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Game on June 30, 2021 at 09:44, 2 players
1. 48 pts KKKKKK1112
2. 48 pts QQQQQQ1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. egimpsy   H3    88    88   pygmies
 2. bceinot   8A    89   177   cenobite
 3. adlpsuy   I6    28   205   ads
 4. ?deeghi   3C    82   287   hedgepig
 5. ?anuxyz   4B    61   348   zax
 6. aeilory   J5    34   382   aye
 7. ?effior   A8   107   489   coiffeur
 8. demnsuv   K1    37   526   mused
 9. aeinpsv   1J    48   574   impave
10. ailnnru   2A    29   603   urali
11. adinoou   N1    24   627   vaudoo
12. innorst   O6    76   703   introns
13. aaellrt  12H    68   771   laterals
14. beeentu  N10    38   809   belee
15. ginnotw   1A    55   864   noting
16. ahnotww   L7    68   932   wanworth
17. cilotuv  K10    32   964   oleic
18. kqrrtuv   F6    48  1012   quirk

Remaining tiles: jrtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileKKKKKK1112  1  1:29  -964   48     1.  -  KKKKKK1112  1  1:29  -964   48 
  2.  -  FileQQQQQQ1112  1  1:53  -964   48     2.  -  QQQQQQ1112  1  1:53  -964   48 

On 1st draw, PYGMIES H3 88 --- PYGMY a small person [n]
Other tops: GYMPIES H3 88
Other moves: GYMPIES H2 86, PYGMIES H4 86, GYMPIES H4 84, PYGMIES H2 84, GYMPIES H6 82

On 2nd draw, CENOBITE 8A 89 --- CENOBITE a member of a religious order [n]
Other moves: CENOBITE 8G 63, BOITE G7 23, BEIN G7 22, BETONY 4C 22, BOET G7 22

On 3rd draw, ADS I6 28 --- AD an advertisement [n]
Other tops: PLAYBUS E4 28, UDS I6 28
Other moves: DAMPY 6F 25, DUMPY 6F 25, LADY 9B 24, PLAGUY 5E 24, PUDGY 5E 24

On 4th draw, HEDGEPI(G) 3C 82 --- HEDGEPIG a small mammal [n]
Other tops: HED(G)EPIG 3C 82
Other moves: BE(S)IGHED E8 78, HEDGE(P)IG 5A 76, (R)EHINGED C4 65, (W)HIGGED 5E 54, HIGG(L)ED 5E 52

On 5th draw, ZAX 4B 61 --- ZAX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: Z(A)X 4B 58, Z(E)X 4B 58, AX(E) J5 56, AX J5 53, (A)X J5 52

On 6th draw, AYE J5 34 --- AYE an affirmative vote [n]
Other tops: LYE J5 34, OYE J5 34, RYE J5 34
Other moves: A(G)LEY J2 33, YALE 2B 33, YARE 2B 33, YE J6 33, YORE 5C 33

On 7th draw, COIFFE(U)R A8 107 --- COIFFEUR a male hairdresser [n]
Other tops: COIFF(U)RE A8 107
Other moves: EFFEIR(S) B8 40, EFFOR(C)E B8 40, INFEOF(F) C7 34, INFEO(F)F C7 34, GRAFFI(T)O 5H 33

On 8th draw, MUSED K1 37 --- MUSE to ponder [v]
Other moves: SUM K3 33, USED K2 31, SED K3 29, SUD K3 29, EMS K4 27

On 9th draw, IMPAVE 1J 48 --- IMPAVE to set in a pavement [v]
Other moves: PAVE 2B 40, NAVE 2B 36, SAVE 2B 36, PAV 2B 35, MAVEN 1K 33

On 10th draw, URALI 2A 29 --- URALI a plant which yields curare [n]
Other moves: LARI 2B 27, LIAR 2D 26, RAUN 2D 26, LIAR 2A 24, RIAL 2A 24

On 11th draw, VAUDOO N1 24 --- VAUDOO a primitive religion [n] --- VAUDOO to bewitch [v]
Other tops: ADONIS 9C 24, DOONA L4 24, VODOUN N1 24, VOUDON N1 24
Other moves: UDON 1D 23, UDO 1D 22, UNDO 1D 22, ID 1D 21, UNAI 1D 21

On 12th draw, INTRONS O6 76 --- INTRON an intervening sequence in the genetic code [n]
Other moves: INTRONS O5 75, INTRONS M4 66, NOTORNIS D7 66, INTRONS M5 63, INTRONS M6 61

On 13th draw, LATERALS 12H 68 --- LATERAL to execute a type of pass in football [v]
Other moves: ARILLATE F6 62, EARBALL E5 36, TAAL B10 22, TAEL B10 22, TEAL B10 22

On 14th draw, BELEE N10 38 --- BELEE to put on the lee side [v]
Other moves: BENET 13I 37, TUBE 1C 32, TUB 1C 31, BENET 11I 28, TUNE 1C 28

On 15th draw, NOTING 1A 55 --- NOTE to write down [v]
Other moves: GOWAN M9 37, INGOT 1D 37, TIGON 1C 31, GOT 1A 30, TOWING L4 30

On 16th draw, WANWORTH L7 68 --- WANWORTH a bargain [n]
Other moves: WAWA M11 38, (U)NTHAW 14A 38, HAW 11I 35, HAW M11 34, WAW M11 34

On 17th draw, OLEIC K10 32 --- OLEIC pertaining to oil [adj]
Other moves: LEUCO K11 27, CLOUT H11 21, EVICT 13A 20, FOLIC 11A 20, FOLIC 12A 20

On 18th draw, QUIRK F6 48 --- QUIRK to move jerkily [v]
Other moves: QUIRT F6 36, QUIT F6 33, LURK H12 24, BURK E8 20, KOW 10J 20

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