Game on May 7, 2021 at 17:28, 5 players
1. 125 pts queen66
2. 87 pts moonmonkey
3. 70 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


5E 36 60 


8C 67 127 


4A 34 161 


A1 42 203 


L1 36 239 


1H 36 275 


6B 25 300 


3I 48 348 


M6 60 408 


L11 34 442 


15G 36 478 


N10 41 519 


3A 20 539 


C8 34 573 


O5 43 616 


12A 74 690 


F10 36 726 


O13 35 761 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
queen66 1 1:48 -636 125 1.7437 queen66 1 1:48 -636 125
moonmonkey 0 4:05 -674 87 2.7394 moonmonkey 0 4:05 -674 87
sicilianc5 1 3:07 -691 70 3.7476 sicilianc5 1 3:07 -691 70
4. -
UUUUU55555 1 0:58 -726 35 Group: not rated
5. -
DDDDD55555 1 1:40 -726 35 1. - UUUUU55555 1 0:58 -726 35
2. - DDDDD55555 1 1:40 -726 35
On 1st draw, BOGIES H4 24 --- BOGIE a low heavy truck [n]
Other tops: BIGOTS H4 24
Other moves: BEGOT H4 22, BIGOS H4 22, BIGOT H4 22, BIOGS H4 22, BOGIE H4 22
On 2nd draw, OINOMEL 5E 36 --- OINOMEL an ancient Greek beverage [n]
Other moves: IMINE I4 24, LEMON I3 23, MEIN G7 22, MOIL G7 22, MOE G7 21
On 3rd draw, JAL(A)PENO 8C 67 --- JALAPENO a hot pepper [n]
Other moves: J(A)LAPENO 8C 66, JALOP(S) 4A 49, JALOP 4A 48, JAL(A)P 4A 46, JAL(O)P 4A 46
On 4th draw, KIBEI 4A 34 --- KIBEI one born in America of immigrant Japanese parents and educated in Japan [n]
Other tops: BOWLLIKE E4 34
Other moves: EWK 4D 31, WELK 4C 30, KEWL 4C 29, WELK 4J 29, BILK 4C 28
On 5th draw, CASKY A1 42 --- CASKY resembling a cask [adj]
Other tops: NICKY A1 42, YACKS A1 42
Other moves: SKINNY A3 39, YACK A1 39, CYANS L1 36, SINKY A1 36, SNAKY A1 36
On 6th draw, HOARSE L1 36 --- HOARSE rough and husky in sound [adj]
Other moves: ASHIER K7 35, ASHORE K7 35, SHERIA K8 35, HAIRS L1 34, HARES L1 34
On 7th draw, MORPH 1H 36 --- MORPH a type of phoneme [n] --- MORPH to gradually change shape and features, especially with computer graphics [v]
Other tops: THUMP 1K 36
Other moves: HUMP 1L 33, DROUTH 1G 30, MOUTH 1H 30, PROMO 2J 30, THORP 1K 30
On 8th draw, GRAND 6B 25 --- GRAND a type of piano [n] --- GRAND large and impressive [adj]
Other moves: ARGAND 2A 24, DURGAN 7J 23, DANG 7J 21, DARG 7J 21, DUNG 7J 21
On 9th draw, ZONAE 3I 48 --- ZONA a transparent substance surrounding the ovum of mammals [n]
Other tops: ZOEAE 3I 48
Other moves: MORPHEAN 1H 45, ZEA 2F 36, ZEE 2F 36, ZOA 2F 36, ZONAE 7J 36
On 10th draw, RI(P)IENI M6 60 --- RIPIENO a musical passage performed by all the performers [n]
Other moves: MORPHINE 1H 45, MORPHE(A)N 1H 42, MORPHIN(E) 1H 42, MORPHIN(G) 1H 42, MORPHIN(S) 1H 42
On 11th draw, AHIND L11 34 --- AHIND behind [adv]
Other moves: HAD N10 33, HAND N10 33, HAO 2J 33, SHAD 3A 32, DAHL L10 31
On 12th draw, CROWED 15G 36 --- CROW to boast [v]
Other moves: COWED 15H 33, CROWD 15H 33, OUTDREW 15I 33, RECTO N10 33, RECUT N10 33
On 13th draw, LATEX N10 41 --- LATEX a milky liquid of certain plants [n]
Other tops: TAX K11 41
Other moves: A(P)EX 8L 33, AXLE 2E 31, TATTLE N9 31, TEXT N11 31, LAX 9B 30
On 14th draw, STAT 3A 20 --- STAT a statistic [n]
Other tops: SLAE 3A 20, SLAT 3A 20
Other moves: AL 7C 17, ETAT 9A 17, LEAT 9A 17, TEAL 9A 17, TEAT 9A 17
On 15th draw, JARFUL C8 34 --- JARFUL the quantity held by a jar (a cylindrical container) [n]
Other moves: FUR O13 32, UFO N5 30, AUF O13 29, ALF N4 28, ARF N4 28
FUR O13 32 moonmonkey
On 16th draw, VAWTED O5 43 --- VAWTE to attain great success [v]
Other moves: WAVED O6 40, VAUTED O5 34, TWA K11 32, TAWED O6 31, DUVET O6 30
VAWTED O5 43 sicilianc5
VAUTED 12A 28 moonmonkey, queen66
On 17th draw, GOUTIEST 12A 74 --- GOUTY affected with gout [adj]
Other moves: STIE O12 34, SETT K8 33, STET K8 33, STOT K8 33, GEST 14A 27
GEST 14A 27 queen66, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 18th draw, QUEY F10 36 --- QUEY a young cow [n]
Other moves: FUD O13 35, FIQUE E11 34, GYVE A12 33, QUID E10 28, DYE 11E 27
FUD O13 35 queen66
On 19th draw, FUD O13 35 --- FUD an old-fashioned person [n]
Other moves: FUGUED A10 33, DUE O13 24, GED 6H 20, FEE 2F 18, FEU 2F 18
FUD O13 35 queen66, UUUUU55555, DDDDD55555
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