Game on June 18, 2021 at 10:46, 5 players
1. 86 pts moonmonkey
2. 86 pts sicilianc5
3. 72 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 30 30 


14D 49 79 


15H 63 142 


8E 62 204 


11C 76 280 


M2 80 360 


N2 27 387 


O4 46 433 


K3 70 503 


15A 33 536 


14J 55 591 


14J 30 621 


O11 36 657 


A8 86 743 


12G 33 776 


C9 26 802 


E4 22 824 


J5 52 876 


D1 32 908 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 0 4:04 -822 86 1.7794 moonmonkey 0 4:04 -822 86
sicilianc5 0 4:04 -822 86 2.7621 sicilianc5 0 4:04 -822 86
queen66 1 3:25 -836 72 3.7769 queen66 1 3:25 -836 72
4. -
XXXXXX1111 1 1:39 -856 52 Group: not rated
5. -
OOOOOO1113 0 1:56 -877 31 1. - XXXXXX1111 1 1:39 -856 52
2. - OOOOOO1113 0 1:56 -877 31
On 1st draw, TOUCHE H8 30 --- TOUCHE used to acknowledge a hit in fencing [interj]
Other tops: CLOTHE H8 30, LOUCHE H8 30
Other moves: CLOTH H8 28, CLOTHE H4 28, COUTH H8 28, LETCH H8 28, LEUCH H8 28
On 2nd draw, HAZER 14D 49 --- HAZER one that hazes [n]
Other moves: AZO G8 47, REZ G7 46, RAZE 14H 45, ZERO 14F 45, REZ 14H 44
On 3rd draw, SKOL 15H 63 --- SKOL hail [interj] --- SKOL to down a drink in one gulp [v]
Other tops: SKEO 15H 63, SOKE 15H 63, SOUK 15H 63, SULK 15H 63
Other moves: OES 15F 61, SUK 15H 60, SLOB 15H 57, SLUB 15H 57, SOB 15H 54
On 4th draw, YESTREEN 8E 62 --- YESTREEN the previous evening [n]
Other moves: RENEY 15A 38, EYRES 15A 35, SEYEN 15A 35, SYREN 15A 35, EYNE 15A 30
On 5th draw, UNPRICED 11C 76 --- PRICE to set a value on [adj] --- UNPRICED not priced [adj]
Other moves: UNDERPIN L1 74, UNDERPIN L7 72, PENDU 14J 40, PERDU 14J 40, RIPENED K5 40
On 6th draw, ATA(B)EGS M2 80 --- ATABEG Turkish ruler [n]
Other tops: AGE(L)AST M3 80
Other moves: AGAT(I)SE M3 78, AG(N)ATES M2 78, A(L)GATES M2 78, NA(M)ETAGS L8 78, TEA(R)GAS M2 78
On 7th draw, TELIA N2 27 --- TELIUM the cluster of spore cases of the rust fungi [n]
Other tops: TATIE N2 27
Other moves: LUTEA 15A 26, TATIE 15A 26, TELIA 15A 26, TELA 15C 24, ETA 15D 23
On 8th draw, BONDS O4 46 --- BOND to join together [v]
Other moves: BIDON 15A 35, BISON 15A 32, BIDONS L10 30, BLINDS L10 30, BLONDS L10 30
On 9th draw, UNTI(M)ELY K3 70 --- TIMELY occurring at the right moment [adj] --- UNTIMELY not timely [adj]
Other tops: (M)INUTELY K3 70
Other moves: SKOLLIN(G) 15H 36, LUNYI(E) 12A 35, LY(S)IN 15A 32, L(A)YIN 15A 32, (K)YLIN 15A 32
On 10th draw, DALED 15A 33 --- DALED the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other tops: DAEDAL 14J 33, DOLED 15A 33, LADED 15A 33
Other moves: DEDAL 15A 32, DALED 14J 31, DEDAL 14J 31, ALOED 15A 30, ALDEA 15A 29
On 11th draw, JAB 14J 55 --- JAB to poke sharply [v]
Other moves: JEAT 14J 54, JET 14J 53, JA 14J 52, BETTA 14J 38, JETTY E4 30
On 12th draw, JABIRU 14J 30 --- JABIRU a wading bird [n]
Other moves: NOUP J3 28, VINO 12A 28, PRIVY E4 26, OUP J4 25, IVORY E4 22
On 13th draw, VROUW O11 36 --- VROUW a Dutch woman [n]
Other moves: CORIUM O10 33, OVUM O12 30, COUR O12 27, COWRY E4 26, WORMY E4 26
On 14th draw, NEMATOID A8 86 --- NEMATOID pertaining to worms parasitic on the intestines [adj]
Other moves: AMNIOTE 7A 71, AMNIOTES G1 62, MINAE 12A 30, RETEAM I8 29, EROTEMA I7 27
NEMATOID A8 36 moonmonkey, sicilianc5
On 15th draw, OHMAGE 12G 33 --- OHMAGE electrical resistance expressed in ohms [n]
Other moves: GAM 13K 28, MAG 13K 27, MOG 13K 27, AIM J4 25, AM B9 24
GAM 13K 28 queen66, moonmonkey, sicilianc5
On 16th draw, VOUGE C9 26 --- VOUGE a foot-soldier's weapon [n]
Other moves: NOVITY E3 24, ENVOY E4 22, VEINY E4 22, VENTIGE F2 21, EGOITY E3 20
VEINY E4 22 sicilianc5, moonmonkey, queen66
On 17th draw, TWINY E4 22 --- TWINY resembling twine (a strong string) [adj]
Other tops: PAINTY E3 22, TAWNY E4 22, WANTY E4 22
Other moves: PINTA 7C 21, TWIRP I5 21, WAPITI 6F 21, AWNY E5 20, PANTY E4 20
TWINY E4 22 queen66
On 18th draw, AX J5 52 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: FIXIT 4A 38, COXA D1 36, IXIA D2 31, OF F5 31, FAIX 6C 30
AX J5 52 XXXXXX1111
On 19th draw, FIFI D1 32 --- FIFI as in fifi hook, a mountaineering hook [adj]
Other moves: OF F5 31, FOE F6 29, PFFT 4B 24, FA B14 20, IF 14A 20
OF F5 31 OOOOOO1113
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