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Game on July 14, 2021 at 12:38, 11 players
1. 175 pts moonmonkey
2. 164 pts Chelsea
3. 157 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeorttx   H3    42    42   extort
 2. aehiirr   G6    72   114   hairier
 3. ?eopqtv   F6    35   149   potes
 4. adeimwy  H11    45   194   deawy
 5. beeopst   4G    30   224   expose
 6. ?adeiir   M2    84   308   airside
 7. agginoz   2J    70   378   zigan
 8. adiostw   O1    40   418   tsadi
 9. aaelnrt   8J    21   439   taleae
10. efgmnow   N6    33   472   foam
11. deknouw  13H    34   506   awoken
12. agnrsuu   9A    25   531   augurers
13. binoqrt   D8    52   583   qubit
14. ennsuvy   A8    45   628   savey
15. aiilnoo  14K    20   648   aloin
16. acdefhu  O10    45   693   fecund
17. aghlnov  12J    34   727   hog
18. eillnrv  B11    23   750   levin
19. abcmnor   3C    37   787   crambe

Remaining tiles: jlnnou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7546 Filemoonmonkey  0  4:01  -612  175     1.7546 moonmonkey  0  4:01  -612  175 
  2.7583 FileChelsea     1  5:36  -623  164     2.7583 Chelsea     1  5:36  -623  164 
  3.7656 FileMycophot    1  3:13  -630  157     3.7656 Mycophot    1  3:13  -630  157 
  4.7603 Filequeen66     1  3:39  -649  138     4.7603 queen66     1  3:39  -649  138 
  5.  -  FileGGGGGG1112  1  1:58  -717   70     5.7635 sicilianc5  1  1:11  -733   54 
  6.7635 Filesicilianc5  1  1:11  -733   54            Group: not rated
  7.  -  FileBBBBBB1112  0  1:57  -739   48     1.  -  GGGGGG1112  1  1:58  -717   70 
  8.  -  FileYYYYYY1112  1  1:53  -742   45     2.  -  BBBBBB1112  0  1:57  -739   48 
  9.  -  FileXXXXXX1114  1  1:04  -745   42     3.  -  YYYYYY1112  1  1:53  -742   45 
 10.  -  Filerrrrrr1112  1  1:26  -745   42     4.  -  XXXXXX1114  1  1:04  -745   42 
 11.  -  FileEEEEEE1113  1  1:49  -745   42     5.  -  rrrrrr1112  1  1:26  -745   42 
                                             6.  -  EEEEEE1113  1  1:49  -745   42 

On 1st draw, EXTORT H3 42 --- EXTORT to obtain from a person by violence or intimidation [v]
Other moves: RETAX H8 40, EXTORT H4 28, EXTORT H7 28, EXTORT H8 28, EXTORT H5 26
EXTORT H3 42 XXXXXX1114, rrrrrr1112, EEEEEE1113

On 2nd draw, HAIRIER G6 72 --- HAIRY covered with hair [adj]
Other moves: RHEA G2 31, HAE G3 30, HIE I3 30, AHI I2 28, HA G3 27
HAE G3 30 Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66

On 3rd draw, POTE(S) F6 35 --- POTE to poke [v]
Other tops: POTE(D) F6 35
Other moves: POTE F6 34, Q(U)EP F3 34, Q(U)OP F3 34, PE(P)O F6 32, PE(S)O F6 32
QI 10F 31 queen66

On 4th draw, DEAWY H11 45 --- DEAWY covered with dew [adj]
Other moves: MAYWEED 3C 38, EMYD H12 36, AWMRY 12D 34, MEDIA H11 34, DEWAX 4D 32
DEAWY H11 45 queen66, YYYYYY1112

On 5th draw, EXPOSE 4G 30 --- EXPOSE to lay open to view [v]
Other moves: BEEPERS 9B 26, BEE I13 25, BEWEPT 14F 25, PETERS 9C 25, TOPE G1 25
TOPE G1 25 Mycophot

