINESS 1H 167 --- DEWINESS the state of being dewy [n]
Other moves: WIDENESS 1D 98, DEWINESS 1D 92, WIDENESS 1F 89, WINDSES G3 76, WINDSES G2 69

On 9th draw, CONFINED 3G 84 --- CONFINE to shut within an enclosure [v]
Other moves: CONFIDE G2 74, CONFINED 3D 68, EDICT 8A 33, FECIT 8A 33, CONFIDE 3G 32

On 10th draw, EOLITH 8A 30 --- EOLITH a prehistoric stone tool [n]
Other moves: HEH F5 27, HELOT 8A 27, HIKE 4G 27, HOH F5 27, HOKE 4G 27
HOKE 4G 27 Chelsea

On 11th draw, JUICE D1 46 --- JUICE to extract the juice (the liquid part of a fruit or vegetable) from [v]
Other moves: JARP 6B 29, JAUP 6B 29, ERIC 4L 27, URIC 4L 27, AURICLE C3 26
JUICE D1 46 Chelsea

On 12th draw, HARP 6B 32 --- HARP to play on a harp (a type of stringed musical instrument) [v]
Other moves: AVE 2L 29, UVA 2L 29, RAH 2M 28, REH 2M 28, HA 13C 26
HA 13C 26 Chelsea

On 13th draw, EQUID 2B 38 --- EQUID an animal of the horse family [n]
Other moves: SODDED N1 26, EDDO I12 22, QI 3C 22, ODD I12 21, DOD 4K 20
EQUID 2B 38 Chelsea

On 14th draw, FADE 4K 31 --- FADE to lose colour or brightness [v]
Other moves: KADE 4I 30, AVE 2L 29, DEF 4K 26, FA 13C 26, FAD 4K 26
FADE 4K 31 Chelsea

On 15th draw, YEH F6 40 --- YEH yeah [adv]
Other moves: HARPY 6B 21, NY 1A 20, OY 1A 20, YEN J5 20, YET J5 20
YEH F6 40 queen66, EEEEE55555
HOOTY B6 19 Chelsea

On 16th draw, RUBATOS O4 90 --- RUBATO a fluctuation of speed within a musical phrase [n]
Other tops: ROBUSTA O4 90
Other moves: ABORTUS J7 64, TABOURS J7 64, ROBUST O4 37, RUBATO O4 37, SABOT O4 34
STAB 15G 28 Chelsea

On 17th draw, MOVING N9 36 --- MOVE to change from one position to another [v]
Other moves: GINNY D11 25, DEMON N3 22, MO 13C 22, OMIT N6 22, TIMON N7 21
MOVING N9 36 Chelsea

On 18th draw, GOONY D11 25 --- GOONY an albatross [n] --- GOONY stupid [adj]
Other moves: TOOL O12 23, GOUT M12 20, OUTLET 8J 20, GO 13C 18, GET 8M 17
TOOL O12 23 Chelsea, sicilianc5

On 19th draw, OUZEL B8 34 --- OUZEL a European bird [n]
Other moves: REZ 10H 32, L*Z M8 31, XU M12 31, L*Z*S 5A 30, ULZIE 12K 30
XU M12 31 Chelsea

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