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Game on May 11, 2021 at 12:41, 4 players
1. 172 pts moonmonkey
2. 157 pts queen66
3. 146 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dehioqr   H3    28    28   rhodie
 2. elooprt   4E    76   104   potholer
 3. emnostu   M2    84   188   unsmote
 4. aciilps   2I    34   222   apiculi
 5. bdeistu   L6    87   309   subedit
 6. ?eefgin   E4   102   411   pfennige
 7. aeimnrt   1C    82   493   minaret
 8. aaaklns   O1    42   535   links
 9. adefort  11B    62   597   foredate
10. acehiov  H11    42   639   theic
11. arstuuv   N5    42   681   uvas
12. aeegino   2B    28   709   genoa
13. deiltux   F6    51   760   xu
14. ?abenoz  15H   140   900   cabezons
15. adeiory  12A    33   933   yare
16. adloqtw  K11    48   981   qat
17. adijlow   3A    45  1026   jow
18. adilrvw   8A    39  1065   drawn

Remaining tiles: giilvy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7355 Filemoonmonkey  1  6:09  -893  172     1.7355 moonmonkey  1  6:09  -893  172 
  2.7514 Filequeen66     1  5:04  -908  157     2.7514 queen66     1  5:04  -908  157 
  3.7458 Filesicilianc5  1  5:12  -919  146     3.7458 sicilianc5  1  5:12  -919  146 
  4.  -  FileBLANK55555  1  1:28  -925  140            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  BLANK55555  1  1:28  -925  140 

On 1st draw, RHODIE H3 28 --- RHODIE a rhododendron [n]
Other moves: HIDER H4 26, HIRED H4 26, HORDE H4 26, HIRED H8 22, QI H7 22

On 2nd draw, POTHOLER 4E 76 --- POTHOLER someone who explores limestone potholes [n]
Other tops: PORTHOLE 4D 76
Other moves: PROTORE 3G 26, LOPER G5 25, TOPER G5 25, LEPT G5 23, LOPE G5 23

On 3rd draw, UNSMOTE M2 84 --- UNSMOTE unsmitten [adj]
Other moves: UNSMOTE 9F 74, DEMOUNTS 6H 69, MUDSTONE 6F 69, REMOUNTS L4 61, MOUTERS 3C 34

On 4th draw, APICULI 2I 34 --- APICULUS a sharp point at the end of a leaf [n]
Other tops: SPICULA 2I 34
Other moves: CEPS 8L 33, PECS 8L 33, CAPULS 2J 32, PICULS 2J 32, PICAL L8 31

On 5th draw, SUBEDIT L6 87 --- SUBEDIT to act as the assistant editor of [v]
Other moves: BUISTED 1C 86, SUBEDIT 1C 85, SUBEDIT N8 84, BUISTED L8 83, BUISTED 9E 73

On 6th draw, PFE(N)NIGE E4 102 --- PFENNIG a bronze coin of Germany [n]
Other tops: PFEN(N)IGE E4 102
Other moves: FEE(S)ING 13I 88, FEIGNE(D) 1C 84, FEE(D)ING I7 78, FEE(L)ING I7 78, FEE(R)ING I7 78

On 7th draw, MINARET 1C 82 --- MINARET a slender tower attached to a mosque [n]
Other tops: RAIMENT 1C 82
Other moves: MERANTI G7 73, EMIGRANT 10B 65, MERANTI G8 65, MERANTI I8 65, MINARET G8 65

On 8th draw, LINKS O1 42 --- LINK to connect [v]
Other moves: LINK O1 39, LISK O1 39, SILK O1 39, SINK O1 39, KANAS 2B 34

On 9th draw, FOREDATE 11B 62 --- FOREDATE to antedate [v]
Other moves: FATED 2B 41, DEFAT 2B 37, ORATED 2A 37, ROATED 2A 37, LINKSTER O1 36

On 10th draw, THEIC H11 42 --- THEIC one who drinks too much tea [n]
Other tops: THECA H11 42
Other moves: VAHINE 8A 39, HAVOC K11 38, AVE N5 36, CHAINE 8A 36, HAE N6 36

On 11th draw, UVAS N5 42 --- UVA a grape [n]
Other moves: VATUS N6 40, VAST N6 37, VATS N6 37, VATU N6 37, UVA N5 36
VATUS N6 40 sicilianc5

On 12th draw, GENOA 2B 28 --- GENOA a large triangular sail [n]
Other moves: AINEE 2B 26, GANE 12A 25, GENE 12A 25, EANING 8A 24, ENGINE 8A 24
EANING 8A 24 moonmonkey

On 13th draw, XU F6 51 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: TEX O8 48, TIX O8 48, TUX O8 48, EXULT K10 47, DEX K9 46
TIX O8 48 moonmonkey

On 14th draw, CABEZON(S) 15H 140 --- CABEZON a large, edible fish [n]
Other tops: CABEZON(E) 15H 140, CAB(E)ZONE 15H 140
Other moves: (C)ABEZONE 13A 88, BENZOA(T)E 13A 86, ZAB(A)IONE 14D 76, Z(A)BAIONE 14D 76, BEZO(N)IAN 14C 72
CABEZON(S) 15H 140 BLANK55555
CABEZON(S) 15H 90 queen66

On 15th draw, YARE 12A 33 --- YARE nimble [adj]
Other moves: YODE K9 32, AYRE 12A 30, DEFRAY B9 30, DOYEN 8A 30, Y*D 3A 29
YARE 12A 33 sicilianc5, moonmonkey, queen66

On 16th draw, QAT K11 48 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: ADOWN 8A 39, TWAL O8 39, QAID 14F 37, TAW O8 36, TOW O8 36
TWAL O8 39 sicilianc5
TOLD O8 33 moonmonkey

On 17th draw, JOW 3A 45 --- JOW to ring or toll (a bell) [v]
Other moves: ADOWN 8A 39, WADI 13B 35, JAI 14M 34, WAID 13B 34, DAW 13B 33
JAI 14M 34 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66

On 18th draw, DRAWN 8A 39 --- DRAW to move by pulling [v]
Other moves: WADI 13B 35, WAID 13B 34, DAW 13B 33, WAD 13B 33, WAIL 13B 32

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