Game on May 8, 2021 at 16:08, 6 players
1. 154 pts sicilianc5
2. 152 pts moonmonkey
3. 152 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


9E 67 91 


5E 56 147 


E4 70 217 


L7 78 295 


15J 50 345 


4A 33 378 


14H 40 418 


15D 60 478 


O8 98 576 


A4 24 600 


13A 35 635 


12D 48 683 


A11 36 719 


M3 27 746 


6E 37 783 


13K 42 825 


B6 31 856 


2J 46 902 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
sicilianc5 0 5:50 -748 154 1.7547 sicilianc5 0 5:50 -748 154
moonmonkey 0 5:24 -750 152 2.7320 moonmonkey 0 5:24 -750 152
queen66 0 5:50 -750 152 3.7547 queen66 0 5:50 -750 152
4. -
GGGGG55555 1 0:47 -878 24 Group: not rated
5. -
EEEEE55555 1 1:16 -878 24 1. - GGGGG55555 1 0:47 -878 24
6. -
PPPPP55555 1 1:42 -878 24 2. - EEEEE55555 1 1:16 -878 24
3. - PPPPP55555 1 1:42 -878 24
On 1st draw, PARAGE H4 24 --- PARAGE equality of birth or rank [n]
Other moves: GAUPER H4 22, PAGER H4 22, PARAGE H8 22, PARGE H4 22, PURGE H4 22
PARAGE H4 24 GGGGG55555, EEEEE55555, PPPPP55555
On 2nd draw, RIVETTED 9E 67 --- RIVET to fasten with a type of metal bolt [v]
Other moves: RIVETTED 9B 66, VIRED I3 28, PRIVET 4H 22, TARDIVE 5G 22, TIRED I3 22
PRIVET 4H 22 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66
On 3rd draw, OXGATE(S) 5E 56 --- OXGATE as much land as one ox could plough [n]
Other moves: (D)ETOX 8K 41, J(U)VE G7 40, EX(I)T I6 39, TEX I5 39, (S)EXTO 8A 38
TEX I5 39 sicilianc5
OXE(N) 8L 37 queen66
T(A)J G5 37 moonmonkey
On 4th draw, DOLLARISE E4 70 --- DOLLARISE
Other moves: DISPARAGE H1 39, IDEALS 8J 33, SAILED 8J 32, SAILED 10H 30, AISLED 8A 29
SAILED 8A 29 sicilianc5, moonmonkey, queen66
On 5th draw, ADDUCTOR L7 78 --- ADDUCTOR an adducent muscle [n]
Other tops: ADDUCTOR L8 78, EDUCATOR 12E 78
Other moves: AERODUCT 12D 76, AERODUCT K8 72, CROU(S)TADE K1 61, CAUDA 8A 30, TAROC 8K 30
CODA D1 26 queen66, moonmonkey, sicilianc5
On 6th draw, ABSEYS 15J 50 --- ABSEY the alphabet [n]
Other tops: ABSEYS 15G 50, BARYES 15G 50, BERAYS 15G 50, BRASSY 15H 50, YERBAS 15G 50
Other moves: ABYES 15H 47, ABYSS 15H 47, BAYES 15H 47, BRAYS 15H 47, BREYS 15H 47
On 7th draw, BLENDE 4A 33 --- BLENDE a shiny material [n]
Other tops: BLONDE 4A 33
Other moves: ROBE 14L 30, UNBORE 14H 30, BORE 14J 28, BORN 14J 28, LEBEN D10 26
On 8th draw, ENFORM 14H 40 --- ENFORM to pass on information [v]
Other tops: UNFORM 14H 40
Other moves: FORM 14J 38, BUMFS A4 36, FORE 14J 34, MOUSEY N10 34, UMBONES A2 33
FORM 14J 38 sicilianc5, moonmonkey, queen66
On 9th draw, HORAH 15D 60 --- HORAH an Israeli dance [n]
Other moves: ORACH 15D 48, ROACH 15D 48, CHEW H12 45, CAHOW M3 43, ARCH 15E 42
On 10th draw, TAC(H)YONS O8 98 --- TACHYON a theoretical elementary particle [n]
Other moves: CANT(I)COY 11G 78, TAC(H)YON M1 77, CAT(A)TONY 12H 69, C(A)TATONY 12H 69, ENACTO(R)Y C4 66
On 11th draw, BOILER A4 24 --- BOILER a vessel for boiling [n]
Other tops: BELIER A4 24
Other moves: BELIE A4 21, BIRLE A4 21, BLORE A4 21, BOREE A4 21, BOREL A4 21
On 12th draw, KIVAS 13A 35 --- KIVA an underground ceremonial chamber [n]
Other moves: KVAS 13B 33, KIVAS 14A 31, KAISER 12A 30, GARISH D10 29, GRAVS 13A 29
On 13th draw, ZEIN 12D 48 --- ZEIN a simple protein [n]
Other tops: ZED 12D 48
Other moves: WIZ 4J 36, DITZ J7 34, WIZEN C1 34, ZINE J2 33, DIZEN C1 30
On 14th draw, PEKIN A11 36 --- PEKIN a silk fabric [n]
Other moves: UNKET A11 30, PINITE B10 28, KEP A13 27, KIP A13 27, PIPET 4H 25
On 15th draw, WRONG M3 27 --- WRONG not according to what is right, proper, or correct [adj] --- WRONG to treat injuriously or unjustly [v]
Other moves: ERENOW C2 26, GOE 13K 24, RENEW C3 24, WOW 4J 24, GROWN M3 23
On 16th draw, LOURED 6E 37 --- LOUR to lower [v]
Other moves: QI B10 35, LOURIE 6E 31, QUOITED I1 31, QUITED I2 30, QUOTED I2 30
On 17th draw, JOE 13K 42 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: MAW 7G 34, J*W*DJEWED J2 32, JEWIE C3 32, JUICE 11I 28, MOE 13K 27
On 18th draw, FIT B6 31 --- FIT in a good healthy condition [adj] --- FIT to bring to a required form and size [v]
Other tops: FAT B6 31
Other moves: ALIF B3 30, FA B6 28, IF 10E 26, IF F9 26, FAUT 2L 24
On 19th draw, UMIAQ 2J 46 --- UMIAQ an open Eskimo boat [n]
Other moves: QUAI 2K 36, QI B10 35, MAW 7G 34, QUAI 10B 33, SQ**WSQUAW 11E 30
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