Game on June 22, 2021 at 21:06, 7 players
1. 312 pts queen66
2. 289 pts moonmonkey
3. 250 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 86 86 


10B 67 153 


E4 94 247 


8H 92 339 


O1 74 413 


D1 36 449 


N7 85 534 


O12 47 581 


C7 88 669 


1A 45 714 


2A 41 755 


L6 68 823 


B6 32 855 


A8 69 924 


2J 34 958 


14B 28 986 


1G 26 1012 


K11 28 1040 


15A 36 1076 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
queen66 4 8:53 -764 312 1.7672 queen66 4 8:53 -764 312
moonmonkey 2 5:00 -787 289 2.7731 moonmonkey 2 5:00 -787 289
Mycophot 3 7:03 -826 250 3.7632 Mycophot 3 7:03 -826 250
4. -
BLANK55555 1 1:24 -982 94 Group: not rated
5. -
ZZZZZZ1113 1 1:49 -1007 69 1. - BLANK55555 1 1:24 -982 94
6. -
WWWWWW1112 1 1:01 -1029 47 2. - ZZZZZZ1113 1 1:49 -1007 69
7. -
QQQQQQ1111 1 1:21 -1040 36 3. - WWWWWW1112 1 1:01 -1029 47
4. - QQQQQQ1111 1 1:21 -1040 36
On 1st draw, PINCHES H8 86 --- PINCH to squeeze between two edges or surfaces [v]
Other tops: SPHENIC H2 86
Other moves: PINCHES H4 84, SPHENIC H3 84, SPHENIC H6 84, PINCHES H2 80, PINCHES H3 80
PINCHES H8 36 Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66
On 2nd draw, IMPREGNS 10B 67 --- IMPREGN to make pregnant [v]
Other moves: SIMPERS 14H 34, PERMIES 13G 30, EMPIRES 13H 28, EMPRISE 13H 28, EPIMERS 13H 28
PERISH 12C 22 queen66, Mycophot
On 3rd draw, SCRIBER(S) E4 94 --- SCRIBER a pointed instrument used for marking off material to be cut [n]
Other tops: CRIB(B)ERS E4 94, CRI(B)BERS E4 94, (S)CRIBERS E4 94
Other moves: BECRI(M)ES 13G 84, BESMIRC(H) C7 84, BES(M)IRCH 12A 84, C(L)IMBERS C7 84, ESCRIB(E)S 14A 84
CRI(B)BERS E4 44 moonmonkey
On 4th draw, PIVOTERS 8H 92 --- PIVOTER someone who makes pivots [n]
Other moves: VOMITERS C8 78, SERVITOR 6C 71, TORSIVE I2 69, OVERSTIR 6B 65, SPORTIVE 8G 64
VOTE D1 26 moonmonkey
VIRE D1 26 Mycophot
VISE D1 26 queen66
On 5th draw, EU(S)TELES O1 74 --- EUSTELE a plant part [n]
Other moves: EU(S)TELES 14A 68, (M)ULETEER N1 68, EUSTELE(S) 4C 66, EUSTELE(S) 14F 61, EUSTELE(S) O6 58
On 6th draw, KAWA D1 36 --- KAWA protocol (Maori) [n]
Other moves: KAWAS 4A 34, WAKA D1 34, WAKAS 4A 32, WARKS 4A 32, WORKS 4A 32
KAWA D1 36 queen66, Mycophot
On 7th draw, FRONDAGE N7 85 --- FRONDAGE fronds collectively [n]
Other moves: FRONDAGE 6D 69, FANGED C2 44, FADGE C2 39, FANGO C2 36, FONDA C2 36
FANGED C2 44 Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66
On 8th draw, WORN O12 47 --- WORN affected by wear or use [adj]
Other moves: KAWAU 1D 36, AWARN C3 34, NAWAB 8A 33, W*NKWANK 1A 33, WARK 1A 33
WORN O12 47 queen66, WWWWWW1112
On 9th draw, MAUMETRY C7 88 --- MAUMETRY idolatry [n]
Other moves: MURKY 1A 42, AERY M10 39, TURKEY 1A 39, MATEY C2 37, KAURY 1D 36
MURKY 1A 42 moonmonkey
On 10th draw, FOLKY 1A 45 --- FOLKY a performer of folk music [n] --- FOLKY down to earth [adj]
Other moves: FLOATY 2A 40, FY M12 39, KITTLY 1D 39, OILY M10 39, KILTY 1D 36
FOLKY 1A 45 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 11th draw, AX 2A 41 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: QASIDA 14F 40, AX I12 39, AX N1 38, XI N2 37, XI I13 36
AX 2A 41 Mycophot
On 12th draw, DATOLITE L6 68 --- DATOLITE a rock formed from boron and calcium silicates [n]
Other tops: DATOLITE L2 68
Other moves: DIASTOLE 14E 63, ETOILE M8 36, AIDE M10 30, IOTA M10 27, EYLIADS 14B 26
On 13th draw, JOE B6 32 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other tops: JOL B6 32
Other moves: JIVE J6 30, JO B6 29, JEDI 6J 28, SIJO 14H 27, JOY 14A 26
JOL B6 32 queen66
On 14th draw, ZA A8 69 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: BLAZON K4 50, ZONAL K7 47, ZETA 12A 46, AVYZE 14A 40, BENZAL(S) 3I 40
ZA A8 69 queen66, ZZZZZZ1113
On 15th draw, HALERU 2J 34 --- HALER a coin of the Czech Republic [n]
Other moves: H**L*HAOLE K11 30, HARE K11 28, HARL K11 28, HARO K11 28, HEAL K11 28
On 16th draw, DYING 14B 28 --- DYING a passing out of existence [n]
Other moves: NYING 14B 26, TYING 14B 26, GUIDON K4 24, DUCTING 5C 23, DING K11 22
On 17th draw, VINO 1G 26 --- VINO wine [n]
Other moves: VINO 3I 20, ENVOI M2 19, NOUT 1H 19, ONO C3 19, TOON 1H 19
VINO 1G 26 moonmonkey
On 18th draw, BUNDT K11 28 --- BUNDT a type of cake pan [n]
Other moves: BUDA K11 27, BUDO K11 27, ABUT K10 26, BAND K11 26, BANTU K11 26
BANTU K11 26 moonmonkey
On 19th draw, QI 15A 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QADI 6J 34, QUOIT 4K 28, QUA K4 27, AQUA K2 26, QUAT 4L 26
QI 15A 36 QQQQQQ1111
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