On 6th draw, AIR(S)IDE M2 84 --- AIRSIDE restricted area of an airport [n]
Other moves: A(C)IDIER M1 83, DIARI(S)E M1 82, DIARI(Z)E M1 82, IRIDEA(L) M3 82, SE(M)IARID K4 82

On 7th draw, ZIGAN 2J 70 --- ZIGAN a Hungarian gypsy [n]
Other moves: ZEIN 8L 69, OOZING J4 36, AZIONE 3C 35, GONZO J3 35, NAZI N8 35
ZIGAN 2J 70 Mycophot, GGGGGG1112

On 8th draw, TSADI O1 40 --- TSADI a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: SIDA N4 37, SODA N4 37, AWETO 8K 36, SWEAT 8K 36, WEDS 8L 36
WEID 8L 36 moonmonkey

On 9th draw, TALEAE 8J 21 --- TALEA a recurring rhythmic pattern [n]
Other tops: ALTERN 8J 21, ENTERA 8J 21, LATEEN 8J 21, RATEEN 8J 21, RELENT 8J 21
Other moves: ANTLER L7 20, ANTRAL L7 20, ALTERNE 3B 19, LAETARE 3B 19, TARNAL N6 19

On 10th draw, FOAM N6 33 --- FOAM to form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) [v]
Other moves: WOF(S) 5J 32, GENOME 3C 31, WOE I13 29, EF N5 28, OWE I12 27
WOF(S) 5J 32 moonmonkey, queen66, Mycophot

On 11th draw, AWOKEN 13H 34 --- AWAKE to rouse from sleep [v]
Other moves: WOE I13 29, REWOKEN 12G 28, W*NK*D K7 28, WAUKED K7 28, OWE I12 27
WOE I13 29 moonmonkey

On 12th draw, AUGURERS 9A 25 --- AUGURER one that augurs [n]
Other moves: GAURS 10J 24, GNARS 10J 24, GRANS 10J 24, GUANS 10J 24, GUARS 10J 24

On 13th draw, QUBIT D8 52 --- QUBIT in computing, a quantum bit [n]
Other moves: NIQAB A6 48, QUINO D8 48, QUINT D8 48, QUIRT D8 48, QUOIN D8 48
NIQAB A6 48 moonmonkey, BBBBBB1112

On 14th draw, SAVEY A8 45 --- SAVEY to understand [v]
Other moves: SENVY 10J 42, ENVY 10K 39, SUNNY 10J 39, SNYE 10L 36, SWEY 14G 36
WEY 14H 35 Chelsea

On 15th draw, ALOIN 14K 20 --- ALOIN a laxative [n]
Other tops: NOLO 14J 20
Other moves: LAKIN K11 18, LIKIN K11 18, ION 14J 17, NIL 14J 17, OIL 14J 17
WON 14H 17 Chelsea

On 16th draw, FECUND O10 45 --- FECUND fruitful [adj]
Other tops: CHAUFE 3C 45
Other moves: FAND O12 36, FEND O12 36, FUND O12 36, HAND O12 36, HEND O12 36
FAND O12 36 Chelsea

On 17th draw, HOG 12J 34 --- HOG to take more than one's share [v]
Other tops: HAG 12J 34
Other moves: TANH 5H 30, HOGAN B11 28, AGO 12K 26, HALON B11 26, HANG B11 26
HOG 12J 34 sicilianc5, Chelsea

On 18th draw, LEVIN B11 23 --- LEVIN lightning [n]
Other tops: VENIRE 3C 23
Other moves: FOAMER N6 22, NEVI B11 21, LEVIN C11 20, LIVEN C11 20, LIVER C11 20
LIVER C11 20 sicilianc5
LIVEN C11 20 Chelsea

On 19th draw, CRAMBE 3C 37 --- CRAMBE an annual herb [n]
Other moves: ANCOME 3C 33, TABOR(S) 5H 28, CAMEO 3E 25, ANCON 15A 24, BA A14 22
BA A14 22 Chelsea

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