Game on June 9, 2021 at 08:19, 6 players
1. 580 pts fatcat
2. 528 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 521 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 24 24
2. 5D 118 142
3. D1 84 226
4. 1D 36 262
5. 8A 45 307
6. B3 65 372
7. A1 32 404
8. 6J 58 462
9. O4 39 501
10. 3H 27 528
11. A10 26 554
12. 14A 28 582
13. 15F 30 612
14. 14J 47 659
15. L1 46 705
16. 1L 45 750
17. 13I 44 794
18. 12L 29 823
19. K5 30 853
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6617 fatcat 2 15:24 -273 580 1.7300 GLOBEMAN 5 17:19 -325 528
2.7300 GLOBEMAN 5 17:19 -325 528 2.7609 sunshine12 4 18:44 -332 521
3.7609 sunshine12 4 18:44 -332 521 3.7650 Chelsea 5 14:12 -360 493
4.7650 Chelsea 5 14:12 -360 493 4.7689 WEASEL 0 1:57 -826 27
5.7689 WEASEL 0 1:57 -826 27 5.7742 TWEEKS 0 0:31 -845 8
6.7742 TWEEKS 0 0:31 -845 8 Group: intermediate
1.6617 fatcat 2 15:24 -273 580
On 1st draw, WAITE H4 24 --- WAITE to be on guard [v]
Other moves: TAWIE H4 18, TAWIE H8 18, WAITE H8 18, TAWIE H5 16, TAWIE H6 16
WAITE H4 24 fatcat
On 2nd draw, LIQ(U)ATED 5D 118 --- LIQUATE to purify metal by heating [v]
Other moves: Q(U)ILTED 3D 77, Q(U)ILTED 9B 77, Q(U)ILTED 6F 38, Q(U)ITED 6F 37, Q(U)ITED 9C 36
Q(U)ILTED 6F 38 fatcat
On 3rd draw, MEGALOPS D1 84 --- MEGALOPS a larval stage of most crabs [n]
Other moves: POSTGAME 7E 66, MOPES 4A 30, MOPES 6J 30, POMES 4A 30, MAGES 6J 29
MOPES 6J 30 fatcat, GLOBEMAN
On 4th draw, MONETHS 1D 36 --- MONETH month [n]
Other moves: HONEST 6J 35, HENTS 6J 34, HETES 6J 34, HONES 6J 34, HOSEN 6J 34
MONETHS 1D 36 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
HONES 6J 34 fatcat
On 5th draw, JAKS 8A 45 --- JAK a type of fruit [n]
Other moves: J(A)KS 8A 42, JA(U)KE(D) G3 39, JO(U)KE(D) G3 39, JAGS 8A 36, JOGS 8A 36
JAKS 8A 45 sunshine12, fatcat, GLOBEMAN
JOGS 8A 36 Chelsea
On 6th draw, UNDREAMT B3 65 --- DREAM to have a dream (a series of images occurring during sleep) [adj] --- UNDREAMT not dreamed about [adj]
Other moves: TRUEMEN 2A 32, MEND 6J 26, MED 6J 25, MENT 6J 25, MENU 6J 25
MEND 6J 26 GLOBEMAN, fatcat, sunshine12, Chelsea
On 7th draw, BONIE A1 32 --- BONIE pretty or healthy [adj]
Other moves: BICEP 4J 29, BENI A1 26, BINE A1 26, BONE A1 26, CINE A1 26
BONIE A1 32 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
BICEP 4J 29 fatcat
CONE A1 26 Chelsea
On 8th draw, XE(N)IAL 6J 58 --- XENIA the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [adj] --- XENIAL concerning hospitality [adj]
Other moves: XE(N)IA 6J 57, XI 6J 53, XI(S) 6J 53, X(I) 6J 51, ALEXI(A) A10 41
XI 6J 53 GLOBEMAN, Chelsea, fatcat, sunshine12
On 9th draw, WALDO O4 39 --- WALDO a gadget for manipulating objects remotel or WALDOES [n]
Other moves: DOWF 4J 37, WOF 4J 35, DOWAR 4J 33, DOWNA 4J 33, FLAWN O5 33
WALDO O4 39 Chelsea
FLOWN O5 33 sunshine12
FLOW O5 30 fatcat
On 10th draw, TROCAR 3H 27 --- TROCAR a surgical instrument [n]
Other moves: TORC 4J 26, ROC 4J 24, TOC 4J 24, TROCAR 2J 24, AORTIC M2 22
TOC 4J 24 Chelsea
TORN 4J 22 fatcat
TRONA 7H 21 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 11th draw, IGNORE A10 26 --- IGNORE to intentionally disregard [v]
Other tops: ERINGO A10 26
Other moves: TROG 7H 21, TRONE 7H 21, JOINER A8 20, GEOID 7K 19, IRE 4K 19
TROG 7H 21 sunshine12
QUIRE F5 16 Chelsea, fatcat
On 12th draw, REFIND 14A 28 --- FIND to come upon after a search [v] --- REFIND to find again [v]
Other moves: DEF B13 26, FED B13 26, DEFINED K5 24, FAINED N5 24, NEF 7K 24
REFIND 14A 28 Chelsea
FED B13 26 sunshine12, fatcat, GLOBEMAN
On 13th draw, OUTVIE 15F 30 --- OUTVIE to surpass in a competition [v]
Other tops: OUVERT 15F 30
Other moves: OVERT 15F 27, TROVE 7H 27, ETUI 13C 25, DEVOUTER K5 24, ERUV 15F 24
OVERT 15F 27 GLOBEMAN, fatcat, sunshine12, Chelsea, WEASEL
On 14th draw, HOURS 14J 47 --- HOUR a period of sixty minutes [n]
Other moves: BRUSH 14J 44, BOLUS 14J 38, BUHLS L11 33, BUHRS L11 33, SHLUB 14J 33
HOURS 14J 47 Chelsea
BRUSH 14J 44 GLOBEMAN, fatcat, sunshine12
On 15th draw, ZEAL L1 46 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other moves: ZUPA 2L 43, ZAP 2L 41, ZEP 2L 41, PUZEL N8 40, FAZE 2L 39
ZEAL L1 46 Chelsea, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
ZAP 2L 41 fatcat
On 16th draw, ZUPA 1L 45 --- ZUPA a confederation of village communities [n]
Other moves: ZILA 1L 39, AERY 2C 30, KYAR C8 29, YAUP 13L 29, YA 2F 28
ZILA 1L 39 GLOBEMAN, fatcat, Chelsea, sunshine12
On 17th draw, BARYE 13I 44 --- BARYE a unit of pressure [n]
Other moves: OBELIA 13A 38, BERYL 2C 35, OBELI 13A 32, AERY 2C 30, EERY 2C 30
YA 2F 28 Chelsea
KY C8 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
BLEARY M10 22 fatcat
On 18th draw, ASCI 12L 29 --- ASCUS an enlarged cell which has formed eight spores [n]
Other moves: CLASSY N10 28, YA 2F 28, AYUS L12 27, SALIFY C10 27, SANIFY C10 27
YA 2F 28 Chelsea, GLOBEMAN
KY C8 24 sunshine12
FY C14 8 fatcat
On 19th draw, DEFYING K5 30 --- DEFY to resist openly and boldly [v]
Other tops: FAINLY N5 30, FIG 15M 30
Other moves: NIFFY C11 28, FIL 15M 27, FIN 15M 27, IFFY C12 26, DELVING K5 24
FIG 15M 30 Chelsea, GLOBEMAN
IFFY C12 26 fatcat
KY C8 24 sunshine12
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