Game on June 5, 2021 at 18:30, 5 players
1. 369 pts moonmonkey
2. 306 pts queen66
3. 297 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 80 80 


G12 50 130 


F10 43 173 


G6 26 199 


I2 64 263 


4C 74 337 


B1 80 417 


1A 36 453 


8A 44 497 


J2 33 530 


D8 30 560 


A8 113 673 


K5 46 719 


B10 50 769 


L7 35 804 


M10 35 839 


N7 31 870 


O6 34 904 


2H 26 930 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 4 13:26 -561 369 1.7871 moonmonkey 4 13:26 -561 369
queen66 2 9:21 -624 306 2.7864 queen66 2 9:21 -624 306
Mycophot 2 10:15 -633 297 3.7527 Mycophot 2 10:15 -633 297
4. -
BLANK55555 1 1:54 -850 80 Group: not rated
5. -
QQQQQQ1111 1 1:26 -884 46 1. - BLANK55555 1 1:54 -850 80
2. - QQQQQQ1111 1 1:26 -884 46
On 1st draw, BE(N)THOS H8 80 --- BENTHOS the flora and fauna of the ocean floor [n]
Other tops: BEHOT(E)S H2 80, BOT(C)HES H8 80, B(E)HOTES H2 80, HOTBE(D)S H4 80
Other moves: BEHOT(E)S H4 78, BESHO(U)T H4 78, BE(N)THOS H4 78, BOSHTE(R) H4 78, BOTHE(R)S H4 78
BE(N)THOS H8 80 BLANK55555
On 2nd draw, AZO G12 50 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other moves: ZEA G13 45, ZOA G13 45, ZA G13 44, ZO G13 44, ZOSTER 14F 37
AZO G12 50 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 3rd draw, JIR(D) F10 43 --- JIRD an African gerbil [n]
Other moves: JI(L)TER 11E 36, ZORGI(T)E 13G 34, R(A)GE F12 33, R(A)GI F12 33, JI(L)T 11E 32
JI(L)TER 11E 36 moonmonkey
JI(N)G(L)ER 10F 29 Mycophot, queen66
On 4th draw, GRAY G6 26 --- GRAY of a color between white and black [adj] --- GRAY to make gray [v]
Other tops: GAY G7 26
Other moves: TRAY G6 25, GARI G7 24, RAY G7 24, TAY G7 24, TIGERY I5 24
GAY G7 26 moonmonkey, Mycophot
GRAY G6 26 queen66
On 5th draw, OLEATES I2 64 --- OLEATE a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: SEGOLATE 6E 63, ATILT 11D 23, STILT 11D 23, TILTS 11E 23, TAES I9 22
TILTS 11E 23 queen66
On 6th draw, OCULATED 4C 74 --- OCULATED having eyes [adj]
Other moves: CLAD H1 36, LOAD H1 30, TOAD H1 30, CLAT H1 28, COAT H1 28
CLAD H1 36 queen66, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 7th draw, AIRLINE B1 80 --- AIRLINE an air transportation system [n]
Other moves: INLIER B2 28, NAILER B1 28, NIRLIE B1 28, IRIDEAL J1 26, ANILE B1 22
AIRLINE B1 30 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 8th draw, LAEVO 1A 36 --- LAEVO turning towards the left [adj]
Other moves: VALUED 1A 33, EVOLUE A7 32, DEEV A5 31, DELVE A7 30, DEVEL A7 30
VALUED 1A 33 queen66
On 9th draw, FRIB 8A 44 --- FRIB heavy wool removed in woolclassing [n]
Other moves: FIBRO A7 35, QI H1 35, QUOIF E3 34, FORB A7 32, FRIB A7 32
QI H1 35 queen66, moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 10th draw, FADS J2 33 --- FAD a practice or interest that enjoys brief popularity [n]
Other tops: FADE J2 33
Other moves: FAD J2 30, FELONS 3G 27, EF J1 26, FELON 3G 26, OF J1 26
FADE J2 33 queen66
On 11th draw, BEWEARY D8 30 --- BEWEARY to make weary [v]
Other moves: BEWRAY D8 28, WRY 3A 28, AW H1 24, LAWYER 3I 24, TAWERY 11H 24
WRY 3A 28 Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66
On 12th draw, FREAKING A8 113 --- FREAK to streak with color [v]
Other moves: KAEING K5 36, KAING K5 34, KIANG K5 34, KRANG K5 34, KRENG K5 34
FREAKING A8 63 queen66, moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 13th draw, PIQUED K5 46 --- PIQUE to arouse anger or resentment in [v]
Other moves: PIQUET K5 44, PIQUE K5 42, QUIPU E3 32, QUEP E3 30, QUIP E3 30
On 14th draw, MAISE B10 50 --- MAISE a measure of five `hundreds' of herrings [n]
Other moves: AMINE B10 38, INSEAM L7 37, MALAISE 3G 33, ANISE B10 32, MAIN B10 32
On 15th draw, INTOED L7 35 --- INTOED having the toes pointed inwards [adj]
Other moves: DELATION 3G 29, OINTED L6 29, DINE L6 25, DINT L6 25, DITE L6 25
On 16th draw, WHEN M10 35 --- WHEN the time in which something is done or occurs [n]
Other moves: HONE M9 30, HEWN M11 28, HOWE M11 28, OHONE M10 28, NOHOW M11 27
On 17th draw, GUMP N7 31 --- GUMP to catch fish by hand [v]
Other tops: DUMP N7 31
Other moves: MOUP N7 30, TUMP N7 30, DOUP N7 29, MOP N8 29, UMP N8 29
DUMP N7 31 moonmonkey
On 18th draw, VINO O6 34 --- VINO wine [n]
Other moves: VIN O6 27, UNI O7 22, NOUT O5 21, TOIT O5 21, TOUN O5 21
VINO O6 34 moonmonkey
On 19th draw, COFOUND 2H 26 --- COFOUND to found jointly [v]
Other moves: CON 15E 18, DON 15E 17, DUN 15E 17, OD H1 16, TON 15E 16
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