Game on May 6, 2021 at 14:06, 5 players
1. 485 pts queen66
2. 415 pts sicilianc5
3. 415 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 82 82 


11E 86 168 


8A 98 266 


K7 62 328 


A3 62 390 


E1 72 462 


15G 96 558 


8K 60 618 


1D 48 666 


D3 33 699 


J10 72 771 


L10 37 808 


N1 74 882 


O8 83 965 


1L 63 1028 


12A 52 1080 


A12 48 1128 


B11 35 1163 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
queen66 2 11:01 -678 485 1.7775 queen66 2 11:01 -678 485
sicilianc5 2 8:12 -748 415 2.7524 sicilianc5 2 8:12 -748 415
moonmonkey 2 9:14 -748 415 3.7544 moonmonkey 2 9:14 -748 415
4. -
BLANK55555 2 1:53 -995 168 Group: not rated
5. -
UUUUU55555 1 1:23 -1115 48 1. - BLANK55555 2 1:53 -995 168
2. - UUUUU55555 1 1:23 -1115 48
On 1st draw, UNTHAW(S) H7 82 --- UNTHAW to cause to melt [v]
Other moves: UNTHAW(S) H2 76, UNTHAW(S) H3 76, UNTHAW(S) H4 76, UNTHAW(S) H8 76, UNTHAW(S) H5 74
UNTHAW(S) H7 82 BLANK55555
On 2nd draw, METASO(M)A 11E 86 --- METASOMA the back portion of an arachnid with no appendages [n]
Other tops: STEA(T)OMA 11E 86, S(T)EATOMA 11E 86, (M)ETASOMA 11E 86
Other moves: NOTAE(U)MS 8H 80, (B)OATSMEN 8A 80, (H)OASTMEN 8A 80, ATOM(I)ES G4 78, ATOM(I)SE G4 78
STEA(T)OMA 11E 86 BLANK55555
On 3rd draw, SWAPTION 8A 98 --- SWAPTION a swap option [n]
Other moves: PSHAW 10F 54, PITSAW 12J 39, PITSAW 10A 38, SAWPIT 12J 37, SHAW 10G 35
SPAW 10C 34 sicilianc5, moonmonkey, queen66
On 4th draw, DEFA(M)ING K7 62 --- DEFAME to destroy the reputation of [v] --- DEFAMING the act of defaming [n]
Other moves: FADING 12J 38, GANEF 10B 38, WIFED 12H 38, FANGED 12A 37, FANGED 12J 36
FANGED 12A 37 queen66, moonmonkey, sicilianc5
On 5th draw, INCLOSED A3 62 --- INCLOSE to surround [v]
Other moves: DECILE 8J 36, CLONED 12A 31, COILED 12A 31, COINED 12A 31, DOCILE L4 31
DECILE 8J 36 sicilianc5, moonmonkey, queen66
On 6th draw, OLEFIANT E1 72 --- OLEFIANT oil-forming [adj]
Other moves: FOLIA J10 40, WIFIE 12H 33, ALEF 10C 32, FAH 10F 32, FEH 10F 32
FEH 10F 32 queen66, moonmonkey
FAH 10F 32 sicilianc5
On 7th draw, UNCASED 15G 96 --- UNCASE to remove from a case [v]
Other moves: UNCASED M7 88, UNCASED L2 82, UNCASED J2 70, ASCEND 15J 49, SCAND 15K 46
CONED 1D 33 sicilianc5
CODES 1D 33 moonmonkey
CODAS 1D 33 queen66
On 8th draw, EXERT 8K 60 --- EXERT to put into action [v]
Other moves: OX F5 52, POX D3 47, PIX 12J 46, PEROXO G3 43, PREX L5 41
OX F5 52 queen66, moonmonkey, sicilianc5
On 9th draw, YOKEL 1D 48 --- YOKEL a naive or gullible rustic [n]
Other tops: BLOKEY 1C 48, YOKUL 1D 48
Other moves: KAYLE 10J 45, YELK D3 45, KABELE 10J 44, BULKY 12A 41, KAY 10J 41
KEY 10D 35 sicilianc5, moonmonkey, queen66
On 10th draw, DOME D3 33 --- DOME to cover with a dome (a rounded roof) [v]
Other tops: MODE D3 33
Other moves: NIMROD 12J 32, MORNED 12A 31, DEFORM 4C 30, MADRONE C7 30, MANED 10J 30
On 11th draw, ZOBO J10 72 --- ZOBO a male cross of a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZAPS 10J 70, ZAP 10J 69, ZOA J10 65, ZOL J10 65, ZOO J10 65
ZAPS 10J 70 queen66
On 12th draw, SAGE L10 37 --- SAGE an aromatic herb used as seasoning [n] --- SAGE wise [adj]
Other moves: GANE L10 36, GANS L10 36, QI J6 34, SANE L10 33, SAG L10 32
QIS 12D 30 queen66, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 13th draw, BARRATOR N1 74 --- BARRATOR one who commits barratry [n]
Other moves: BARRATOR N6 68, BARRATOR N5 64, BORAX L4 31, BARRAT 12A 28, BAH 10F 26
BAH 10F 26 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66
On 14th draw, TOPLINER O8 83 --- TOPLINER a star [n]
Other tops: TERPINOL O8 83
Other moves: PLERION 14A 74, PELORIAN 5H 70, PLERION(S) 13A 70, PROLINE(S) 13A 70, PROLINE J1 66
On 15th draw, JIBE 1L 63 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other moves: JARVIE 12A 54, JIVIER 12A 54, JIVIER 3I 48, AJEE M6 39, VIBE 1L 39
On 16th draw, QUIRE 12A 52 --- QUIRE to arrange sheets of paper in sets of twenty-four [v]
Other tops: QUARE 12A 52
Other moves: QUARER 3I 50, QUA 2J 41, QUA N12 41, QI J6 34, QUAIR 12B 34
QUIRE 12A 52 queen66, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 17th draw, QUAY A12 48 --- QUAY a wharf [n]
Other moves: HYRAX L4 39, QUAI A12 39, LYRA 2E 36, HAY N12 35, JIVY L1 34
QUAY A12 48 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66, UUUUU55555
On 18th draw, VUGH B11 35 --- VUGH a small cavity in a rock [n]
Other moves: UGH B12 27, HIC I13 23, HIT N12 23, HI 9C 22, HUG 7G 22
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