Game on June 29, 2021 at 14:01, 10 players
1. 304 pts Chelsea
2. 211 pts sicilianc5
3. 113 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 26 26
2. I9 34 60
3. 7C 69 129
4. 11E 92 221
5. 5E 110 331
6. L3 76 407
7. 8A 53 460
8. A1 92 552
9. 3I 34 586
10. M5 29 615
11. B8 40 655
12. N8 77 732
13. O4 51 783
14. M11 39 822
15. 2M 39 861
16. 1N 44 905
17. L12 25 930
18. A11 38 968
19. 15H 42 1010
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7673 Chelsea 5 5:44 -706 304 1.7673 Chelsea 5 5:44 -706 304
2.7851 sicilianc5 2 7:00 -799 211 2.7851 sicilianc5 2 7:00 -799 211
3.7315 Mycophot 1 2:20 -897 113 3.7315 Mycophot 1 2:20 -897 113
4.7791 HollyIvy 1 2:52 -897 113 4.7791 HollyIvy 1 2:52 -897 113
5.7725 moonmonkey 1 3:11 -913 97 5.7725 moonmonkey 1 3:11 -913 97
6.7787 queen66 2 1:50 -930 80 6.7787 queen66 2 1:50 -930 80
7. - CCCCCC1112 1 1:51 -966 44 Group: not rated
8. - NNNNNN1112 1 1:18 -968 42 1. - CCCCCC1112 1 1:51 -966 44
9. - WWWWWW1112 1 0:59 -984 26 2. - NNNNNN1112 1 1:18 -968 42
10. - LLLLLL1112 1 1:31 -984 26 3. - WWWWWW1112 1 0:59 -984 26
4. - LLLLLL1112 1 1:31 -984 26
On 1st draw, WOOLIE H4 26 --- WOOLIE a woollen garment [n]
Other moves: WOOLIE H3 20, WOOLIE H7 20, WOOLIE H8 20, OWLET H4 18, OWLET H8 18
On 2nd draw, XI I9 34 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XI(S) 10F 34, XI(S) I9 34, XU I9 34, (O)X I8 34, (S)IX 10H 34
Other moves: X(I) I9 33, X(U) I9 33, WUXI(A) 4H 28, (D)OUX 6G 26, (R)OUX 6G 26
XI I9 34 moonmonkey
XU I9 34 Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 3rd draw, FORMULAE 7C 69 --- FORMULA an exact method for doing something [n]
Other moves: FUMAROLE 7B 66, FORAM J10 37, FORUM J10 37, OF J9 36, FEMORA J10 34
FORUM J10 37 HollyIvy, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 4th draw, EGOISTS 11E 92 --- EGOIST one who practices egoism [n]
Other moves: GORSIEST E5 86, STRIGOSE E5 86, EGOTISES J7 77, EGOISTS 11C 76, STOGIES 11C 76
On 5th draw, AR(M)OZIN(E) 5E 110 --- ARMOZINE material for clerical gowns [n]
Other tops: RAZO(R)IN(G) 5E 110, ZIR(C)ON(I)A 5D 110, Z(I)R(C)ONIA 5D 110, (R)AZORIN(G) 5E 110, (T)RIZONA(L) 5D 110
Other moves: FRANZI(E)(R) C7 88, FRAN(C)IZ(E) C7 88, F(O)RZAN(D)I C7 88, F(R)ANZI(E)R C7 88, AZ(U)RINE(S) J1 87
On 6th draw, FO(E)TIDER L3 76 --- FOETID stinking [adj]
Other moves: TREF 8A 47, RIFTED 8J 44, OFTER J9 39, FOETID 8J 38, FORTED 8J 38
On 7th draw, SPEW 8A 53 --- SPEW to vomit [v]
Other moves: WEEPS M1 50, PEWS M2 49, WEEP 8A 48, STEW 8A 47, WEISE M2 46
WEEST 4A 26 moonmonkey
On 8th draw, RINGHALS A1 92 --- RINGHALS a venomous snake [n]
Other moves: HARLINGS A1 89, HADING 8J 38, UGH G7 31, HARL 9A 30, HARN 9A 30
RINGHALS A1 42 Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 9th draw, PERFAY 3I 34 --- PERFAY by my faith [interj]
Other tops: OYER 9B 34, PYE M2 34
Other moves: AYE 9B 33, OYE 9B 33, PRAY M1 33, PREY M1 33, PAY M1 32
PAY M1 32 sicilianc5
On 10th draw, SENA M5 29 --- SENA an army [n]
Other tops: SANE M5 29
Other moves: SAN M5 25, SEN M5 25, ANSA M3 24, AUNES 9B 23, UNAUS M1 23
NAE 2M 18 Chelsea
On 11th draw, PUBERTY B8 40 --- PUBERTY the beginning of sexual maturity [n]
Other moves: REBUY 2F 37, UEY B4 35, AYE 9B 33, BUY 2H 33, ABY 2M 32
BUY 2H 33 sicilianc5
AY B5 31 Chelsea
On 12th draw, DILATED N8 77 --- DILATE to make wider or larger [v]
Other moves: IDLED H11 27, DATED 6J 25, IDEAL H11 24, DAD 2M 23, DIE 6D 23
DAD 2M 23 Chelsea, sicilianc5
On 13th draw, CONDO O4 51 --- CONDO an individually owned unit in a multiunit structure [n]
Other moves: CODON O7 49, BIDON O5 44, CODON O5 44, BIDON O11 40, CONI O7 40
CONDO O4 51 Chelsea
BIDON O11 40 sicilianc5
On 14th draw, KAME M11 39 --- KAME a ridge of gravel or sand left by a glacier [n]
Other moves: LEMAN O11 36, AKE 2M 34, KAM 2M 34, KAM M11 34, MAK O13 34
KAME M11 39 Chelsea
On 15th draw, JAI 2M 39 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other tops: JOE 2M 39
Other moves: JA 2M 37, JO 2M 37, JIAO 2F 31, GAUJE F11 29, JEON 12D 29
JOE 2M 39 Chelsea, sicilianc5
On 16th draw, CH 1N 44 --- CH dialect form of I [pron]
Other moves: ETHE O12 40, HENT L12 37, HETE L12 37, CENT L12 33, CETE L12 33
CH 1N 44 sicilianc5, Chelsea, CCCCCC1112
On 17th draw, TELT L12 25 --- TELL to give a detailed account of [v]
Other tops: TELA L12 25, TELE L12 25, TETE L12 25
Other moves: EEL L12 21, LET L12 21, LIE 6D 21, TEL L12 21, TET L12 21
LET L12 21 Chelsea
On 18th draw, BEANO A11 38 --- BEANO a form of bingo [n]
Other moves: BRAVE 12A 28, OBA 2I 27, OBE 2I 27, VIA 6D 27, VIE 6D 27
BEANO A11 38 Chelsea, queen66
On 19th draw, QUINT 15H 42 --- QUINT a group of five [n]
Other moves: VEX 9G 17, QUEME 13J 16, FENI C7 15, ERUV 12A 14, FEG C7 14
QUINT 15H 42 queen66, NNNNNN1112
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