Game on June 11, 2021 at 11:42, 1 player
1. 50 pts OOOOOO1113
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 78 78 


10D 28 106 


D8 34 140 


E2 80 220 


14A 83 303 


15G 53 356 


2C 67 423 


11B 35 458 


9G 78 536 


1H 99 635 


O1 69 704 


15A 34 738 


8L 38 776 


8A 36 812 


13A 25 837 


D4 47 884 


12F 26 910 


14I 33 943 


M7 30 973 


10A 50 1023 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
1. -
OOOOOO1113 1 1:44 -973 50 1. - OOOOOO1113 1 1:44 -973 50
On 1st draw, FAITORS H4 78 --- FAITOR an imposter [n]
Other moves: FAITORS H2 72, FAITORS H3 72, FAITORS H6 72, FAITORS H7 72, FAITORS H8 72
On 2nd draw, RAJAS 10D 28 --- RAJA a king or prince in India [n]
Other tops: JAVA 5E 28
Other moves: AJAR I2 26, JAI 6F 26, JUS 10F 26, JAR I3 25, VARNA I3 25
On 3rd draw, F(U)RKID D8 34 --- FURKID an animal kept as a companion [n]
Other tops: FIRK(E)D D8 34, FORK(E)D D8 34
Other moves: FIK(E)D 11A 31, FIRK(S) D8 30, FORK(S) D8 30, FORK(Y) D8 30, KOFT(A) G3 29
On 4th draw, READILY E2 80 --- READILY in a ready manner [adv]
Other moves: DREARILY 9G 71, KYAR 11D 43, DERAY E7 42, DEAFLY 8A 39, D*RKYDARKY 11A 36
On 5th draw, APO(S)TLE 14A 83 --- APOSTLE a disciple sent forth by Christ to preach the gospel [n]
Other moves: O(M)OPLATE 8H 80, PLOATE(D) G2 73, PETRO(S)AL 2B 72, TADPOLE(S) 13B 72, (C)LODPATE 13A 72
On 6th draw, HAEMIC 15G 53 --- HAEMIC pertaining to the blood [adj]
Other moves: HAM 15A 47, HEM 15A 47, HIM 15A 47, HOM 15A 47, MOCHIE 15G 46
On 7th draw, SPRAYIER 2C 67 --- SPRAYEY full of spray [adj]
Other moves: YAP 15A 47, YEP 15A 47, YIP 15A 47, KYAR 11D 43, PIRAYAS A9 39
On 8th draw, UNKNOT 11B 35 --- UNKNOT to undo a knot in [v]
Other moves: UNIFY 8A 33, KNOT 11D 31, GOUT 1H 28, NOG 1F 28, TOG 1F 28
On 9th draw, WRINGERS 9G 78 --- WRINGER one that wrings [n]
Other moves: RINGWISE 6G 68, STREWING 7G 65, WRINGERS J1 64, GREWS 1H 43, SWEIR 1H 40
On 10th draw, BOUTADE 1H 99 --- BOUTADE a sudden outburst [n]
Other moves: BOUTADE 1I 89, BOUTADES N2 76, OBDURATE M5 63, TABOURED M4 62, BOATED 1F 46
On 11th draw, SOLVE O1 69 --- SOLVE to find the answer or explanation for [v]
Other tops: SLOVE O1 69
Other moves: SLEW O1 66, SLOW O1 66, SEWEL O1 60, SOWLE O1 60, SWEEL O1 60
On 12th draw, WE 15A 34 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other moves: TEW 15A 33, TWIGGER M3 28, WIGGA 4A 28, GIE 15A 27, TEW 12F 27
On 13th draw, MEIN 8L 38 --- MEIN to lament [v]
Other tops: MUIR 8L 38
Other moves: REIFY 8A 33, UNIFY 8A 33, MINEVER L4 32, ERUVIM 12G 31, VERMIN L8 30
On 14th draw, EDIFY 8A 36 --- EDIFY to enlighten [v]
Other tops: DEIFY 8A 36
Other moves: TODDE 13A 33, POLED D2 28, POTED D2 28, IDLE 12D 26, LOID 13A 25
On 15th draw, TOLD 13A 25 --- TELL to give a detailed account of [v]
Other tops: PALET D2 25, PETAL D2 25, ROOD 13A 25
Other moves: RETOOL 12F 24, REALO 12F 23, LEAR 12F 22, LEAT 12F 22, OLEO 10K 22
On 16th draw, ZA D4 47 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: CRAZIER M3 38, AZURN J5 34, CRUZIE 5J 34, CRAZE 5K 32, RIZ 6D 32
On 17th draw, BENT 12F 26 --- BENT an inclination [n]
Other moves: BEN 12F 25, BET 12F 25, TEC 12F 25, BE 12F 23, TEN 12F 21
On 18th draw, RHO 14I 33 --- RHO a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: RECOVER M3 32, VOGIE 6B 32, RHO 10M 31, EH 10M 30, EH 14I 30
On 19th draw, CERVINE M7 30 --- CERVINE pertaining to deer [adj]
Other moves: CAVING 5G 24, FUNGIC 4H 24, MEVING L8 24, VANG F1 23, CANG F1 22
On 20th draw, OX 10A 50 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: OXO 2M 41, OX 7B 37, XU L11 31, XI 6D 28, ZAX D4 28
OX 10A 50 OOOOOO1113
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