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Game on May 10, 2021 at 14:33, 5 players
1. 125 pts Mycophot
2. 81 pts sicilianc5
3. 81 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ahirsty   H8    32    32   yirths
 2. ?bdeops  12E    80   112   bishoped
 3. adegoru  13H    31   143   seadog
 4. ?cdelor   8A    98   241   forcedly
 5. abegmoo  11K    34   275   gambe
 6. efilnst   D3    76   351   inflects
 7. aceiint   F2    65   416   actinide
 8. adeintv   B7    78   494   donative
 9. eeginor   O8    27   521   greenie
10. aknootu   C1    30   551   toko
11. aaeinot  13A    20   571   ovine
12. eijlstu  15L    84   655   juts
13. aahimru  A12    52   707   homa
14. aeoquwy   1A    36   743   qat
15. aeiruvw   A1    22   765   quaver
16. eilnouw   4F    28   793   towline
17. aailopr   H1    30   823   prowl
18. afiruyz   5J    51   874   furzy

Remaining tiles: aaiuwx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7932 FileMycophot    1  5:27  -749  125     1.7932 Mycophot    1  5:27  -749  125 
  2.7444 Filesicilianc5  1  3:09  -793   81     2.7444 sicilianc5  1  3:09  -793   81 
  3.7508 Filequeen66     1  3:17  -793   81     3.7508 queen66     1  3:17  -793   81 
  4.  -  FileYYYYY55555  1  1:31  -842   32            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileSSSSS55555  1  1:56  -842   32     1.  -  YYYYY55555  1  1:31  -842   32 
                                             2.  -  SSSSS55555  1  1:56  -842   32 

On 1st draw, YIRTHS H8 32 --- YIRTH earth [n]
Other tops: SHIRTY H3 32, SHIRTY H7 32, THYRSI H3 32, TRASHY H7 32, TRASHY H8 32, YIRTHS H4 32
Other moves: HAIRY H4 30, HAIRY H8 30, HASTY H4 30, HASTY H8 30, SYRAH H8 30

On 2nd draw, B(I)SHOPED 12E 80 --- BISHOP to appoint as a bishop (the head of a diocese) [v]
Other moves: BEDPOS(T)S 13C 76, BEDPOST(S) 11B 74, BEDPOS(T)S 13A 74, BEDPO(S)TS 11B 74, S(U)BDEPOT 11A 74
BOP G7 25 sicilianc5, queen66, Mycophot

On 3rd draw, SEADOG 13H 31 --- SEADOG a fogbow [n]
Other moves: DETOUR 11F 28, SOARED 13H 28, TOURED 11H 27, D*G**S G7 26, DROGUES G6 26
ROUGED 13A 22 Mycophot, queen66, sicilianc5

On 4th draw, (F)ORCEDLY 8A 98 --- FORCE to overcome resistance by the exertion of strength [adv] --- FORCEDLY in a forced manner [adv]
Other tops: CORDEL(L)ED K5 98, CORDE(L)LED K5 98, DECOL(O)RED K5 98, DEC(O)LORED K5 98
Other moves: YELDROC(K) 8H 92, CLO(U)RED I3 75, C*LoR*D I3 75, CRO(O)LED I3 75, CR(O)OLED I3 75

On 5th draw, GAMBE 11K 34 --- GAMBE a leg [n]
Other tops: GAMBO 11K 34
Other moves: GAMB 11K 32, MABE 11K 32, BAM 11K 30, EMBOG 11B 30, MAGE 11K 30
GAMBO 11K 34 sicilianc5, Mycophot
GAMBE 11K 34 queen66

On 6th draw, INFLECTS D3 76 --- INFLECT to bend or curve inwards [v]
Other moves: LIEFEST O9 42, LEFTIE O10 39, FELINES O6 33, LEFTIES O6 33, LIEFEST O7 33

On 7th draw, ACTINIDE F2 65 --- ACTINIDE any of a series of radioactive elements [n]
Other tops: CTENIDIA F3 65
Other moves: CENTAI O10 27, CETANE O10 27, TENACE O10 27, AINEE E5 26, CETANE O6 24

On 8th draw, DONATIVE B7 78 --- DONATIVE a donation [n]
Other moves: DEVEIN O10 42, EVADE O11 39, ENVIED O7 36, EVENT O11 36, EVIDENT O7 36

On 9th draw, GREENIE O8 27 --- GREENIE an amphetamine pill [n]
Other tops: GREENIE O9 27, REGION O10 27, RENEGE O8 27
Other moves: REGIE C1 25, GREENIE O5 24, RENEGE O10 24, OGEE C2 23, FEIGNER 5D 22

On 10th draw, TOKO C1 30 --- TOKO punishment [n]
Other moves: OKA C2 28, AUK A10 27, TAK A10 27, AUK C1 26, KA C3 26

On 11th draw, OVINE 13A 20 --- OVINE a sheep or a closely related animal [n]
Other tops: AVINE 13A 20, OVATE 13A 20
Other moves: ANTAE 1A 18, AREA C7 18, ARIA C7 18, ENTIA 1A 18, ETTIN 1A 18

On 12th draw, JUTS 15L 84 --- JUT to protrude [v]
Other tops: JETS 15L 84
Other moves: JILTS 15K 66, JUTES 15K 66, JUS 15M 57, ETUIS 15K 45, ILEUS 15K 45

On 13th draw, HOMA A12 52 --- HOMA a sacred plant of the ancient Persians [n]
Other moves: MOHR A12 48, HOAR A12 44, HORA A12 44, HORI A12 44, MUTHA 1A 42
HOAR A12 44 Mycophot

On 14th draw, QAT 1A 36 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QUA N6 35, WYTE 1A 33, AYRE C6 29, EYRA C6 29, YEW 14D 27

On 15th draw, QUAVER A1 22 --- QUAVER to tremble [v]
Other tops: QUIVER A1 22
Other moves: AIRER C6 21, AUREI C6 21, RIVA 10H 21, URARE C7 21, URARI C7 21

On 16th draw, TOWLINE 4F 28 --- TOWLINE a line used for towing [n]
Other moves: EURO C6 17, ONIE C11 17, PAWL J12 17, PAWN J12 17, ENOW 14D 16

On 17th draw, PROWL H1 30 --- PROWL to move about stealthily [v]
Other moves: APORIA 3I 29, APIOL 3I 27, PLOW H1 27, PROW H1 27, PARIAL 3J 24

On 18th draw, FURZY 5J 51 --- FURZY abounding in furze [adj]
Other moves: FRANZY K1 42, NAZIFY K4 42, RIZA 10H 39, FRIZ 3L 37, ZA 10J 37

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