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Game on June 10, 2021 at 18:00, 7 players
1. 269 pts sicilianc5
2. 249 pts moonmonkey
3. 185 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beglotu   H4    24    24   bouget
 2. aeiloos   I3    22    46   loosie
 3. aannorw   J1    26    72   awarn
 4. ?ilnqux   1D    75   147   quinela
 5. eilmmpu   2B    31   178   plim
 6. aeehirs   B1    65   243   sphairee
 7. aejklrx   A8    66   309   relax
 8. adfiktt   4A    32   341   kaif
 9. acdfiis  10F    30   371   fasci
10. ?diorst   K5    97   468   stridor
11. adeegry  11C    28   496   redye
12. bcenovy   C8    39   535   overby
13. eemottu  D10    29   564   meou
14. acdhiot   8K    27   591   iodic
15. adeghnu   O8    98   689   chaunged
16. aginotv   A8    48   737   relaxing
17. aeeentt   M3    72   809   attendee
18. ajoprtv   L1    44   853   jota
19. anrtvwz  14K    34   887   wanze

Remaining tiles: prtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7472 Filesicilianc5  4  9:31  -618  269     1.7472 sicilianc5  4  9:31  -618  269 
  2.7850 Filemoonmonkey  3  7:20  -638  249     2.7850 moonmonkey  3  7:20  -638  249 
  3.7752 Filequeen66     2  7:51  -702  185     3.7752 queen66     2  7:51  -702  185 
  4.  -  FileRRRRRR1111  0  1:52  -827   60            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileIIIIII1111  1  1:56  -839   48     1.  -  RRRRRR1111  0  1:52  -827   60 
  6.  -  FileBBBBBB1111  1  1:36  -863   24     2.  -  IIIIII1111  1  1:56  -839   48 
  7.  -  FileGGGGGG1111  1  1:58  -863   24     3.  -  BBBBBB1111  1  1:36  -863   24 
                                             4.  -  GGGGGG1111  1  1:58  -863   24 

On 1st draw, BOUGET H4 24 --- BOUGET a budget or financial statement [n]
Other tops: BUGLET H4 24
Other moves: BEGOT H4 22, BOGLE H4 22, BOUGE H4 22, BUGLE H4 22, BULGE H4 22
BUGLET H4 24 moonmonkey, BBBBBB1111, GGGGGG1111

On 2nd draw, LOOSIE I3 22 --- LOOSIE in rugby, a player free from the scrum [n]
Other moves: LOOSIE 10E 20, AISLE 10F 19, LOOIES 10C 18, OBELIAS 4G 18, SOLEI I6 18

On 3rd draw, AWARN J1 26 --- AWARN to warn [v]
Other moves: WARN J2 25, WORN J2 25, AWARN G2 23, NOWN G3 22, NOWN J2 22
AWARN J1 26 queen66
WARN J2 25 moonmonkey
WORN J2 25 sicilianc5

On 4th draw, QUIN(E)LA 1D 75 --- QUINELA quinella [n]
Other moves: AUXIN(S) 1J 60, (G)UANXI 1H 60, QUAIL 1H 45, QUAIL(S) 1H 45, QUAIN(T) 1H 45
QUAIL 1H 45 queen66, sicilianc5, moonmonkey

On 5th draw, PLIM 2B 31 --- PLIM to swell [v]
Other moves: QUEP D1 30, QUIM D1 30, QUIP D1 30, WIMPLE 2J 26, PLUME J7 24
PLIM 2B 31 moonmonkey, queen66, sicilianc5

On 6th draw, SPHAIREE B1 65 --- SPHAIREE (Australia) an alternative to tennis played on a very small court, eg a garage floor [n]
Other tops: PHARISEE B2 65
Other moves: HEROONS 5E 40, RASHIE K3 35, SERA K1 34, SERE K1 34, ASHIER K4 32
HAS K3 32 sicilianc5, queen66
HES K3 32 moonmonkey

On 7th draw, RELAX A8 66 --- RELAX to make less tense or rigid [v]
Other moves: JERK 8A 60, JAKE 4A 46, JARK 4A 46, LEAKER 8A 45, RELAX A7 44
JERK 8A 60 moonmonkey, RRRRRR1111

On 8th draw, KAIF 4A 32 --- KAIF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: DIKA B11 30, FAIK 4A 30, DIKTAT C8 28, KADI 4A 28, KAID 4A 28
KAIF 4A 32 moonmonkey, sicilianc5

On 9th draw, FASCI 10F 30 --- FASCIO an organized political group [n]
Other tops: ASDIC K4 30
Other moves: DIFS B11 28, DISCI B11 28, FISC 10F 27, ASCI K4 26, DAS K3 26
ASCI K4 26 queen66

On 10th draw, STRIDO(R) K5 97 --- STRIDOR a strident sound [n]
Other tops: ST(R)IDOR K5 97
Other moves: DISRO(O)T C7 78, DISR(O)OT C7 78, DISTOR(T) C7 78, DIS(P)ORT C7 78, DIS(T)ORT C7 78
ST(E)ROID K6 25 queen66

On 11th draw, REDYE 11C 28 --- DYE to treat with a dye (a coloring matter) [v] --- REDYE to dye again [v]
Other tops: DERAY 11C 28, GRAYED C8 28, GREEDY C8 28, GREYED C8 28, GYRED 11C 28
Other moves: AIDER 5A 26, DRAY 11D 26, DREY 11D 26, EDGY 11C 26, EDGY C6 26
WEDGY 2J 26 sicilianc5

On 12th draw, OVERBY C8 39 --- OVERBY a little way over [adv]
Other moves: INBYE 8K 33, COVEY D8 32, ENVOY L11 31, CONVEY D7 30, CORBY C9 30

On 13th draw, MEOU D10 29 --- MEOU to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: MEE D10 22, ITEM 5B 19, BEE 12C 17, EMOTE L11 17, MEE B13 17

On 14th draw, IODIC 8K 27 --- IODIC pertaining to iodine [adj]
Other moves: WATCH 2J 26, WITCH 2J 26, IDIOT 8K 24, WIDTH 2J 24, LAID C2 23

On 15th draw, CHAUNGED O8 98 --- CHAUNGE to change [v]
Other moves: GAUNCHED O4 67, HANDED M3 24, HANGED M3 24, LAUGHED 3I 24, WAUGH 2J 24

On 16th draw, RELAXING A8 48 --- RELAX to make less tense or rigid [v]
Other moves: RELAXANT A8 45, VINTAGE 14I 26, WAVING 2J 26, DOVING M8 24, OVATING 13I 24

On 17th draw, ATTENDEE M3 72 --- ATTENDEE one who attends a function [n]
Other tops: EDENTATE M7 72
Other moves: AINEE 5A 23, LAIN C2 20, NEAT N11 19, TENIAE N5 19, DEATH 9K 18

On 18th draw, JOTA L1 44 --- JOTA a Spanish dance [n]
Other moves: JA L3 31, JAPE 14L 26, JATO N1 26, JOTA N1 26, APO N13 24
JOTA L1 44 sicilianc5

On 19th draw, WANZE 14K 34 --- WANZE to decrease [v]
Other moves: TREZ 6K 33, ZANTE 14K 28, NAZE 14L 26, RAZE 14L 26, ZAG 13M 26
WANZE 14K 34 sicilianc5

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