Game on May 6, 2021 at 11:52, 5 players
1. 58 pts sicilianc5
2. 58 pts queen66
3. 58 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 48 48 


G5 33 81 


10E 74 155 


K5 60 215 


I3 43 258 


E3 70 328 


8J 42 370 


12E 77 447 


J1 38 485 


1H 39 524 


M3 54 578 


O1 77 655 


8A 51 706 


D4 27 733 


9B 30 763 


13C 22 785 


A1 89 874 


14B 37 911 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
sicilianc5 0 2:08 -853 58 1.7544 sicilianc5 0 2:08 -853 58
queen66 0 2:10 -853 58 2.7758 queen66 0 2:10 -853 58
moonmonkey 0 2:16 -853 58 3.7540 moonmonkey 0 2:16 -853 58
4. -
JJJJJ55555 1 1:05 -863 48 Group: not rated
5. -
WWWWW55555 1 1:49 -863 48 1. - JJJJJ55555 1 1:05 -863 48
2. - WWWWW55555 1 1:49 -863 48
On 1st draw, JOWED H4 48 --- JOW to ring or toll (a bell) [v]
Other moves: JOBED H4 46, JOBES H4 44, JOWED H8 36, JOBED H8 34, JOWED H5 32
JOWED H4 48 JJJJJ55555, WWWWW55555
On 2nd draw, BABOON G5 33 --- BABOON a large ape [n]
Other moves: BABOO G5 32, NABOB G5 32, GABOON G5 31, BOBA G5 30, GOBAN G5 30
BOB I3 23 sicilianc5, moonmonkey, queen66
On 3rd draw, SYNGENIC 10E 74 --- SYNGENIC relating to or being genetically identical individuals with respect to reaction to antigens [adj]
Other moves: ENSIGNCY 10B 70, ENSIGNCY 10F 70, SYNGENIC 10B 68, SNYE I5 38, GEY I5 35
GEY I5 35 queen66, moonmonkey, sicilianc5
On 4th draw, SEQU(O)IA K5 60 --- SEQUOIA a large evergreen tree [n]
Other tops: QUAS(H)IE K5 60, U(N)BOXES 5E 60
Other moves: AUXESI(S) K5 52, AUXE(S)IS K5 52, AX(L)ES I4 48, AXE(L)S I4 46, EXACU(M)S L7 46
On 5th draw, FATED I3 43 --- FATE to destine [v]
Other moves: DEAF F3 38, DOF F4 37, OAF F4 36, OF F5 35, FADE I3 33
On 6th draw, POL(Y)GONS E3 70 --- POLYGON a closed plane figure bounded by straight lines [n]
Other tops: LOOP(I)NGS E3 70, P(R)OLONGS E3 70
Other moves: OUP(I)NG 8J 33, (S)LOOP 12K 33, (S)NOOP 12K 33, POO(S) 11D 29, (S)POOL 12K 29
On 7th draw, FUMIER 8J 42 --- FUMY producing or full of fumes [adj]
Other moves: FEM J2 33, FUNDER 8J 33, FUNDIE 8J 33, GRIMED H10 33, DIM L6 30
On 8th draw, HARLOTS 12E 77 --- HARLOT a prostitute [n]
Other moves: RATHOLES N2 76, LOATHERS N3 65, HOAST 12H 40, HORST 12H 40, SLOTH 12K 40
On 9th draw, OVERT J1 38 --- OVERT open to view [adj]
Other moves: VERT J2 37, OVER J1 30, VROT D1 30, VIREO 8A 27, VIREO L1 26
On 10th draw, DRONY 1H 39 --- DRONY monotonous [adj]
Other moves: IRONY 1H 36, GYLDEN H10 33, TRIPEY 3B 30, INTOED 1G 27, DREY 13C 26
On 11th draw, TAILZIE M3 54 --- TAILZIE a limitation of inheritance to certain heirs [n]
Other moves: ZEALOT 4A 50, ZEA D4 49, ZA D4 46, ZA D8 44, LAZE H12 39
On 12th draw, SNAILIER O1 77 --- SNAILY like a snail [adj]
Other moves: AIRLINES O6 59, LIAISE 13B 24, SALINE 13B 24, SILANE 13B 24, ALINE 13C 22
On 13th draw, DECKO 8A 51 --- DECKO to look [v]
Other moves: ARCKED 13A 34, CARKED 13A 34, CRAKED 13A 34, RACKED 13A 34, RICKED 13A 34
On 14th draw, PAM D4 27 --- PAM the jack of clubs in certain card games [n]
Other moves: PIMA 13C 25, LAMP H12 24, LIMP H12 24, TEAM 13F 24, TEMPI 13A 23
On 15th draw, THIN 9B 30 --- THIN having relatively little density or thickness [adj] --- THIN to water down [v]
Other moves: HIVER 13B 29, HIN 9C 27, ETH 9A 26, HIVE 13B 25, CITHER C8 24
On 16th draw, RAINE 13C 22 --- RAINE a kingdom [n]
Other tops: CHAINE C8 22, CHENAR C8 22, CHINAR C8 22
Other moves: YEAN L1 20, ANE 7A 19, ANI 7A 19, ARE 7A 19, ERA 7A 19
On 17th draw, OUTRAVED A1 89 --- OUTRAVE to surpass in raving [v]
Other moves: OUTRAVE 14G 65, TAVER 14E 27, AVERT 14A 26, OVERT 14A 26, AVE 7A 25
On 18th draw, WEX 14B 37 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other tops: WEX F2 37
Other moves: XI 13I 36, XI F2 29, EX 14F 26, TEX J12 26, TIX J12 26
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