Game on June 4, 2021 at 13:32, 4 players
1. 42 pts moonmonkey
2. 42 pts sicilianc5
3. 42 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


6E 66 94 


E4 114 208 


12A 35 243 


8A 30 273 


I8 68 341 


M2 35 376 


G8 68 444 


N7 67 511 


O7 28 539 


O12 39 578 


L1 38 616 


1F 39 655 


2B 52 707 


13A 24 731 


B10 68 799 


K5 30 829 


M12 42 871 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
moonmonkey 1 0:46 -829 42 1.8062 moonmonkey 1 0:46 -829 42
sicilianc5 1 1:02 -829 42 2.8253 queen66 1 1:20 -829 42
queen66 1 1:20 -829 42 Group: advanced
4. -
JJJJJJ1111 1 1:49 -829 42 1.7463 sicilianc5 1 1:02 -829 42
Group: not rated
1. - JJJJJJ1111 1 1:49 -829 42
On 1st draw, BETHEL H4 28 --- BETHEL a place of worship [n]
Other tops: BEATH H8 28, BELAH H8 28, HABLE H4 28
Other moves: BATHE H4 26, BEATH H4 26, BELAH H4 26, BETHEL H3 24, BETHEL H7 24
On 2nd draw, CANTRAIP 6E 66 --- CANTRAIP a magic spell [n]
Other moves: PICRA G5 34, PANIC G3 33, NARIC G3 29, PACA G5 29, PICA G5 29
On 3rd draw, (B)ACKFIRE E4 114 --- BACKFIRE to result in undesirable consequences [v]
Other moves: (W)AKERIFE 8A 95, BA(C)KFIRE 4H 84, FIREBA(C)K 4D 82, FAKERIE(S) 8B 69, FREAKIL(Y) 9B 66
On 4th draw, TAWAS 12A 35 --- TAWA an evergreen tree [n]
Other tops: AWOLS 12A 35, LOWTS 12A 35, TWALS 12A 35
Other moves: AWLS 12B 31, LAWS 12B 31, LOWS 12B 31, OWLS 12B 31, OWTS 12B 31
On 5th draw, GANOF 8A 30 --- GANOF a thief [n]
Other tops: GANEF 8A 30, GONEF 8A 30
Other moves: AGEE 13A 27, AGEN 13A 27, AGER 13A 27, AGON 13A 27, AREG 13A 27
On 6th draw, TARDILY I8 68 --- TARDILY in a tardy manner [adv] --- TARDY late [adv]
Other tops: TARDILY G8 68
Other moves: DIRTILY K5 44, DITTAY A10 30, RAPIDLY L4 30, TRIPLY L3 30, PYRALID L6 28
On 7th draw, IMPOSE M2 35 --- IMPOSE to establish as compulsory [v]
Other tops: MOVIES M1 35
Other moves: MOTIVE A10 33, MOVES M2 33, SEMI H12 33, MOVES 5K 32, MOVIE 5K 32
On 8th draw, TABOURS G8 68 --- TABOUR to beat on a small drum [v]
Other moves: ABORTUS G9 65, ABORTUS N7 63, ROBUSTA N7 63, RUBATOS N7 63, TABOURS N7 63
On 9th draw, FLEE(T)ED N7 67 --- FLEET to move swiftly [v]
Other tops: FLEE(C)ED N7 67, FLEE(R)ED N7 67, (B)EFLEAED B3 67, (D)EFLEAED B3 67
Other moves: FEE(B)LED N7 65, DEFLEAE(D) B3 63, FIELDE(D) K5 40, FIELDE(R) K5 40, FIEL(D)ED K5 40
On 10th draw, TILE O7 28 --- TILE to cover with tiles (thin slabs of baked clay) [v]
Other tops: TOLE O7 28
Other moves: LOGE O12 24, LOTI O5 24, TIGE O12 24, TOGE O12 24, EGO 13A 23
On 11th draw, TOWY O12 39 --- TOWY resembling coarse hemp or flax fiber [adj]
Other moves: WEARY B10 38, WEY 13B 38, YEW 13B 38, YOW 13B 38, YOWIE 2J 38
On 12th draw, CAMO L1 38 --- CAMO a camouflage pattern [n]
Other moves: COMAE N1 34, MOOP L3 32, COMA N1 30, COME N1 30, MOTUCA A10 30
On 13th draw, HEDONIC 1F 39 --- HEDONIC pertaining to pleasure [adj]
Other moves: PHONIED L6 38, RHODIE K2 38, HERDIC 1G 36, HOARED B10 36, OHED 13A 36
On 14th draw, VERNIX 2B 52 --- VERNIX a fatty substance covering the skin of a fetus [n]
Other moves: EXON 13A 45, OXEN 13A 45, OXER 13A 45, EXO 13A 41, NOX 13B 41
On 15th draw, IRON 13A 24 --- IRON to eliminate wrinkles from clothes by pressing [v]
Other moves: ENVIRON C2 22, INURN M11 22, VINOUS 14B 22, VIROUS 14B 22, ION 13B 20
On 16th draw, QUARE B10 68 --- QUARE queer [adj]
Other moves: JUVE M12 46, JUN M12 38, JUS M12 38, SUQ M12 35, NEVUS M10 34
On 17th draw, ZINGS K5 30 --- ZING to move with a high-pitched humming sound [v]
Other moves: ZEDS C1 28, ZIGS K5 28, ZING K5 28, ZED C1 26, ZIG K5 26
On 18th draw, JUDO M12 42 --- JUDO a form of jujitsu [n]
Other moves: JUD M12 40, JUG M12 40, GJU M9 30, JIG M10 26, JUG M10 26
JUDO M12 42 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66, JJJJJJ1111
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