Game on May 7, 2021 at 18:14, 7 players
1. 273 pts queen66
2. 222 pts moonmonkey
3. 200 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 48 48 


5E 86 134 


7G 67 201 


O5 37 238 


10I 69 307 


11F 80 387 


N3 63 450 


6B 37 487 


10C 35 522 


12K 39 561 


4A 58 619 


A1 54 673 


2A 22 695 


1E 36 731 


H11 24 755 


13B 86 841 


15A 98 939 


12A 38 977 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
queen66 4 5:15 -704 273 1.7437 queen66 4 5:15 -704 273
moonmonkey 3 6:44 -755 222 2.7394 moonmonkey 3 6:44 -755 222
sicilianc5 1 5:09 -777 200 3.7476 sicilianc5 1 5:09 -777 200
4. -
BLANK55555 1 1:55 -908 69 Group: not rated
5. -
SSSSS55555 1 1:49 -914 63 1. - BLANK55555 1 1:55 -908 69
6. -
IIIII55555 1 1:53 -923 54 2. - SSSSS55555 1 1:49 -914 63
7. -
FFFFF55555 0 1:33 -947 30 3. - IIIII55555 1 1:53 -923 54
4. - FFFFF55555 0 1:33 -947 30
On 1st draw, JAWED H4 48 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other moves: JAW(E)D H4 46, J*WeDJEW(E)D H4 46, J(A)WED H4 46, JeW*DJ(E)WED H4 46, J(O)WED H4 46
JAWED H4 48 moonmonkey, queen66
On 2nd draw, AGNATION 5E 86 --- AGNATION the relationship of agnates [n]
Other moves: DONATING 8H 83, ATONING I4 82, ATONING G6 71, AGNATION 5H 68, ATONING G8 63
JIGOT 4H 26 queen66, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 3rd draw, CELIBATE 7G 67 --- CELIBATE one who lives a life of celibacy [n]
Other moves: CELIBATE 7A 64, CITEABLE 7A 64, CITEABLE 7E 64, ATELIC I4 32, ATELIC 4J 30
BLATE 4J 24 moonmonkey, sicilianc5
On 4th draw, FUSIL O5 37 --- FUSIL a type of musket [n]
Other tops: SULFO O7 37
Other moves: SIF O7 31, IFS 6M 29, UFO 6M 29, IF 6M 28, FILLS M1 26
SIF O7 31 sicilianc5
On 5th draw, TO(T)ARAS 10I 69 --- TOTARA a New Zealand tree [n]
Other tops: RA(B)ATOS 10I 69, TORA(N)AS 10I 69, (T)OTARAS 10I 69
Other moves: BAROSTA(T) K7 68, BAROS(T)AT K7 68, A(B)ATORS 10I 67, STARO(S)TA M6 66, STRO(M)ATA M6 66
TORA(N)AS 10I 69 BLANK55555
On 6th draw, AVOID(E)D 11F 80 --- AVOID to keep away from [v]
Other moves: AVOID(E)D 11D 76, VID(E)OED N2 37, (R)ADIOED N2 32, VID(E)NDA L1 30, VAD(E)D 4A 29
On 7th draw, APEXES N3 63 --- APEX the highest point [n]
Other moves: EXES N5 59, SAXE 8J 44, PEANS 12H 43, PEENS 12H 43, AXE 8K 41
APEXES N3 63 queen66, SSSSS55555
On 8th draw, QAID 6B 37 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: QADI 6B 36, QADI F10 34, QADI J2 34, QAID F10 34, GAED 12I 31
QADI J2 34 sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 9th draw, GUNK 10C 35 --- GUNK filthy, sticky, or greasy matter [n]
Other tops: KRENG 4A 35
Other moves: NERK 10C 34, NEUK 10C 34, RENK 10C 34, ERK 10D 33, EUK 10D 33
GUNK 10C 35 moonmonkey, sicilianc5
On 10th draw, LOVEY 12K 39 --- LOVEY a term of endearment [n]
Other moves: VEILY 4A 37, OVOLI H11 36, POLEY 4A 33, IVY O1 32, LOVEY 12B 32
On 11th draw, ZIRAM 4A 58 --- ZIRAM a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: MIZ M1 50, REZ M1 46, RIZ M1 46, MAZER 4A 42, NIZAM 12B 41
MIZ M1 50 sicilianc5
On 12th draw, PHIZ A1 54 --- PHIZ a face or facial expression [n]
Other moves: PRIZE A1 48, PREZ A1 45, OPINE H11 30, HEP 3B 29, PEH 3B 29
PHIZ A1 54 queen66, IIIII55555
On 13th draw, HINTER 2A 22 --- HINTER one that hints [n]
Other moves: INTINE 12A 21, INTIRE 12A 21, TINNIE 12A 21, YETI O12 21, YITE O12 21
On 14th draw, BOWSE 1E 36 --- BOWSE to haul with tackle [v]
Other tops: BOWES 1E 36
Other moves: WEBS 1E 34, BOWS 1E 33, SWEEP 4J 31, SWOOP 4J 31, WOOSE 1E 31
WOOSE 1E 31 moonmonkey
On 15th draw, OGLER H11 24 --- OGLER one that ogles [n]
Other tops: YGOE O12 24
Other moves: GOLP 4K 21, GORP 4K 21, YELT O12 21, YORE O12 21, GOE 7C 20
YGOE O12 24 moonmonkey, queen66
On 16th draw, UNMEETLY 13B 86 --- UNMEET improper [adv] --- UNMEETLY in an improper manner [adv]
Other moves: YUMP 4K 31, ENEMY 12B 30, YUM O1 28, MEYNT 12B 27, TEENY 12B 26
YUM O1 28 queen66
On 17th draw, NOTCHIER 15A 98 --- NOTCHY having notches [adj]
Other moves: HEN 12D 36, HOI 12D 36, HON 12D 36, YECH O12 36, THEIN 14A 34
On 18th draw, FOUER 12A 38 --- FOU drunk [adj]
Other moves: YOOF O12 30, UFO 14A 29, OOF 12C 27, UFO M2 26, FE 14B 25
YOOF O12 30 queen66, FFFFF55555
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