Game on July 10, 2021 at 18:33, 4 players
1. 71 pts moonmonkey
2. 71 pts sicilianc5
3. 71 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


5E 90 112 


8A 98 210 


6D 57 267 


B4 70 337 


A1 36 373 


4J 37 410 


C8 32 442 


D12 37 479 


15B 92 571 


14I 80 651 


15L 29 680 


K7 80 760 


8J 33 793 


2A 40 833 


1E 28 861 


J10 71 932 


4D 33 965 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 1 0:38 -894 71 1.7671 moonmonkey 1 0:38 -894 71
sicilianc5 1 0:54 -894 71 2.7939 sicilianc5 1 0:54 -894 71
queen66 1 1:07 -894 71 3.7702 queen66 1 1:07 -894 71
4. -
ZZZZZZ1114 1 1:36 -894 71 Group: not rated
1. - ZZZZZZ1114 1 1:36 -894 71
On 1st draw, BETID H4 22 --- BETIDE to befall [v]
Other tops: BIDET H4 22
Other moves: BETID H8 20, BOITE H4 20, DEBIT H4 20, DOBIE H4 20, OBIED H8 20
On 2nd draw, NO(V)ENARY 5E 90 --- NOVENARY a set of nine things [n]
Other moves: DYNA(T)RON 8H 83, ANNOY(E)R 9C 73, ANNOYER(S) 5C 70, NONDA(I)RY 8E 65, NON(P)ARTY 6B 64
On 3rd draw, UNSHARED 8A 98 --- SHARE to have, get, or use in common with another or others [adj] --- UNSHARED not shared [adj]
Other moves: HEARS 6J 38, HEAR 6J 35, HANSE 4J 33, HEARS 4J 33, SURAH 6B 33
On 4th draw, KEX 6D 57 --- KEX a dry, hollow stalk [n]
Other moves: FAX 6D 56, SAX 6D 53, SEX 6D 53, TAX 6H 53, TEX 6H 53
On 5th draw, PETANQ(U)E B4 70 --- PETANQUE a game in which bowls are used [n]
Other moves: PETA(N)QUE A2 69, Q(U)ATE 4A 49, Q(U)EP 4C 43, PIQ(U)ET 7G 36, BE(L)EAPT 4H 35
On 6th draw, MANURE A1 36 --- MANURE to fertilize with manure (animal excrement) [v]
Other moves: MANURE 4J 34, LARUM A1 33, ENARM 4K 32, LAMER 4J 32, LEMAN 4J 32
On 7th draw, DAFT 4J 37 --- DAFT insane [adj]
Other moves: FOID 4L 36, FOLD 4L 36, DOF 4J 35, FADO 4L 34, FIDO 4L 34
On 8th draw, SIGLOS C8 32 --- SIGLOS an ancient Persian coin [n]
Other moves: OSIER 12A 31, SEGOL 12B 31, SOGER 12B 31, UPGOES 4A 31, ORGIES A10 30
On 9th draw, WHOA D12 37 --- WHOA used to command an animal to stop [interj]
Other tops: WHAE D12 37
Other moves: HEW 9G 35, HAW 4D 34, HEW 4D 34, HOVE D12 34, HOW 4D 34
On 10th draw, FLATWISE 15B 92 --- FLATWISE with the flat side in a particular position [adv]
Other tops: FLAWIEST 15B 92
Other moves: SWIFT A11 48, FLEWS E11 41, SWELT A11 39, FLEW E11 37, WAIFTS 15C 36
On 11th draw, PEDDLER 14I 80 --- PEDDLER one that peddles [n]
Other moves: PEDDLER 14G 74, REDED 9E 29, PEDDER 14I 28, PEDDLE 14I 28, DELED 9E 27
On 12th draw, OOSE 15L 29 --- OOSE fluff [n]
Other moves: SOWAR 12B 27, SOWER 12B 27, SOWNE 12B 27, SOWN 12B 26, PETANQ(U)ES B4 25
On 13th draw, UNCOMBED K7 80 --- COMB to arrange or clean with a comb (a toothed instrument) [adj] --- UNCOMBED not combed [adj]
Other moves: TOMB 6H 33, EMIC 7F 32, COB 4D 29, MOB 4D 29, MOC 4D 29
On 14th draw, INCITE 8J 33 --- INCITE to arouse to action [v]
Other moves: ANETIC 8J 27, ENATIC 8J 27, TEC 4D 25, ACTA E10 24, CATE E10 24
On 15th draw, AVIARY 2A 40 --- AVIARY a large enclosure for live birds [n]
Other moves: VIABLY 12H 36, ARTILY 2A 34, ARTILY E8 33, VLY E11 33, RAY L10 32
On 16th draw, UNGAG 1E 28 --- UNGAG to remove a gag [v]
Other moves: GAG 4D 24, AGOG 1F 23, GOA J10 23, NOGG 1F 23, ANGA 1E 22
On 17th draw, ZOA J10 71 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other moves: ZA J10 66, ZO J10 66, JA J10 54, JO J10 54, JAZIES N10 38
ZOA J10 71 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, queen66, ZZZZZZ1114
On 18th draw, JOL 4D 33 --- JOL to have a good time (S African Slang), JOLLED, JOLLING, JOLS [v]
Other moves: ROJI 2H 32, JO 14A 28, ROJI F8 27, JOL E10 26, JOT N6 26
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