Game on July 11, 2021 at 08:57, 7 players
1. 438 pts Chelsea
2. 132 pts moonmonkey
3. 132 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 58 58 


8B 60 118 


4F 32 150 


3C 31 181 


D6 82 263 


10F 35 298 


B8 82 380 


15B 95 475 


4A 41 516 


A1 39 555 


E5 28 583 


14I 70 653 


13I 44 697 


O12 42 739 


2D 31 770 


12J 28 798 


J1 75 873 


1H 42 915 


7G 52 967 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 2 10:13 -529 438 1.7619 Chelsea 2 10:13 -529 438
moonmonkey 1 3:03 -835 132 2.7674 moonmonkey 1 3:03 -835 132
Mycophot 1 3:08 -835 132 3.7407 Mycophot 1 3:08 -835 132
HollyIvy 1 3:14 -835 132 4.7954 HollyIvy 1 3:14 -835 132
5. -
GGGGGG1112 1 1:00 -909 58 Group: not rated
6. -
UUUUUU1113 1 1:23 -909 58 1. - GGGGGG1112 1 1:00 -909 58
7. -
HHHHHH1112 1 1:47 -909 58 2. - UUUUUU1113 1 1:23 -909 58
3. - HHHHHH1112 1 1:47 -909 58
On 1st draw, QUAIGH H4 58 --- QUAIGH a small drinking vessel [n]
Other moves: QUAIR H4 48, QUAIGH H7 46, QUAIGH H8 42, QUAIGH H3 40, QUAIGH H5 38
On 2nd draw, ALTARAGE 8B 60 --- ALTARAGE offerings made upon the altar [n]
Other moves: TALAQ 4D 28, ALAE G6 20, LAER G7 18, TAAL G7 18, TAEL G7 18
TALAQ 4D 28 moonmonkey, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 3rd draw, LIQUEUR 4F 32 --- LIQUEUR a sweetened alcoholic beverage [n] --- LIQUEUR to flavour with a sweetened alcoholic beverage [v]
Other moves: QUIRE 4H 28, BIRL I3 24, BAEL G7 23, BAUR G7 23, BHEL 9G 23
QUIRE 4H 28 HollyIvy, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 4th draw, WAGED 3C 31 --- WAGE to engage in or carry on [v]
Other tops: WARTED 3B 31
Other moves: TAWED 3C 29, WARED 3C 29, WHARE 9G 28, WHEAR 9G 28, WHEAT 9G 28
WARTED 3B 31 moonmonkey, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 5th draw, EXTORTED D6 82 --- EXTORT to obtain from a person by violence or intimidation [v]
Other moves: RETAXED E5 60, DEX 4B 45, REX 4B 43, TEX 4B 43, EX 4C 41
DEX 4B 45 HollyIvy, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 6th draw, BESET 10F 35 --- BESET to assail [v]
Other moves: BUTENES 5G 34, BEST 10F 32, BUTENE 5G 32, PEST 10F 32, SEPT 10H 32
On 7th draw, ALMONERS B8 82 --- ALMONER one that distributes alms [n]
Other moves: MERLONS 11I 74, ALMONERS 6H 68, SOLEMNER 12A 62, MONER 3I 33, MORSEL M1 33
MORSE M1 31 Chelsea
On 8th draw, SKIDPA(N)S 15B 95 --- SKIDPAN a track for trialling cars [n]
Other moves: DISPA(R)K M2 93, DISPA(R)K K8 84, SKIDPA(N) M4 83, DISPA(R)K 11I 81, SKIDPA(N) 15B 42
DISK M2 35 Chelsea
On 9th draw, V(I)EW 4A 41 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other tops: V(R)OW 4A 41
Other moves: (A)WHETO 14I 39, THEW 4A 37, WHET 4A 37, WHOT 4A 37, THEOW 5J 36
THEW 4A 37 Chelsea
On 10th draw, PEAVY A1 39 --- PEAVY a lever used to move logs [n]
Other moves: PORAE 2B 38, FEODARY 13A 36, FRAY 2A 35, *F*YOFAY 2A 35, FAY 2B 33
FRAY 2A 35 Chelsea
On 11th draw, OHIA E5 28 --- OHIA a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: HID 7G 27, HIND 7G 25, HOOD 3J 25, NIHIL 7G 25, HIOI 7G 24
HID 7G 27 Chelsea
On 12th draw, ENATION 14I 70 --- ENATION an outgrowth from the surface of an organ [n]
Other moves: INORNATE L1 60, REANOINT L4 59, EONIAN 14E 24, NEK C13 24, NONET 3I 21
NEK C13 24 Chelsea
On 13th draw, FOLIO 13I 44 --- FOLIO to number the pages of [v]
Other moves: INFO 15L 40, FIND O12 36, FOND O12 36, FINO O12 33, FIDO 13K 31
FIND O12 36 Chelsea
On 14th draw, VINY O12 42 --- VINY covered with vines [adj]
Other moves: INVENT O10 39, OVINE O11 36, VEINY O11 36, THYINE 9G 33, VENT O12 33
VINY O12 42 Chelsea
On 15th draw, TUM 2D 31 --- TUM a stomach [n]
Other tops: NAM 2D 31, TAM 2D 31
Other moves: AM 2E 24, AMOUNT 3J 24, MAN 12J 24, MAT 12J 24, MOUTAN 3J 24
MAN 12J 24 Chelsea
On 16th draw, CAD 12J 28 --- CAD an ungentlemanly man [n]
Other moves: DACE G7 27, CAN 12J 24, CAR 12J 24, ECH 9F 24, NEK C13 24
CAD 12J 28 Chelsea
On 17th draw, GENERICS J1 75 --- GENERIC a type of drug [n]
Other moves: RECUSING K1 72, SCUNGIER K2 72, SECURING K1 72, CRINGERS L3 62, RESIGN M2 33
ICES M1 29 Chelsea
On 18th draw, JIGOT 1H 42 --- JIGOT a leg of mutton [n]
Other moves: JINGO 1G 39, JONG 1G 36, JIG 1H 33, JOG 1H 33, FALAJ K11 30
JINGO 1G 39 Chelsea
On 19th draw, ZIRCON 7G 52 --- ZIRCON a mineral [n]
Other moves: ZINCO 7G 51, ZINC 7G 50, BORTZ 11A 32, ZOA G6 27, ZO A11 26
ZINCO 7G 51 Chelsea
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