Game on May 8, 2021 at 19:50, 8 players
1. 241 pts Mycophot
2. 219 pts queen66
3. 140 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 32 32 


11E 98 130 


8A 83 213 


A8 77 290 


12L 34 324 


13I 33 357 


E2 88 445 


2B 38 483 


1F 88 571 


14F 38 609 


B12 47 656 


M1 90 746 


N6 30 776 


C11 33 809 


O1 91 900 


1A 38 938 


4A 44 982 


15E 37 1019 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Mycophot 4 4:17 -778 241 1.7936 Mycophot 4 4:17 -778 241
queen66 2 6:56 -800 219 2.7441 queen66 2 6:56 -800 219
moonmonkey 1 4:01 -879 140 3.7229 moonmonkey 1 4:01 -879 140
4. -
BLANK55555 1 1:07 -921 98 Group: not rated
5. -
TTTTT55555 1 1:47 -972 47 1. - BLANK55555 1 1:07 -921 98
6. -
JJJJJ55555 1 1:49 -975 44 2. - TTTTT55555 1 1:47 -972 47
7. -
YYYYY55555 1 1:20 -987 32 3. - JJJJJ55555 1 1:49 -975 44
8. -
LLLLL55555 1 1:44 -987 32 4. - YYYYY55555 1 1:20 -987 32
5. - LLLLL55555 1 1:44 -987 32
On 1st draw, FELONY H7 32 --- FELONY a grave crime [n]
Other tops: FELONY H4 32
Other moves: FENNY H4 30, FENNY H8 30, FOLEY H4 30, FOLEY H8 30, FONLY H4 30
FELONY H7 32 YYYYY55555, LLLLL55555
On 2nd draw, WINN(A)BLE 11E 98 --- WINNABLE able to be won [adj]
Other moves: B(O)WLINE G3 77, WINN(A)BLE 11F 74, B(O)WLINE G1 72, B(O)WLINE I1 72, ELBOWIN(G) 10E 66
WINN(A)BLE 11E 98 BLANK55555
WINN(A)BLE 11E 48 moonmonkey, queen66
On 3rd draw, ANTINOME 8A 83 --- ANTINOME one that is opposite to another [n]
Other tops: NOMINATE 8A 83
Other moves: ANTINOME L4 72, NOMINATE L4 72, MANNITOL K4 70, MANNITOL 9A 62, ATOM 10C 27
ATOM 10C 27 queen66, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 4th draw, AI(R)SIDES A8 77 --- AIRSIDE restricted area of an airport [n]
Other moves: D(A)ISIES I2 75, I(N)SIDES I2 75, I(O)DISES I2 75, SNIDIES(T) B7 74, DIE(T)ISTS C2 70
On 5th draw, MEOW 12L 34 --- MEOW to make the crying sound of a cat [v]
Other moves: MOTEY 12D 29, MEWL 12L 28, ITEM B11 27, T*MTOM 10D 26, MOOL 10F 25
MEOW 12L 34 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66
On 6th draw, BEAUTS 13I 33 --- BEAUT something beautiful [n]
Other tops: BESTOW O7 33, BOWATS O10 33, BOWETS O10 33, SEABOOT 10C 33
Other moves: BESAW O8 30, BUTEO 13K 30, SABE 13L 30, TABOO 10D 30, ABOUTS 13I 29
BOWETS O10 33 Mycophot
On 7th draw, TOPAZINE E2 88 --- TOPAZ a mineral [adj] --- TOPAZINE like topaz [adj]
Other moves: ZANTE B6 41, EPAZOTE 14A 40, EPIZOAN B2 40, PEZANT B4 39, AZOTE 14E 38
ZIP F10 34 Mycophot
On 8th draw, DEPTH 2B 38 --- DEPTH deepness [n]
Other moves: PEH 14H 33, HIPPED 4C 32, PHONIED 3C 32, QI F10 31, EH 14I 30
On 9th draw, OVERUSE 1F 88 --- OVERUSE to use too much [v]
Other tops: OEUVRES 1F 88
Other moves: OEUVRES I2 79, OUTSERVE C6 76, OEUVRES 14D 72, OVERUSE I1 68, FEVEROUS 7H 66
On 10th draw, GERAH 14F 38 --- GERAH a Hebrew unit of weight [n]
Other moves: NAH 14H 31, QI F10 31, RAH 14H 31, REH 14H 31, REH 2H 31
QI F10 31 Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66
On 11th draw, TAXI B12 47 --- TAXI to travel in a taxicab [v]
Other moves: TAX B12 43, TIX B12 43, TAX 3A 41, TIX 3A 41, AX 3B 39
TAXI B12 47 queen66, TTTTT55555
On 12th draw, DROVING M1 90 --- DROVE to drive cattle or sheep [v] --- DROVING the action of herding cattle [n]
Other moves: DOVING M1 34, VINO 1A 34, DON C13 31, DOR C13 31, GIRON 2J 31
On 13th draw, YIN N6 30 --- YIN the feminine passive principle in Chinese cosmology [n]
Other tops: NAPERY 4C 30
Other moves: NAY C11 29, RAINE 15D 29, RAY C11 29, APERY 4D 28, NY N5 28
On 14th draw, CALO C11 33 --- CALO a Spanish argot used by Chicano youths [n]
Other tops: AGLOW O8 33
Other moves: EGAL O6 32, AGO C12 31, COLE 15E 29, EGO O6 29, OLEA 15F 28
EGAL O6 32 queen66
On 15th draw, GRITTED O1 91 --- GRIT to press the teeth together [v]
Other moves: GRIDE 15D 39, TIRED 15E 35, TRIDE 15D 33, IRED 15F 32, TITER 15E 31
On 16th draw, KAF 1A 38 --- KAF a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: POUK D2 36, UPLOCK 4D 34, KAF 3A 33, POUF D2 33, LOCKFUL K5 32
KAF 1A 38 Mycophot
On 17th draw, JALOP 4A 44 --- JALOP a Mexican plant [n]
Other tops: JALAP 4A 44
Other moves: JOR 3A 36, CAJON B4 30, COR 3A 26, JAAP 4B 26, JARP 4B 26
JALOP 4A 44 Mycophot, JJJJJ55555
On 18th draw, CURER 15E 37 --- CURER one that cures [n]
Other moves: SACQUE K1 34, QUARREL K5 32, SQUARER K1 32, QI F10 31, QUARE I3 31
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