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Game on June 26, 2021 at 11:05, 7 players
1. 468 pts Chelsea
2. 248 pts sicilianc5
3. 237 pts HollyIvy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeknrr   H8    32    32   break
 2. aeiirst  13C    80   112   airiest
 3. bdehiru  12H    32   144   kirbeh
 4. ?efiptu   E6    74   218   uplifter
 5. aceinrt   8H    89   307   bacterin
 6. dlnoosy   F7    38   345   oosy
 7. ?diorvw   L1    80   425   overwide
 8. aaehntz  12A    54   479   zante
 9. aaenqtu   1G   101   580   aquatone
10. eeimosv   O1    90   670   sieve
11. dginost   2A    78   748   dotings
12. aegimnr   A2    89   837   dreaming
13. aadjnox   D1    52   889   jinx
14. adellmo  A11    42   931   azole
15. ddeemoy   B4    45   976   emyde
16. adgloop  14I    33  1009   apolog
17. cdllouw  15M    29  1038   wud
18. cfhllou   F5    35  1073   choosy

Remaining tiles: fllou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7761 FileChelsea     1 10:47  -605  468     1.7761 Chelsea     1 10:47  -605  468 
  2.7728 Filesicilianc5  3  7:29  -825  248     2.7728 sicilianc5  3  7:29  -825  248 
  3.7683 FileHollyIvy    2  2:47  -836  237     3.7683 HollyIvy    2  2:47  -836  237 
  4.7754 Filequeen66     1  4:00  -953  120     4.7754 queen66     1  4:00  -953  120 
  5.7745 Filemoonmonkey  0  2:24  -964  109     5.7745 moonmonkey  0  2:24  -964  109 
  6.  -  FileVVVVVV1111  1  1:51  -983   90            Group: not rated
  7.  -  FileBBBBBB1111  0  1:54 -1043   30     1.  -  VVVVVV1111  1  1:51  -983   90 
                                             2.  -  BBBBBB1111  0  1:54 -1043   30 

On 1st draw, BREAK H8 32 --- BREAK to reduce to fragments [v]
Other tops: BRANK H8 32, KEBAR H4 32
Other moves: BANKER H4 30, BARKEN H4 30, BARKER H4 30, BAKEN H4 28, BAKER H4 28

On 2nd draw, AIRIEST 13C 80 --- AIRY having the nature of air [adj]
Other moves: IRISATE 13E 71, AIRIEST I5 70, IRISATE I2 63, RARITIES 9F 61, RARITIES 9H 60
BREAKERS H8 42 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66

On 3rd draw, KIRBEH 12H 32 --- KIRBEH an Eastern water container made from hide [n]
Other tops: HIED 12A 32, HUB 12D 32, HUED 12A 32
Other moves: REDUB 12B 30, BUHR B11 29, BRED 12A 28, DIEB 12A 28, DUH 12D 27
HUB 12D 32 queen66, sicilianc5

On 4th draw, UP(L)IFTER E6 74 --- UPLIFTER one that uplifts [n]
Other moves: UP(L)IFTER J5 70, (S)UPERFIT 9D 67, UP(L)IFTER 9A 63, PI(S)TE N10 39, PITHFU(L) M9 34
PI(S)TE N10 39 moonmonkey

On 5th draw, BACTERIN 8H 89 --- BACTERIN a vaccine prepared from dead bacteria [n]
Other moves: CERTAIN F3 72, CRINATE F1 71, NACRITE F1 71, TACRINE F1 71, CANTIER I4 70

On 6th draw, OOSY F7 38 --- OOSY having fluff [adj]
Other tops: YONIS F10 38
Other moves: YODLES 12A 37, YONI F10 35, DOOLY B10 34, IDYLS N8 33, ODYLES 12A 33

On 7th draw, OV(E)RWIDE L1 80 --- OVERWIDE too wide [adj]
Other moves: OV(E)RWIND O2 64, VI(S)OR N10 45, VIO(L)D B10 39, WOR(L)D B10 39, DRIV(E) B10 35
WI(N)D D12 28 moonmonkey

On 8th draw, ZANTE 12A 54 --- ZANTE satinwood [n]
Other moves: HAZE 13L 47, TOAZE 1K 42, ZOAEA 1K 42, ZONAE 1K 42, HAVEN 2J 38
ZANTE 12A 54 sicilianc5
ZONAE 1K 42 Chelsea

On 9th draw, AQUATONE 1G 101 --- AQUATONE a type of printing process [n]
Other moves: QUE(E)N 3I 46, TOQUE 1K 42, ZETA A12 39, AQUAE 14I 37, QUINTA 6J 37
QUE(E)N 3I 46 Chelsea, queen66

On 10th draw, SIEVE O1 90 --- SIEVE to pass through a sieve (a utensil for separating the coarse parts from the fine parts of loose matter) [v]
Other moves: SEEM O1 81, SEMIE O1 78, SEME O1 75, SEMI O1 75, SMEE O1 75
SIEVE O1 90 HollyIvy, VVVVVV1111
SEEM O1 81 Chelsea

On 11th draw, DOTINGS 2A 78 --- DOTING an excessive love [n]
Other moves: DOZING A10 51, TOZING A10 48, ZIGS A12 42, ZING A12 42, DOSING N10 40
DOZING A10 51 Chelsea, HollyIvy

On 12th draw, DREAMING A2 89 --- DREAM to have a dream (a series of images occurring during sleep) [v] --- DREAMING the act of dreaming [n]
Other moves: MIGRAINE 6G 65, ENARMING O7 62, MAZING A10 54, ANIME 1A 52, IMAGE 1A 52
MAZING A10 54 Chelsea, HollyIvy

On 13th draw, JINX D1 52 --- JINX to bring bad luck to [v]
Other moves: AXON 13K 45, EXO N1 40, ZONA A12 39, JIAO D1 38, NOX G5 38
EX N1 36 Chelsea

On 14th draw, AZOLE A11 42 --- AZOLE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ZEAL A12 39, ZOEA A12 39, ALME 13K 32, AMOLE 13K 32, DEMO B4 32
AZOLE A11 42 HollyIvy
ZEAL A12 39 Chelsea

On 15th draw, EMYDE B4 45 --- EMYDE a freshwater terrapin [n]
Other moves: EMYD B4 42, EMYD 13L 36, DEY B4 35, YEED 13K 35, YEVE 2J 35
MY B5 34 sicilianc5
MY 2I 32 Chelsea

On 16th draw, APOLOG 14I 33 --- APOLOG a story presenting a moral principle [n]
Other moves: POOD K3 32, AGOOD 11H 31, APOD 11K 31, OPAL 11K 29, POOL K3 29
POOD K3 32 sicilianc5
ODA 13K 25 Chelsea

On 17th draw, WUD 15M 29 --- WUD insane [adj] --- WUD to cover with trees [v]
Other moves: LOUD 13L 28, DOW 15M 27, COW(E)D 3I 26, CLOW G4 25, COW G5 24
WUD 15M 29 sicilianc5
DOW 15M 27 Chelsea

On 18th draw, CHOOSY F5 35 --- CHOOSY hard to please [adj]
Other moves: FL(E)CHE 3J 26, HOWF 5J 26, OWCHE 5K 26, FOH G5 25, HOC 3G 25
CHOOSY F5 35 Chelsea
HOC 3G 25 sicilianc5

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