Game on May 22, 2021 at 13:00, 4 players
1. 74 pts queen66
2. 74 pts sicilianc5
3. 74 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 48 48 


6G 39 87 


L1 51 138 


2J 40 178 


8A 77 255 


1K 57 312 


C4 68 380 


B10 46 426 


D7 39 465 


K6 70 535 


15B 83 618 


11B 34 652 


A1 80 732 


8K 30 762 


M7 80 842 


A14 49 891 


15K 31 922 


14D 33 955 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
queen66 0 1:10 -881 74 1.7707 queen66 0 1:10 -881 74
sicilianc5 0 1:10 -881 74 2.7509 sicilianc5 0 1:10 -881 74
moonmonkey 0 1:12 -881 74 3.7563 moonmonkey 0 1:12 -881 74
4. -
JJJJJ55555 0 1:58 -909 46 Group: not rated
1. - JJJJJ55555 0 1:58 -909 46
On 1st draw, JAVELS H4 48 --- JAVEL a worthless fellow [n]
Other moves: JAVEL H4 46, JIVES H4 46, JAILS H4 40, JAVELS H3 34, JAVELS H7 34
JIVES H4 46 JJJJJ55555
On 2nd draw, (A)VYZE 6G 39 --- AVYZE to advise [v]
Other moves: V(I)ZY 6H 38, JOW(L)Y 4H 34, (Q)UEAZY 5E 34, AZU(R)Y 5H 32, AZY(M)E 5H 32
On 3rd draw, EVOKED L1 51 --- EVOKE to call forth [v]
Other moves: HOKED L2 47, HOVED L2 45, EKED L3 39, EHED L3 37, HEED L3 37
HOKED 5K 36 sicilianc5, queen66, moonmonkey
On 4th draw, FOVEAE 2J 40 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [n]
Other moves: FAVER 2J 38, FAVOR 2J 38, FEVER 2J 38, FOVEA 2J 38, FY M3 35
FEVER 2J 38 moonmonkey, queen66, sicilianc5
On 5th draw, SOTERIAL 8A 77 --- SOTERIAL pertaining to salvation [adj]
Other tops: ETAERIOS O2 77
Other moves: ETAERIOS K6 66, OTARIES I8 64, OARIEST G9 62, OARIEST I9 62, OTARIES G9 62
On 6th draw, HEATH 1K 57 --- HEATH an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: HEATHY O1 48, HETHS O1 45, YEAHS O1 45, HETH O1 42, YEAH O1 42
On 7th draw, CI(C)ATRIX C4 68 --- CICATRIX scar tissue [n]
Other tops: (C)ICATRIX C4 68
Other moves: CA(L)YX I3 54, (O)RYX I4 48, HE(T)AIRIC O1 39, C(O)XY I3 35, TAXI(T)IC C8 32
On 8th draw, GODWIT B10 46 --- GODWIT a wading bird [n]
Other moves: DOWIE B10 42, DOGIE B10 38, GEOID B10 38, GODET B10 38, TOWED B10 35
On 9th draw, WEEPY D7 39 --- WEEPY tending to weep [adj]
Other moves: PYET D10 37, PYNE D10 37, YEWEN D11 37, WEEPY 5K 36, WEEPY K5 36
On 10th draw, EROTICAL K6 70 --- EROTIC an amatory poem [adj] --- EROTICAL pertaining to erotic [adj]
Other moves: CALORIST A2 61, COATI A11 57, HEROICAL O1 42, RECITAL K5 40, CIAO A11 34
On 11th draw, TROPINES 15B 83 --- TROPINE a poisonous alkaloid [n]
Other tops: PORINESS A1 83, ROPINESS A1 83
Other moves: PRISONER E1 76, PROLINES 13H 72, ORPINES I9 64, RIPIENOS F7 64, ROPINESS A2 63
On 12th draw, OXYGEN 11B 34 --- OXYGEN a gaseous element [n]
Other moves: GONER 14F 25, GENU 14F 22, GONE 14F 22, GORE 14F 22, GURU 14F 22
On 13th draw, AUDITORS A1 80 --- AUDITOR one that audits [n]
Other moves: IOTA A12 59, ODA A13 53, DA A14 45, TA A14 41, ATROPINES 15A 33
On 14th draw, OBOLI 8K 30 --- OBOLUS an ancient Greek coin [n]
Other tops: FOISON 8J 30, FOLIOS 8J 30, LOBI 14D 30, OBOLS 8K 30
Other moves: BOLSON 8J 27, LOB 14D 27, NOB 14D 27, OBI 14E 27, SOB 14D 27
On 15th draw, DOUBLING M7 80 --- DOUBLE to make twice as great [v] --- DOUBLING the act of making double [n]
Other moves: BUILDING O6 63, BUDI 14F 30, DUB 14D 29, GUB 14D 29, BIND L12 28
On 16th draw, MA A14 49 --- MA mother [n]
Other moves: MUSAR 15K 37, RUSMA 15K 37, ATROPINES 15A 33, SAMARIUM 12H 32, MANUS 14F 31
On 17th draw, UNSET 15K 31 --- UNSET to unsettle [v]
Other tops: ENSUE 15K 31
Other moves: ESNE 15L 28, SENTE H11 24, NEUTERS E3 23, TENNERS E3 23, SEE 15M 22
On 18th draw, NUMEN 14D 33 --- NUMEN a deity [n]
Other moves: FA 10F 28, FE 10F 28, MANE 14F 28, MENU 14F 28, EGMA 14L 26
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