Game on June 27, 2021 at 15:07, 7 players
1. 481 pts Chelsea
2. 218 pts sicilianc5
3. 154 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 44 44
2. I1 20 64
3. 8H 80 144
4. 1D 42 186
5. 3B 70 256
6. M3 80 336
7. K5 44 380
8. L2 51 431
9. 11E 70 501
10. 12D 32 533
11. 2B 46 579
12. J1 36 615
13. 1L 41 656
14. 10A 33 689
15. 13G 79 768
16. A6 45 813
17. 14J 37 850
18. 15F 49 899
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7757 Chelsea 2 13:14 -418 481 1.7757 Chelsea 2 13:14 -418 481
2.7770 sicilianc5 2 5:55 -681 218 2.7770 sicilianc5 2 5:55 -681 218
3.7748 queen66 0 4:47 -745 154 3.7748 queen66 0 4:47 -745 154
4.7761 moonmonkey 0 5:54 -752 147 4.7761 moonmonkey 0 5:54 -752 147
5.7751 HollyIvy 0 6:34 -752 147 5.7751 HollyIvy 0 6:34 -752 147
6. - WWWWWW1112 1 1:44 -850 49 6.7466 Mycophot 0 1:48 -887 12
7.7466 Mycophot 0 1:48 -887 12 Group: not rated
1. - WWWWWW1112 1 1:44 -850 49
On 1st draw, EJECT(A) H3 44 --- EJECTA ejected material [n]
Other tops: EJECT(S) H3 44, J(A)CENT H4 44
Other moves: JEN(N)ET H4 40, JE(N)NET H4 40, J(A)NTEE H4 40, JETE(S) H4 38, JET(O)N H4 38
On 2nd draw, ENROL I1 20 --- ENROL to insert on a register [v]
Other tops: LORAN I1 20, NERAL I1 20, NEROL I1 20, RENAL I1 20
Other moves: AEON I2 19, ALOE I2 19, ELAN I2 19, ENOL I2 19, LEAN I2 19
On 3rd draw, (A)(P)OGAEIC 8H 80 --- APOGAEIC at the furthest point of an orbit [adj]
Other moves: A(P)OGEIC G7 67, COGI(T)ATE 7B 63, COGITA(T)E 7D 62, A(P)OGEIC G8 61, A(P)OGEIC I8 61
On 4th draw, IMPAVE 1D 42 --- IMPAVE to set in a pavement [v]
Other moves: MAUVINE 1C 39, MAUVEIN 1E 36, IMPAVE M3 34, PIEMAN 1G 33, PNEUMA 1G 33
MAUVE 1E 30 Chelsea
On 5th draw, INSNARERS 3B 70 --- INSNARER one that ensnares [n]
Other tops: INSNARES M2 70
Other moves: SNARINGS K2 68, SAN J1 26, SAR J1 26, ARSINO J3 24, JOINS 4H 24
SAN J1 26 Chelsea
On 6th draw, FOAMIEST M3 80 --- FOAMY covered with foam [adj]
Other moves: FOAMS 9J 32, SOFA 2B 31, FOAM 9J 29, FOMITES M3 28, MAFIOSI N2 28
MOAT 4A 26 Chelsea
On 7th draw, BUGGERS K5 44 --- BUGGER to exhaust [v]
Other moves: TUGGERS K5 36, BUTE 2B 30, GUEST L1 27, BERG N2 24, BRIGUES B1 24
REB L2 23 Chelsea
On 8th draw, REZ L2 51 --- REZ a North American Indian reservation [n]
Other tops: L*ZLEZ L2 51
Other moves: ZA L4 49, ZO L4 49, ZHO 2A 42, HAZEL L11 41, HAZER L11 41
ZA L4 49 Chelsea, moonmonkey, HollyIvy
ZO L4 49 queen66
On 9th draw, TUBENOSE 11E 70 --- TUBENOSE a bird having tubular nostrils [n]
Other moves: BUTEO 2B 43, TENUE 2B 35, TUBE 1L 35, BETON N1 34, TONE N3 32
TUBE 1L 35 Chelsea, queen66, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 10th draw, LAHAR 12D 32 --- LAHAR a flowing mass of volcanic debris [n]
Other moves: AHA N4 31, AHI N4 31, HAILER 12A 30, HEALER H10 30, HEARIE H10 30
AHA N4 31 moonmonkey, HollyIvy
HER 4D 26 Chelsea
On 11th draw, QI 2B 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QAID 2A 38, QADI 10B 37, QINDAR B2 36, QUIM 6J 35, QAID 13B 34
QI 2B 46 Chelsea
QAID 2A 38 queen66
On 12th draw, DOST J1 36 --- DO to begin and carry through to completion [v]
Other tops: DUST J1 36
Other moves: TIND 1L 32, TING 1L 32, TONG 1L 32, TUND 1L 32, TUNG 1L 32
TING 1L 32 queen66
TONG 1L 32 moonmonkey
TUNG 1L 32 HollyIvy
DERING H10 24 Chelsea
On 13th draw, TIKE 1L 41 --- TIKE a small child [n]
Other tops: TINK 1L 41
Other moves: KITED 10B 38, DINK 12L 34, KERNED H10 33, TELD 1L 32, TEND 1L 32
TINK 1L 41 sicilianc5, Chelsea
On 14th draw, LINEUP 10A 33 --- LINEUP a row of persons [n]
Other moves: PILED 10B 32, PINED 10B 32, PLIED 10B 32, PULED 10B 32, DIP 10D 29
NEP 10D 28 sicilianc5, Chelsea
On 15th draw, READOUT 13G 79 --- READOUT a presentation of computer data [n]
Other moves: READOUT 13H 71, EDUCATOR O5 62, OUTRACED O3 62, KOTARE N1 50, KETA N1 34
ROULADE A7 30 sicilianc5
LOUTED A10 24 Chelsea
EDUCATOR O5 12 Mycophot
On 16th draw, VEXIL A6 45 --- VEXIL the web or vane of a feather [n]
Other tops: VOXEL A6 45
Other moves: AX 2N 39, AXE N4 39, OX 2N 39, AXILE A7 36, WOLVE A8 36
AX 2N 39 sicilianc5
AXE N4 39 Chelsea
On 17th draw, ADHAN 14J 37 --- ADHAN the Muslim call to prayer [n]
Other moves: AHA N4 31, OHO N4 31, DAHOON 14B 30, HAD 4D 29, HOD 4D 29
AHA N4 31 sicilianc5
HAD 4D 29 Chelsea
On 18th draw, WOOFY 15F 49 --- WOOFY dense in texture [adj]
Other moves: WOOLY 15F 40, FLOW 15G 37, OOFY 15G 37, OWLY 15G 37, FLY N3 35
WOOFY 15F 49 sicilianc5, WWWWWW1112
WOW 15M 35 Chelsea
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