Game on May 17, 2021 at 19:15, 6 players
1. 248 pts sicilianc5
2. 240 pts queen66
3. 238 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 80 80 


5D 82 162 


L2 75 237 


D4 54 291 


8A 48 339 


J4 68 407 


E9 79 486 


M2 42 528 


C8 83 611 


11G 76 687 


N2 37 724 


H11 36 760 


O1 45 805 


14G 74 879 


F3 32 911 


15A 33 944 


10B 35 979 


C3 27 1006 


B4 22 1028 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
sicilianc5 2 5:47 -780 248 1.7511 sicilianc5 2 5:47 -780 248
queen66 2 5:27 -788 240 2.7622 queen66 2 5:27 -788 240
moonmonkey 2 4:44 -790 238 3.7593 moonmonkey 2 4:44 -790 238
4. -
BLANK55555 2 2:15 -866 162 Group: not rated
5. -
SSSSS55555 1 1:46 -983 45 1. - BLANK55555 2 2:15 -866 162
6. -
DDDDD55555 1 1:48 -993 35 2. - SSSSS55555 1 1:46 -983 45
3. - DDDDD55555 1 1:48 -993 35
On 1st draw, CHIAS(M)I H3 80 --- CHIASMUS a reversal of word order between parallel phrases [n]
Other tops: (F)IASCHI H7 80
Other moves: CHIAS(M)I H4 78, ISCHIA(L) H2 78, (F)IASCHI H8 78, (P)ACHISI H2 78, CHIAS(M)I H2 74
CHIAS(M)I H3 80 BLANK55555
On 2nd draw, (R)ANGIORA 5D 82 --- RANGIORA an evergreen New Zealand shrub with large ovate leaves and small greenish-white flowers [n]
Other tops: RANGIO(R)A 5D 82
Other moves: NA(N)OGRA(M) 8A 74, (M)AR(T)AGON 8H 74, (N)ANOGRA(M) 8A 74, AGRA(P)HON 4C 72, (C)HARANGO 4G 72
On 3rd draw, RETSINA L2 75 --- RETSINA a resin-flavoured Greek wine [n]
Other tops: ANESTRI L2 75, ANTSIER L2 75, NASTIER L3 75, RESIANT L3 75
Other moves: NACRITES 3F 74, SCANTIER 3G 74, TACRINES 3F 74, (M)ERANTIS 8H 74, (M)INARETS 8H 74
On 4th draw, F(R)IEZE D4 54 --- FRIEZE a coarse woolen fabric [n] --- FRIEZE to put a decorative band on the top edge of a wall [v]
Other moves: F(R)ITZ D4 52, ZINE 4A 48, ZITE 4A 48, ZEATIN 8J 45, FEZ 4C 43
ZINE 4A 48 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66
On 5th draw, OYEZ 8A 48 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other tops: PEROXY 2J 48
Other moves: PIXY 6C 46, PYREX 2J 46, YEX M1 46, NIXY 6C 44, EXO M2 42
EXPO G8 39 queen66, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 6th draw, GROWABLE J4 68 --- GROW to cultivate [adj] --- GROWABLE able to be grown [adj]
Other moves: WARBLE 2J 38, WEBLOG C7 35, BARLOW 2J 34, BOWEL 7A 32, WEB C7 31
WARBLE 2J 38 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66
On 7th draw, FIRMANS E9 79 --- FIRMAN an edict issued by a Middle Eastern sovereign [n]
Other moves: FAMINES 11E 48, INFAMES 11E 48, INFARES 11E 40, FIRMAN 2J 38, FARMS 2J 36
FIRMS 2J 36 queen66
FARMS 2J 36 sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 8th draw, EXO M2 42 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other tops: DEX M1 42, DUXES 15A 42, OXEN K10 42
Other moves: OXO K10 40, EXONS 15A 39, NEXUS 15A 39, NOXES 15A 39, EX M2 38
DUXES 15A 42 moonmonkey
OXEN K10 42 sicilianc5, queen66
On 9th draw, ERUMPENT C8 83 --- ERUMPENT bursting forth [adj]
Other moves: UNTEMPER 11G 74, PERMUTE C7 44, PERMS 15A 36, PREMS 15A 36, RESTUMP 15C 36
On 10th draw, THREADED 11G 76 --- THREAD to pass a thread (a very slender cord) through [v]
Other moves: RATHS 15A 36, SHARDED 15E 36, TATHS 15A 36, TETHS 15A 36, HARED 2J 34
On 11th draw, DOTAL N2 37 --- DOTAL pertaining to a dowry [adj]
Other moves: HAULD H11 30, AUDIO 10B 29, AUDIT 10B 29, DOT N2 29, DOTAL 12K 28
DOTAL N2 37 queen66
On 12th draw, HOVEL H11 36 --- HOVEL to live in a small, miserable dwelling [v]
Other tops: HIVES H11 36, HOVES H11 36, SLIVE O4 36, SLOVE O4 36
Other moves: TUSSIVE 15C 33, SEIL F10 31, SOLIVE O5 31, SOLIVES 15E 30, LIVES O5 28
On 13th draw, WONS O1 45 --- WON to dwell [v]
Other moves: CONS O1 42, SWORN O4 39, IONS O1 36, WINOS 12K 34, WON O1 34
WONS O1 45 sicilianc5, SSSSS55555
On 14th draw, PERENTIE 14G 74 --- PERENTIE a large Australian monitor lizard [n]
Other moves: EINE F11 31, TEEN F10 31, TEER F10 31, NEE F10 28, PERENTY B2 28
On 15th draw, KANJI F3 32 --- KANJI a system of Japanese writing characters [n]
Other moves: AUK 13K 30, JUT 15A 30, KATIS 15A 30, KUTAS 15A 30, KUTIS 15A 30
On 16th draw, BYTES 15A 33 --- BYTE a group of adjacent binary digits [n]
Other moves: GYTES 15A 30, YE B10 30, YO B10 30, BYE 13M 29, OBEY O6 29
On 17th draw, LUDIC 10B 35 --- LUDIC aimlessly playful [adj]
Other moves: GOD 12K 22, GOV 13M 22, DOG G7 21, DOY B13 21, DUG G7 21
LUDIC 10B 35 moonmonkey, DDDDD55555
On 18th draw, QI C3 27 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI M13 22, QI 9G 21, TOY B13 18, QUID N8 16, QUOD N8 16
On 19th draw, GUV B4 22 --- GUV a governor [n]
Other tops: GOV 13M 22, GOV B4 22
Other moves: GIT 12K 19, GOT 12K 19, GOUTY B4 18, TOY B13 18, OGIVE M7 17
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